It is very crucial to give emphasis on the role and participation of civil society in the government; as well as in the government sectors in promoting good governance. In view of the current situation, various nations experience poor governance of numerous government sectors. There are various government institutions in other parts in the globe that never give any consideration about the transparency of their activities especially with regard to their financial budget allocations as well as their accountabilities to the civil society. If a government could have done better in terms of promoting democratic governance, there would have been a large number of civilians that could benefit from all the public funds of various government sectors in every country. Let us take a look at the Citizen’s Charter; this is a document that must stand for the organized efforts and strong commitment of public officials, authorities and institutions towards the welfare of the civil society.
There is large number of citizens, volunteers and civil servants who would be involved in the Citizens Charter for the development of an effective system of effective participation of many citizens in the transparency of government officials’ decisions towards institutional reformation. The participation of the civil society would show the systematic program that could have been implemented by the government authorities that are addressed to civil society. The majority of the public could have benefited from the public services rendered by the government authorities. Good governance should have the regular information dissemination and consultation with the entire citizenry. There must be a proper promotion of their regular activities among the public. In the same manner, there must be an appropriate support and equal rules and principles in implementing programs, offering services and giving access of the benefits to the civil society. What else..? There should be also a proper implementation and mechanisms of addressing people’s requests, public applications, notices, appeals and promotion of right principles regarding public policies and appropriate usage of public funds for the well being of the entire citizenry.
In addition, Citizen’s Charter is also useful and effective in fighting corruption activities in the government. This is also a well guided principle for the public officials on how to use with all honesty and transparency the public funds. In other words, Citizen’s Charter is an interior machinery that would lead to extreme improvement and proficient method of interacting with the civilians. Regardless of many obstacles in implementing good governance in the local sectors, it is still important to take into great consideration the civil society’s role in promoting the principles of fair and just governance among the people in the society. The main goal of this agreement is to reinforce the real, transparent and civil society -oriented reformation in the government levels. Next is to promote widespread public part taking in the public problems and issues through a good set up of communication line and consultation centers for public forums between the citizens and public servants.
Like in the other countries, survey appraisals and questionnaires are very rampant to determine and to assess the satisfaction level of the entire citizens about the quality of service that the public officials provided for the people. In other words, the use of citizen charts is very important in every country to increase the level of awareness of the civil society about the public services offered by their government. At the same time, to promote modern changes through regular dissemination of information from the government and vice versa. By this way, it can be very effective in determining what should be done farther by the government institutions to satisfy the needs of those civilians. The discernment and behavior of many public servants would be corrected every now and then because of the people that serve as a watch dog for their wrong doings. Important to realize that, a good governance comes from a good interaction with the people whom the public servants should offer their services with all compassion and true generosity. Granting this to happen, many nations in the globe would be immensely stable; and there would be a total elimination of poverty among many nations. All children in the world; would acquire proper education as well as many professionals would be produced. In the same manner, numerous jobs and more industries would boom. People would acquire more jobs in their own country. All these dreams can be easier to achieve and would be easier to happen if all sectors in the government are joining hands in attaining better lives for the entire citizenry of all nations.
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