An evaluation of depression in HIV seropositive patients
The world is facing various problems, specifically in terms of attaining optimum health. Health issues and problems are one of the essential aspects that should be given empahsis. There are many different health problems all over the world and each should not be ignored by the government. One of the health problems includes the chronic diseases and other health problems like urinary incontinence. Accordingly, urinary incontinence has been referred to as the inividual complaint of involuntary leakage of urine. Such situation is considered to affect the social, physical, psychological and economic contet not only on the indivuals having the illness but also with their families (Hampel et al., 2004). This type of illness has reached the attention of various healthcare organizations around the globe because of its increasing prevalence among elder people. For instance, in nursing home facilities, the percentage of occurrence of this condition is considerably high. Accordingly, some researches note that the prevalence of this kind of illness ranges from 12%-15% in health care units (Campbell & Dowd, 1995). This type of illness has become a burden in the health care units since most of the patients are elder people in the hospital care. This type of health problem affects the quality of living of both the patient and their families.
It can be said that one of the most significant world health issue is human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. It has been noted that HIV epidemic is a tragedy, a tragedy of unfathomable proportion, in the lives people in the global community. Millions of people throughout the world have died of AIDS in little more than ten years, and it is estimated that there were 32.8 million people who are living with HIV and 2.5 million have been newly infected with HIV at the end of 2007 (Shah, 2008). One thinks of HIV disease first and foremost as a profound medical problem affecting a person's health and longevity. Different studies have shown that patients with AIDS-related complex (ARC) often experience anxiety as well as affective disorders such as depression. This depression can be due to the combination of factors which include their attitude towards their situation, knowing that they have a terminal illness; use of the drug zidovudine, which may cause depression; as well as the possible direct toxic effect of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) on the brain. Primarily, the main goal of this proposed research is to evaluate the depression in HIV seropositive patients.
Statement of the Problem
The researcher finds it necessary to determine and evaluate depression among in HIV seropositive patients. The study aims to determine the extents of the patient’s depression and the factors affecting them to feel more depress. Specifically, the study will answer the following points of discussion:
1. What are the factors the cause depression in HIV seropositive patients?
2. What is the level or extent of depression in HIV seropositive patients?
Overview of Methodology
This study will be conducted in order to determine and evaluate depression among HIV seropositive patients. In this proposed research, the descriptive method will be utilized. According to Creswell (1994), the descriptive method of research is to gather information about the present existing condition. Thus, this method is the most appropriate for the study. Two types of data will be used: the primary and the secondary data. The primary data will be derived from the answers respondents will give in the structured questionnaire prepared by the researcher. In addition, the information obtained from the interview will also provide primary research data that will support the study. The secondary data on the other hand, will be derived from the findings stated in published documents and literatures related to the research problem. These will be based from the recent literatures related steroids and athletic performance.
In terms of approach, the study will employ both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach will focus on the numerical findings obtained from the survey used in the research process. The interview on the other hand will make up the qualitative approach of the study as this will focus on personal accounts, behavioral and learning observations as well as on opinions and individual insights. This study will also employ qualitative research method as it will attempt to find and build concepts that will explain the relationship of one variable with another variable through qualitative elements in research.
Through this method, qualitative elements that do not have standard measures such as behavior, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs within the problem domain will be analyzed. Employing both qualitative and quantitative methods will help in ensuring reliable results. Furthermore, this strategy will help in overcoming the limitations of either approach.
NACO 2006. Monthly updates on AIDS. [Online]. Available: Retrieve August 4, 2010
People’s Daily (2003) “AIDS and drugs courses carried out in Schools”, March 14
Shah, A 2008. Health Issues. [Online]. Available: retrieve August 4, 2010
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