Human Resources Development Problems
Human resource management and the associated strategies are important part of the employment nature within an organization. The support and development in this area is expected and argued to be complement with a specific policy or program. The human resource is also anticipated to evolve due to the influence coming from the globalization and modernization, therefore, development among the manpower should be the center of the human resource.
Background and Problem Statement
Through the various applications of the training and development policies and programs for the manpower, it is anticipated that the workforce can have the tactics and strategies that can increase the morale and motivation in terms of work deployment. In addition, the development in the human resource management, the internal management can understand the needs of the employees and thereby influence the operating on the behavior of employees. There is doubt, that human resources play a crucial role in the national development of the economy. The policies that were made by governing bodies should be focused on the development of the utilization of the resources that might answer the major problems in human resource management. However, what are the problems that plaguing the human resource development and should be addressed to develop the ideal human resource development?
Research Aim and Objectives
The main aim of the study is to investigate the problems that are present in the human resource development. In order to gain the information regarding the topic, there are objectives that should be followed. First is to review the literature regarding the traditional and modernized human resource management. Second is to describe the contemporary human resource in the organization and what the principles that the department is keeping in control. Third is to identify the ideas such as theories and models that are present within the human resources. And fourth is to give the factors that might increase the problems in human resource management.
Literature Review
The problems in human resource development (HRD) are identified to be in number of factors. All of the problems tend to influence the optimum allocation of human resources. Among them are the policies relating to recruitment, training, employment conditions, and the deployment of personnel. Equally important are the prevailing management environment, socio-economic conditions, and the traditional work culture. The changes in the business environment redefined the role of human resources (HR) professionals. HR executives are increasingly being called upon to team up with business managers and to take a more active role in strategy development and organizational design. One of the most drastic changes in the requirements of the HR professional, in recent years has been the increasing need for the top person in the function to see the business perspective. This business dimension has grown in importance in the last 10 to 15 years. However, it is highlighted that the HRD should focus in the development of workforce and believes that they are the people suites for the success. Traditionally, management has tended to view labor in terms of supply and demand with employees viewed as short-term expenses to be minimized at every opportunity. Personnel management was seen largely as playing a passive maintenance role, undertaking tasks that had to be done but that had little impact on organizational performance. Thus, personnel departments were the dumping ground for "welfare-oriented" organizational deadbeats who had failed in line management. The present-day human resources management (HRM) approach refutes this fallacy and asserts the view that employees can rightly be considered as assets. Value can be placed on them and they can be managed in the same way as a portfolio of stocks: to increase their value to the organization. The work of the HRM should be strengthening the recruitment policies and practices, training and manpower development, employment policy and conditions, management environment, supervisory, and external environmental factors in which the problems are commonly to be found.
The method in the study is the use of secondary data in which the researcher/s can gain from the case studies, human resource development reports of the organizations, and other context regarding the human resources management and its evolution. Through reviewing the data, the study can find the related information on what would be the problems that might affect the human resource development. In addition, through the collected information, the study can also jump in making a comprehensive analysis on why the problems still affects the modern human resource development and create a brief recommendation to find solution on the problems.
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