Objective of a Well Organized Selection Program
Reasons for Proper Selection of Employees
Responsibility for Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring of Employees
Procedures in Recruitment, Selection and Hiring
Human Resource Recruitment Requisition Form
Posting and/ or Advertising Job Vacancies
I. Sources of People
Reception of Applicants
II. Types of Interview
Preliminary Interview
Employment Test
Interview of Human Resource Manager
Investigation of the Job Applicants Background
Supervisor Interviews f or the Best Qualified Applicants
Placement of New Employee
Types of Employee
Regular employee
Temporary employee
Probationary employee
Contractual employee
Casual or seasonal employee
Interview Guidelines
Human Resource Recruitment, Selection and Placement
I. Definition1
Recruitment – refers to the practices of organization to persuade people to apply for employment in the company.
Selection – the process of determining who from among the job applicants should get the job.
Placement – is the function of making a new employee familiar with his new job and work environment.
Labor Code of the Philippines
Definition of Recruitment and Placement2
Recruitment and placement refers to any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting, utilizing, hiring or procuring workers, and includes referrals, contract services, promising or advertising for employment, locally or abroad, whether for profit or not: Provided, That any person or entity which, in any manner, offers or promises for a fee employment to two or more persons shall be deemed engaged in recruitment and placement.
Studying the Different Jobs in the company and writing the Job Description and Specification. 1
Job description – Tells what is done on the job, how it is done, why it is done, the skills involved, and the tools and equipment used in doing it.
Job specification – In analyzing the job, it is likewise necessary to know the specific qualifications required of the man who is to do it, such as the following; amount and type of experience needed to perform the job, special training, skills and physical demands, special abilities and aptitudes, age, physical qualifications, and other requirements.
II. Objective of Well Organized Selection Program 3
The main objective of good employee selection is to acquire people who possess the ability and competence to accomplish successfully the duties and responsibilities not only of the job to be filled but also of the potential to grow with the company.
If a person is assigned to a job to which his ability, character, and temperament are not suited, he is likely to fail and thereby create a problem for management. It is therefore good personnel policy to attract and hire for every vacant position those who possess the ability, personality and potential to grow with the company and develop them into efficient, loyal and satisfied employee.
III. Reason for proper selection of employees3
There are several reason why employees be well selected; some of them are:
1. Company objective are better achieved by workers who have been properly selected.
2. An incompetent worker is a liability to the company.
3. Personnel requirements vary from job to job
4. People have varying degree of intelligence, aptitudes, and abilities
5. Labor laws protect employees, making it difficult to fire incompetent and problem employees.
6. Individuals have different interests, goals, and objectives in life.
7. Careless hiring is costly and can cause problems to the company, especially to the supervisors and managers who have to deal with the workers.
IV. Procedures in Recruitment, Selection and Hiring1
1. Human Resource Recruitment Requisition Form
To inform the employment office about the existence of a vacancy to be filled, the department head concerned should accomplish a formal requisition form. Indicating the fact and information about the vacancy filled:
Ø Position or Job Title
Ø Date when the new employee will be needed
Ø His rate of pay
Ø The required qualification of the employee
Ø The job description and specification
Ø Approval by the responsible official of the firm and other data
Time for selection – In making selection, the employment officer must be given sufficient time to recruit and evaluate records of applicants and to arrive at a sound decision as to the right man for vacancy.
2. Posting and/ or Advertising Job Vacancies
The purpose is to communicate to employees that they have priority over outsiders as far as opportunities for advancement within the organization is concerned provided they possess the needed qualifications.
Sources Of People
a. Inside Sources
Ø Job Posting and Bidding
b. Outside Sources
Ø Public Employment Agencies
Ø Private Employment Agencies
Ø School and Colleges
Ø Advertising
3. Reception of Job Applicants
To make the selection truly discriminating there must be several qualified applicants from whom final choice can be made. The chance of finding the individual most qualified for the jobs can be better achieved if there are several applicants to select from.
4. Preliminary Interview
The interviewer checks if the job applicant has accomplished either the Employee Information Sheet or Application Form. Using this as a basis, the interviewer then would ask the job applicant certain questions to check, clarify, or communicate information to the job applicant. Then, information about the company like its organizational goal and philosophies, people behind the organization, company history and products, environment for work, opportunities for growth with the organization are discussed.
