Altruism in Nature vs. Humans


The concept of altruism is “the desire to help” (1979) or “charity, do-gooding, philanthropy” ( 2008). “Altruistic behavior is common throughout the animal kingdom, particularly in species with complex social structures” (, 2003). Altruism is a relationship between a beneficiary and a sacrificer. Altruism in nature, or altruism in animals, is differentiated from humans in many ways including the way it occurs, the conditions, and the expectations. The paper will be discussing the comparisons and similarities of altruism in animals and altruism in humans.  


In a study referred by (2006) in a news story, altruism may have evolved six million years ago in the common ancestor of chimps and humans. Altruism can simply mean as thinking of others first. Understanding altruism in human as well as in animals is important so as to know why such behaviors occur. The Centre  (2006) reports that animals in their nature, are observed to be cooperative. Altruism in animals is a behavior that illustrates “helping another animal, at the expense of the helper's well-being.” The basic principle of altruism states that “general altruists only help family members and in this way the behavior contributes indirectly to the transmission of a part of their genes (selection of the immediate family).” Animals and humans alike are considerably altruist considering this basic principle.  


According to (2008), humans became altruists because of four (4) identified reasons. The reasons he mentioned includes kinship selection, reciprocal altruism, the promising look of having a reputation for generosity, and for ostentatious giving. The first reason explains that people are naturally altruist if it includes two (2) or more members of his/her family as well as the social circle where he/she affiliates his/her self. A person becomes an altruist if someone close to his/her needs help. It is simply rooted on kinship basis. Then, the second reason is likened to an action-reaction process or what-you-give-is-what-you-receive mentality. The idea of reciprocation rules this reason. The third reason is the promising look of having a reputation for generosity. The image of being an altruist or a generous person motivates people to be selfless regardless of their current reputations or identity. Any acts of altruism can change bad reputations. Lastly, the reason for ostentatious giving or “Potlatch effect” is directed into competitive objective which is considered as the most disappointing reason for altruism. As written by Holt, the proponents of this belief adhered that “…our genes have endowed us with genuinely altruistic instinct.”  However, Holt presented two (2) other similarly objective reasons, these are: Thomas Nagel’s observation that altruism is rooted in “the conception of oneself as merely a person among others equally real” and his personal reason that “taking steps to relieve the sufferings of others is, in this way of thinking, as valid my reason for taking steps to avert my own future suffering. The reason similarly mirrored on Nagel’s observation as well as Holt’s personal reason are said to be based on self-identity – who we are and what sorts of being are we. It is contended that such reasons are “not from the vagaries of natural selection.”


On  related article, the reasons identified reflected the idea of  theory of natural selection as adopted by . explored the reasons why people believe that altruism is dead. Among the sole reason identified is that “altruistic motives are often looked upon with distrust and suspicion” (1979). In relation to the same belief that altruism in innate to every person as hypothesized by researchers at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, the findings of the experiments as presented in the article say that “the roots of altruistic behavior are so deep that people but only help others, but find it rewarding as well”. Altruism exists and “a deeply ingrained part of human nature”. As according to , it exists and demonstrated only under certain types of circumstances. In the end, all experiments agreed that altruism exists as a human condition.


On the other hand, animal altruism could be an “evolutionarily stable strategy” ( (1982). Strategy is defined such that if all the members of the population adopt it, then no other strategies could invade the population. An example of this would that of male baboons and vervet monkey’s behaviours. The first threaten predators and then alarm the fellow monkeys of the presence of the predators. By doing this they are attracting the attention and putting their lives in danger (2003). It is also considered that a large collection of well-documented animal behavior on altruism is mainly based in kinship relationships and also evident amongst wider social groups. Kinship and reciprocity are among the most common attributes that pertain to altruism in animals. These attributes are also common among humans. Many research studies particularly those that are focused in evolutionary theory apply social behavior including altruism.


