Generally speaking, leadership is a way to influence as well as to help other person or people to accomplish a common task that may contribute to the common growth and development of any organization. In the same manner, leadership is the process of successfully putting different individuals into one solid work force to integrate and utilize the available company’s resources within the organization for the common attainment of the company’s goals. An effective leadership is based on the situational factors of any organization that would bring out the best of a person as well as his team members even they are under any pressure situation. A successful leadership can be totally measured through complete trust between the leader and the team members. On the other hand, the person who acts as a leader of the group or organization must function effectively and efficiently that may align with the mission, vision, and goals of the organization. A good leader must have a good plan that would compliment to the infrastructural aspect and systems of the company that includes the technical, financial, interpersonal, compensatory and other aspects that would assist on the communication and tasks execution, planning, organizing and managing the entire team or organization.
In addition to that, a good leader must come up with the fair and reasonable maneuvering of his power and authority over the organization; control of power and position should not be aligned with his own personal interests, instead, it must always compliment to the interests of the majority of the team members as well as to the company. Additionally, there must be a fair recognition and compensation scheme or program for his employees; doing this may take effect significant changes and motivate employees to take initiatives and priorities towards their job responsibilities. An effective leader should always show concern to the well being of the employees as well as to the well being of the entire organization. By doing this, the person may lead to further growth and development of the people, and to the great future of the company as well. Furthermore, a good leader supposed to know how to delegate tasks properly and orderly to his subordinates that will coincide with the best performance of each employee. This aspect requires him to have a quick and rational thinking ability to keep a cool disposition if difficult situation or certain issue arises. According to Patrick J. Montana and Bruce H. Charnov, there are unique organizational powers that help a leader to control people; and become more effective in influencing his subordinates and peers. They are legitimate power; this power is usually exercised by the President Vice President, Manager, Director, Supervisor, and others. Second, the Reward Power, this is given to managers who hold administrative position. The managers are the one who give rewards, increase in salary, or promotion to the employees who are doing great jobs. Third is the Coercive Power, this is the ability of the managers to punish employees who are violating the rules and policies of the company. Third is the Expert Power, this is attained by the managers by showing his or her skills, knowledge, abilities and previous work experience. Fourth is the Charisma Power, a manager must have a charisma to bring positive influence to his or her team members. Fifth is the Referent Power, this power is gained by an association. And the last one is the Information Power; this power refers to the person who has important information that is needed to successful operation of the organization.
Aside from that, a good leader must have a good sense of decision making as well as the knowledge on how to act with all modesty and humility despite having a good position in the company. He should learn to accept his own mistakes and weaknesses, and supposed to learn to improve on those areas. Being a good role model to others can easily motivate the team members or the employees to do the same positive action. At the same time, putting own self to his employees’ situation makes his subordinates realize that their leader has a genuine and sincere concern for their welfare and improvements. Foremost, a good leader should learn how to truly love his people unselfishly. In times of trials and difficult situations, a good leader should show deep sympathy and concern to each team member. He must be able to make his people feel that he is always there to support them in every struggle they have. All these situational factors are just few reminders on how to become a good leader. If a person can achieve all these essential aspects, that is the time that he could be considered an effective leader for his team. Remember, the leader may not have a higher formal authority; as long as he produces appropriate traits , situational interaction abilities, functional skills, well mannered, knows how to control power for the sake of majority, has also the vision and values that would certainly lead to positive changes, at the same time a person must have a true charisma and intelligence to influence other people.
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