Types of Interview
a. Directive Interview – The directive interview ask for specific information. The questions give more emphasis on the habits and character traits of the person.
b. Non Directive – Non-directive questions are broad, open-ended and require a narrative answer. They permit the applicant to narrate his experiences and to express his interests with minimum guidance from the interviewer.
c. Group Interview – This interview is conducted by panel or committee of three or five interviewers sitting as a panel. The manager of the department concerned is usually a member of the group of interviewer.
5. Employment Test
Employment tests are given to job applicants to evaluate characteristics that can not be measured using references, application forms, or interviews. The test to give job applicants should be those that work or is relevant to the position. Employment tests based on personal characteristics intended to be evaluated can be classified into: intelligence, aptitudes, interest, personality, and achievement or proficiency.
6. Interview with Human Resource Manager
The Human Resource Manager will evaluate the qualifications of the job applicant. The Human Resource Manager will send only a predetermined number of the best qualified job applicant for a given position or job to the line manager where the vacancy exists.
7. Line Manager or Supervisor Interview the Best Qualified Applicants
Depending upon the practice of the organization, the predetermined number of qualified job applicants for a given position is sent for an interview with the line manager or line supervisor where the vacant position is located.
After all the best qualified applicants would have been interviewed by the line manager or supervisor, a list of preference ranking the order of choices of the line manger is sent to the Human Resource Manager.
8. Pre-employment Medical Examination
Requiring Medical Examination as a condition for employment serves the interests of both the organization and the employee. On the part of organization, it is a device to ascertain that only medically and physically fir people are employed.
9. Placement of the New Employee
As soon as the results of the medical examination is received by the Human Resource Manager/ Department, the qualified applicant is given the good news that he or she is now a part of the organization. The final step in the recruitment and selection procedure is in order.
V. Types of Employee4
Regular employee
An employee who has been employed to perform necessary or desirable activities in the business or trade of the employer who is employed beyond probationary period.
Probationary employee
An employee hired for regular job or position after the probationary period. Where the work is learnable or apprenticeable, the probationary period is limited to the authorized learnership or apprenticeship period. If not hired as a learner or apprentice, the probationary employment period is maximum of six months period, the probationary becomes regular employee.
Temporary employee
A temporary employee is a person hired to perform work in a specific project, job or period, upon completion of which the worker’s employment is terminated.
Contractual employee
A contractual employee is one hired on an individual employment contract basis to perform work on a specific project or projects. The duration of such employment is indicated in the employment contract, which may not exceed six months.
Casual or seasonal employee
By connotation, a casual worker is one who is hired for only a few days or a few months at a time to perform unit of work or to fill a gap in the absence of another employee, or a worker who is hired occasionally and intermittently especially during peak production periods.
VI. Interview Guidelines3
1. Dress Appropriately
Ø Neat, Clean and well-groom
2. Be on time
Ø Arrive early but don’t be late
Ø This is the interviewer first impression of you
3 Bring Extra copies of your resume
4. Beware of body language
Ø Try to look energetic
Ø Display good posture
Ø Don’t forget to smile
5. Give Qualitative Answer
Ø Avoid Answering question using yes or no
Ø Give example of your past performance
6. Emphasize your strength
Ø The interview process is about selling yourself and what better way than to market what you do best
7. Remain calm
Ø Avoid nervous habit such as:
Tapping your foot
Playing your hair
Biting your nail
8. Make sure your initial non-verbal contact is positive
Ø Have a firm handshake
Ø Establish good eye contact while talking
9. When asked questions always listen to their question carefully
10. Obtain information for yourself
Ø Be an active in the interview process
Ø Don’t just sit there and not ask any question
11. Be careful of the quickie words. They can make you sound uneducated.
Gonna To tell the truth
Yeah Truthfully
“y know” Basically
Kinda Ok, well
12. Parroting Technique
Ø If the question is unclear
Ø Entirely appropriate to ask clarifying question or paraphrase the question to make sure you understand. “Parrot back”
Ø “Just so I understand, what are you asking is…”
13. S.T.A.R Technique
Ø Describe the Situation you were in or the Task you needed to accomplish; describe the Action you took, and the Results.
Ø Be specific, not general or vague
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