Reciprocal altruism is by far the most shared altruistic act. The (2003) explains that for reciprocal altruism to take effect, there is the requirement for individuals whom they have shared a past. The main principle is ‘if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours’.  The basic example of reciprocal altruism is among bats. A bat who has had enough feeding for the night will share blood with the ones who have not. By doing this they will expect the same behavior from those when they are not able. This act can be seen in chimpanzees as well. They will share food with others who beg for it but sometimes they will do it unwillingly. Another perfect example of this is the case of wolves and wild dogs. They bring meat back to their members who are not present at the hunt. Comparing animal reciprocal altruism to humans is socially enforced. "For a  hunter to fail to share a large animal with other members of the camp in which he is living is to invite violent retribution ..." (Moore, 1984). Also file sharing on the internet can be considered as a reciprocal altruism in humans. A useless file in your computer may be the one that someone has been searching desperately. Other examples can be aiding persons with wheel chair and baby strollers. Actions such as giving up your seat on the bus, picking up goods on top the supermarket shelf where they cannot reach, or even assisting them in places where there is no any ramp access can be accounted for reciprocal altruism.


Meanwhile, kin selection is basic to animal altruism. Altruists commonly shares with their relatives who are genetically similar. Dogs who often adapt orphaned cats, squirrels, ducks and even tigers are one example of this. Dogs are also the only animal that aid blind people. They ensure the safety. The guide dog is carefully maneuvering around obstacles, through crowds, and across streets. Same attribute can be seen in humans as well. The people are naturally altruistic if two or more family member needs help ( 2008). In some primitive cultures it is mandatory to help out a relative when the occasion calls. There is always a threat to be disowned by the family if it is not done.


There is another altruism behavior can only be observed in humans, since humans are considered as a “social creature”, is the reputation. (2008) argues that any acts of altruism can change bad reputations such as  who were early monopolists and then the greatest philanthropists of all times afterwards. The recent example for this is  donation billions of dollars to the . Just until 1998 was accused and sued by U.S.  for illegally opposing competition in order to protect and extend its software monopoly and made a fortune out of it.


Altruism is a conduct basically intended for increasing fitness. Altruism is a behavior common to animals and humans. This behavior is regarded as a strategy for maximizing sustainability among a group and even outside the group. Animal altruism provides benefits for groups but disadvantages the altruist. An altruist chose to put itself at risk for the benefit to the specie. Kin selection, inclusive condition and reciprocal altruism are the three most important element of animal altruism. Human altruism, however, is a basic behavior whereby socialization processes or interactions are the foundation. For humans, altruism is a necessity for survival, existence and functioning.         


Furthermore,  used the cases of  particularly the , a biologist’s stand on laying his life for his brother or friends (kinship selection), the vampire bats (reciprocal altruism), nineteenth century “robber-barons” like    (the promising look of having a reputation for generosity), and ’ philanthropy and the challenge to Google (for ostentatious giving). In addition, the findings of the study by researchers from the  were used to support the claim on altruism as natural in every person. On the two added reasons by , he used the practical scenario of  in a family. earlier research studies including that of    . The studies on organ doning of  specifically of kidney transplant by in Madison is also presented. These examples supported the claim that altruism in natural to every person.


With the reasons and examples presented in both articles,  believe that altruism exists particularly in humans. For , altruism exists as supported by “our understanding of what sort of being we are, not on the vagaries of natural selection.” For , studied and its findings say that altruism is a human condition innate to everyone but it is often masked or misunderstood. In animals, altruism is natural. It is not far different to that of humans.


In conclusion, it is considered that altruism is natural. For , people succumb to altruism because of kinship selection, reciprocal altruism, the promising look of having a reputation for generosity, and for ostentatious giving. He two (2) added reasons as based on  observation and his personal reason on people’s perception about themselves, in which are both based on self-identity. For Trotter, the reasons for altruism is natural, thus it is not dead as proven in many studies. The examples used by both authors include cases, practical example, and experimental research studies in various universities worldwide particularly those in the West.


Animals and humans are similar when it comes to the concept of altruism. More often than not, kinship relationships and reciprocity are the common denominators. The principle of evolution is also an important consideration. It is said that the similarities of humans and animals to care for each other is bounded on the fact that we need each other to survive. Regardless of selfish interests, humans like animals coexist. Survival means supporting each other especially on the basis of kinship. While human behaviors are considerably higher than animals in terms of their ability to think, “good instincts” are natural. It runs in the biological setup of creation.



















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