Comparison between the Learning Outcome of the Schools of Morning Shift and Day Shift
Learning takes time and the level of education varies on the styles, theme, and even the schedule. Most of the children find it hard to learn because of the influences coming from the global world such as introduction of the game consoles and interactive games. Apparently, the world of education is interestingly increasing which gives high respect to the institutions that gives value to the literacy. But time change and all the other things will turn upside down just like how a child turn to be a teenager, the lifestyle that they had established when they were young changes.
Background and Problem Statement
As well said, the changes in the lifestyle and the course of education of the adolescents because of the various applications associated in their studies. In case of teaching, it is assured that the learning outcome will reflect on the learners because of the aid of the teachers. In fact, the potentials of the teachers toward the full development of the student are emphasized. The development of the system in curricular and pedagogical basis is also at pace and be part of taking the responsibility towards the development of the learners. It is also noted that the learning gaps can be change through the effective use of the educational system such as the technologies to increase the teaching (LSRC, 2004). However, the teaching style is otherwise argued on what is the best time or schedule for a child to learn. The basic approach of the schools on the learning of the students is through engaging them in school shifting. The comparison between the morning shift and day shift is the focus of the study.
Research Aim and Objectives
The main aim of the study is to compare the learning outcomes coming from the morning shift of schedule and the day shift. In order to facilitate the investigation and gain the necessary information, the three objectives are given. First is to categorize the differences between the morning shift and the day shift. Second is to describe the nature involved and the strength of the two types of schedules. Third is to produce the similar and different learning styles implemented in the two types of shifts.
Literature Review
The learning styles in creating knowledge among the students needs a great approach towards their total development. As a major paradigm, shift assessment is created. The learning of the student is aided by the learning options and design which helps in producing the learning style and instrument. Because of the mismatching problems with the teachers and the students, the adoption of other educational intervention should be expressed. The learner’s comfortable styles might depend on the modes of teaching. The learning progression is somehow connected in the material, focus, and time. According to the experts, learning styles accompanied with the use of instruments are now widely used, but the reliability and validity is still in question. However, there are positive recommendations coming from the students, teachers, managers, supervisors, and even the researchers that the fundamental learning style should be composed of application and practice (LSRC, 2004). The learning hours depends on the learner’s capacity to handle the pressure but if the learning process appears in the middle of the day, then there is a growing concern regarding the sleep deprivation and fatigue (Cao, 2008). As compared to the young children, adolescents might experience different outcomes in attending school in shifts. The mode of attending the school can both affect the capacity of the child to learn and be focused in their studies. There is a tendency that school shift affects the health of the student and their function as a student (RadoÅ¡ević-Vidaček, KoÅ¡ćec, & Bakotić, 2007).
The suggested method in the study is the use of survey and interview. Through the use of the method, the study can relate and discover the new era of effective learning. Furthermore, it is a great way to describe the perception of the participants. Firstly, the survey will give to the students who are under the morning shift and day shift. The group of participants is equal on each group to create a balance. The participants will answer the questionnaires in a Likert Scale format to determine how appealing the learning style for them. In the second phase of the method is the use of the interview which entitles only for the teachers, administrators, and other facilitators of learning. The use of interview is focused on the ideas and opinions of mentors regarding the effectiveness of learning style/shift.
Cao, C.L., Weinger, M.B., Slagle, J., Zhou, C., Ou, J., Gillin, S., Sheh, B., & Mazzei, W., (2008) Differences in Day and Night Shift Clinical Performance in Anesthesiology, HUMAN FACTORS, 50(2): 276–290 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 July 2010].
LSRC, (2004) Should we be using learning styles? What research has to say to practice, Learning and Skills Research Centre [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 July 2010].
RadoÅ¡ević-Vidaček, B., KoÅ¡ćec, A., & Bakotić, M., (2007) Sleep and daytime functioning of adolescents on a two-shift school schedule, Chronoeducation, Basic and Applied Topics on Biological Rhythms and Learning, [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 July 2010]
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