Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Bicentennial Man
The recent decade produced movies which caused raves, even more so from scientists. Movies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and The Bicentennial Man caused a stir probably because of the foreseen possibilities of creating human beings through the process of quantification of the information of a human being’s knowledge and applying it to man-made man. This proved to be problematic to some philosophers. There are many philosophers who put much effort in the study of epistemology, in order to resolve the matter of man’s problem on how he attains knowledge. Also in the domain of philosophy is the study of consciousness
Both movies showcases the field of artificial intelligence, a specialized discipline within general computer science, is directed toward the continuous augmentation of computer intelligence. A definition that perhaps became as the predecessor of other knowledge of AI is used by John McCarthy in a 1956 Dartmouth Conference. He referred to artificial intelligence as making a machine behave in ways that would be called intelligent if a human were so behaving. Another definition of AI is intelligence arising from an artificial device. Most definitions could be categorized as concerning either systems that think like humans, systems that act like humans, systems that think rationally or systems that act rationally. These indeed could be considered as the more general understanding of AI. The augmentation of intelligence in computers however, may be achieved by two general methods or by a combination of the methods ( 1993,).
AI and Bicentennial Man shown in the postmodern era has perhaps reached the age where human intelligence has been systematized to be “cloned”. The limit of science has not yet been attained and further developments would enable even bigger developments. But as of the moment what becomes problematic is the concept of whether human cognitive process in terms of human psychology can really be grasped in artificial intelligence.
The similarities of the two movies perhaps can be framed purely in terms of phenomenological or information processing theories of mind. Increasingly though, an understanding of brain function is being included in psychological theory and practice, particularly in areas such as artificial intelligence, neuropsychology, and cognitive neuroscience. Cognitive psychology is a framework in which to understand the mind more than a subject area, although it has traditionally focused on certain aspects of psychology. Perception, learning, problem solving, memory, attention, language and emotion are all well researched areas. Cognitive psychology is based on a school of thought known as cognitivism, whose adherents argue for an information processing model of mental function, informed by positivism and experimental psychology. Techniques and models from cognitive psychology are widely applied and form the mainstay of psychological theories in many areas of both research and applied psychology.
There are two forms of artificial intelligence that performs human activities in the mind. Bicenttennial Man presented the weak artificial intelligence that is limited to certain domains that the human mind can perform. While AI presented the strong artificial intelligence that is perhaps the more problematic form of artificial intelligence because it really deals with the creation of AI where the appropriately programmed computer really is a mind, whether or not building strong AI is possible is an area of active philosophical debate, as well as whether strong AI can be made truly conscious. Strong AI is frequently the subject of science fiction stories and plays a major role in futurist speculations. Creating strong AI has long been the goal of many AI projects, but at present none have succeeded. It should be taken note however that the terms 'Weak' and 'Strong' do not mean that processors with Weak AI are necessarily less powerful than those with Strong AI.
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