The overall event concept
Event Title: Wine Festival in the Gold Coast
One of the primary concerns of the analytic approach to governance is who actually plays what role in governance decision making. To address this question, taxonomy of roles must be identified and the concept of the stakeholder must be evoked. There are three distinct roles in administrative decision making. There are those who make the decisions; there are those that influence those decision makers by providing information or recommendation; and there are those that ratify decisions. The latter role involves having little involvement in the choice of a preferred course of action but, in the last stage, having the authority to accept it or veto it. For example, in many nonprofit organizations, the chief executive officers (CEOs) are the primary decision makers, but some of their decisions are put to the board for ratification (2001).
The great majority of the time, the board routinely approves these motions, though occasionally one may be vetoed and returned to the CEO to be reconsidered. The concept of stakeholder refers to any party that sees its interests being affected by the actions of a given organization. The potential stakeholders involved in governance decision for most nonprofits include some combination of the board as a whole, individual board members, board committees, the chief executive officer, other senior management staff, other paid staff and volunteers, users of the organization's services, members, funders, and government regulators. Various stakeholders have varying amounts and kinds of power, and those with the greatest influence shape a strategy from a number of specific decisions (2001). Stakeholders are given the outmost authority in any business setting. Their power and importance is beginning to gain slighter advantage when compared to an organization’s management team. The paper will discuss about stakeholder management. The stakeholders of the event include the organizing body, clients, local community and the government of the country the event will be held.
Aims and objectives of the project
The aim and objective of the project includes for the organizers to increase information to the clients about the products of Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation and how this company’s products differ from the competition. Another aim and objective of the project is to produce a better relationship between clients and the wine company. Moreover an objective of the project is to promote tourism in Australia.
Detailed event concept
The event will be composed of different activities that have something to do with wine and brandy. The event will also compose of different games and concerts that will provide entertainment and satisfaction to the different participants in the festivities. Moreover the event will feature new and exciting things that have a different uniqueness in it and such event will increase tourism in Australia.
Risk Management Plan
There are different problems that might cause the lost of success in an event. The risk of the event includes safety and security issues, weather issue, financial issue and human behavior issues.
Safety and security issues
In the wine event the safety and security of the participants, organizers and other people involved in the event is one great risk. People from the outside or unforeseen circumstances may create safety and security problems for the event staff and participants.
Weather issues
The condition of the weather may be risk for the success of the event. The unpredictability of the weather can cause an event to be stopped or canceled. The changing weather can create satisfaction amongst the different stakeholders and participants of the event.
Financial issue
Finance is one risk the event organizers have to give their attention. The financial status of the organization may depend on the success or the failure of the event. When an event fails the finances brought out by the organizers makes it go into waste. It also causes the stakeholders to lose interest when the company wants to put up a new event.
Human behavior issue
One of the risks in having a wine event is the behavior of its participants. During the course of the event intoxicated participants may do things that can cause the event to be stopped or they may do things that can hurt themselves or other participants. If this happens the event would not be a success and goals will not be attained.
Contingency plan
The ineffectiveness of traditional quantitative risk analysis to manage projects effectively has also been highlighted by who also confirmed risk factors outside the scope of quantitative risk analysis as a contributory element to failure. Quantitative risk analysis is an extremely useful tool for assessing risk, but it can only deal with risks that have been identified. There appears to be some confusion between the concept of identification and assessment. If a key risk element concerns human factors, then why not include this in the process ( 2001). To counter the different risk that has been mentioned the event organizers should have a well organized security and safety procedures and alternatives so that untoward incidences can be prevented. The organizers should have the enough funding to support its causes. The organizers should also have a specialized set of procedures that can counter any problems that will be caused by weather and human behavior risks.
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