The needs of Diabetic patients to Diabetic Care Centers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Summary of project
Research should be quantitative, descriptive, explorative design to identify the needs of Saudi diabetic patients to diabetic care centers, to use care providers as respondents in gaining insights and first hand information linking to the awareness of needs and such needs assessment of diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia. Explanatory case study methodology has been used to research complex systems; useful way to progress complex research issues in health oriented research, there has been little evidence of happening. Needs assessment survey applies in this research mostly in dealing with case study survey approach, this will be appropriate by using of survey based statements from within five point scaling response system of strongly disagree to strongly agree. The sample population will have to comprise of diabetic care providers working in diabetic care centers in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, such as nurses and other care providers as they have close encounter to determine, recognize as well as assess to the needs of diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia. A total of 45 respondents will represent the whole population, coming from a total of two or more diabetic care centers in Jeddah Saudi Arabia regardless of their age, gender, status and length of service to diabetic patients as there will be establishment of causal ideas and concepts of such needs found in the diabetic care centers. There will be top confidentiality of subjects/participants in personal files, as there assumes that the critical role focus of finding out human resource oriented effectiveness in shared or traditional services ought to be on the values and ethics of mentioned parties respectively.
Description of project
The project concerns to diabetic patients in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, as research will focus on diabetic care of patients located in Jeddah Saudi Arabia
The core question implies, what are specific needs of diabetic patients found within diabetic care centres operating Jeddah Saudi Arabia? And how needs assessment can be realized according to health needs and standards of diabetic patients? Effective inclusion of previous literature studies will apply from such selection of relative journals and articles
What comprises to national standards for diabetes care management? For example, self management education perspectives as this can lead to specific needs of diabetic patients in Jeddah Saudi Arabia
The need to have preliminary literature on needs assessment concerning diabetic care and how it can be realized within diabetic centres operating in Jeddah Saudi Arabia. Noting health needs assessment for diabetic care centres in Jeddah to apply and execute
The important and necessary involvement towards known practice in diabetes care as it will have to be duly recognized, the need for research to realize systematic assessment of diabetes care specific needs found in diabetic patients in Jeddah and be able to propose respective interventions in health care practices. Research should be quantitative, descriptive, explorative design to identify the needs of Saudi diabetic patients to diabetic care centres, to use care providers as respondents in gaining insights and first hand information linking to the awareness of needs and such needs assessment of diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia. The research will be significant to health care workers such as nurses and clinicians’ work within Jeddah premises to care and thus, also relevant to medical students and health care authorities being part of the medical profession mostly catering to Saudi Arabia diabetes care and management can serve as one good material for reference and other relative matters.
Rationale/background to the study
Needs assessment for diabetic patients will be at the core of investigation as current approaches to needs assessment may be limited by time and context as much needs assessment activity was stimulatedby the advent of an internal market and by doubts about the costeffectiveness and appropriateness of care. Health authoritiesand general practitioners in their role as purchasers requiredetailed service specification for the first time. The usual medical care often fails to meet the needs of diabetic patients, even in managed, integrated delivery systems; medical literature suggests strategies to improve outcomes in these patients. Effective interventions tend to fall into one of five areas: the use of evidence based, planned care; reorganization of practice systems and provider roles; improved patient self-management support; increased access to expertise; and greater availability of clinical information. The challenge is to organize components into an integrated system of diabetes care path whether can be done most efficiently and effectively in primary care practice rather than requiring specialized systems of care remain unanswered. Diabetes is an example of condition for which knowledge of incidence and prevalence in relation to confounders is essentialif any valid estimate of need is to be made. In general practicesthat are known to have identified their diabetic patients comprehensively,the prevalence of diabetes shows closes and totally expectedrelation with the proportion of the practice list aged 65 yearsand over (Williams, 1994). Thus, practices that are unsure of the completenessof their diabetes register can get some indication of how closethey are to complete ascertainment by comparing their observedprevalence with that expected on the basis of this relation withage. However, it isknown that prevalence of diabetes varies between ethnic groupsand, equally important, that the relation between prevalence andage is different in different ethnic groups, the ethnic compositionof the practice needs to be taken into account. The purpose of needs assessment in health care is to gather the information required to bring about change beneficial to thehealth of the population. It is generally, but not universally,accepted that this takes place within the context of limited resources (Dixon, Harrison and New, 1997). The assessment of individuals' needs may form part of the assessmentof population needs, but it may be costly and it risks ignoring individuals with needs who do not present themselves for healthcare. Health authoritiesand health boards clearly indicate the timing of development bidsand the structure of applications they wish to be submitted. Evaluation of different purchasing models should help clarifythe population sizes for which needs assessment for different services is most efficiently undertaken
Research Method/Plan
Explanatory case study methodology has been used to research complex systems; useful way to progress complex research issues in health oriented research, there has been little evidence of happening. To review the explanatory based case study method and present framework for understanding how it differs from other case study methods. Review of the literature will be undertaken to ascertain to what extent survey method is currently being used in health care research. Finally, a model for guiding the implementation of the explanatory case study method is proposed in order to promote quality, rigor and applicability of this approach within clinical settings. Needs assessment survey applies in this research mostly in dealing with case study survey approach, this will be appropriate by using of survey based statements from within five point scaling response system of strongly disagree to strongly agree. The sample population will have to comprise of diabetic care providers working in diabetic care centers in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, such as nurses and other care providers as they have close encounter to determine, recognize as well as assess to the needs of diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia. Quantitative research applies as tabulation of frequencies and percentage ratios of responses to survey statements is imperative for method assimilation. A total of 45 respondents will represent the whole population, coming from a total of two or more diabetic care centers in Jeddah Saudi Arabia regardless of their age, gender, status and length of service to diabetic patients as there will be establishment of causal ideas and concepts of such needs found in the diabetic care centers
The below illustration can adhere to case study survey in such statement like integration
Strongly Disagree
The important step to achieve control and prevention of diabetes in Jeddah population is to promote and improve public education and increase public awareness about the condition of the disease in Jeddah and other locations in Saudi Arabia
Diabetic centers have been established and similar centers in all areas are necessary, as it is often difficult for patients to travel far. Special efforts are necessary in the villages and rural areas where education and awareness is limited, particularly in the older generation. These steps towards control and prevention cannot be neglected if serious diabetes are to be avoided
The role of primary health care centers in achieving the goal of improving awareness in patients and their families cannot be underestimated. Doctors and nurses can play major role in educating their patients by emphasizing the importance of dietary intervention, exercise, weight control and compliance
Ethical Issues
There will be top confidentiality of subjects/participants in personal files, as there assumes that the critical role focus of finding out human resource oriented effectiveness in shared or traditional services ought to be on the values and ethics of mentioned parties respectively. Ethical issues play vital part in every research endeavor as it integrates a sense of trust and confidentiality of the research in all its aspect, content and organization and the need too present oral and written consent is important in protecting all fields of the study not just the researcher but to the research participants as well, allowing them to have freedom in expressing oneself because they are comfortable and assured that whatever responses or ideas they contribute in research is safe and cannot be spread out without permission and without their knowing as the ethics will have to utilize aspects of the following points: protection from harm; informed consent; right to privacy; confidentiality and the limits of confidentiality; honesty with professional colleagues and other related ethical issues.
Dixon J, Harrison A, New B. (1997). Is the MHZ under funded? BMJ 314: 58-61
Williams R. (1994). Diabetes. In: Stevens A, Raftery J, eds. Health care needs assessment. , Vol 1, Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press, 31-49
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