An evaluation of customer service or satisfaction at stage coach buses in Portsmouth
The research investigation will cater to customer service or customer satisfaction in evaluative process application at stage coach buses in Portsmouth.
Research context/background
There were strong bearing on critical outcomes, consumer satisfaction have been the focus of marketing practice ( and , 1996), having satisfied customers are viewed as indispensable for gaining a sustainable advantage. For instance, while the causal link between customer satisfaction and which of these constructs has direct impact on customer loyalty is debated ( and , 1992; , 1993), what is not debated is the universal understanding that keeping loyal base of customers is much more profitable for a company than attracting new clients. Not surprisingly, customer satisfaction is among heavily studied concepts by managers. For services high in credence properties, consumers typically do not have enough skill, expertise, or education to adequately evaluate the service. Instead they rely more on peripheral cues such as the personal attention they receive from the service provider. The satisfaction is highly dependent on the human interaction component of service delivery, and affective considerations are more important. In services which are high in experience properties, however, consumer satisfaction is probably based more on cognitive factors than emotional ones (., 1994).
Research problem
The one problem of research relates to first hand evaluation of customer satisfaction as it can be that there may lack of research studies with regards to the latter upon direct assimilation of information in support cases and structures at stage coach buses customers at Portsmouth. Aside, there can be lack of research preciseness and spontaneity that implies to primary and secondary research sources from wherein research paradigm can impede ways of successfully gather relevant information in research.
Aims of the study
The study aims to present a precise encounter of customer service/satisfaction literature upon which evaluation technique assimilation will be possible. Aims at bringing in primary and secondary research together in order to understand better how stage coach buses customers at Portsmouth are amiably satisfied to the services provided by the latter. Another research aim is to develop model that depicts exactly how satisfaction levels relate to relevant relationship-oriented outcomes including minimization of complaints to others, emotional bonding, and an increased propensity to continue the customer-service provider relationship.
Research objectives
There is ample need to determine customer service/satisfaction in literature base and informative ground
The collating as well as gathering of appropriate literature studies focusing on evaluation of customer service/satisfaction as ideal as possible
The need to assess evaluation models that caters to customer service/satisfaction in lieu to research method approaches particularly adhering to customer satisfaction survey, customers at stage coach buses at Portsmouth
The recognition and execution of research methodology in comprehensive pattern using in research respondents
Research questions
What is customer service/satisfaction all about? How the latter achieve an effective evaluation posits in the context of stage coach buses at Portsmouth?
What comprises of customer service/satisfaction evaluation? Discuss aspects and processes pointing to such tools known and presented for evaluation
What are some ways to evaluate customer service/satisfaction? How is customer satisfaction evaluation present an effective tool for customer assessment linking to Portsmouth?
Does customer satisfaction survey places an effective evaluation tool catering to stage coach buses at Portsmouth? How and why?
Significance of the study
The study will be significant to stage coach buses operators and management noting in how they can increase customer satisfaction levels from certain products and services offered and how they can comply with the demands of competitive market structures and other imperative routes in lieu to a better customer relationship and such relative utterances. The study is also significant to marketers and other business establishments at Portsmouth as well as to several business marketing students and MBA graduates pursing master studies.
Research design and methodology
The research design will be of preliminary literature review along with case study approach placing in case survey methodology, this will be in survey statements comprising of five response alternative classification such as below.
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customers vary in their relationships with a firm on a continuum from transactional to highly relational bonds
Satisfaction is best specified as function of perceived quality and disconfirmation, extent to which perceived quality fails to match purchase expectations
Customers often react strongly to service failures, so it is critical that an organization's recovery efforts be equally strong and effective
Sampling strategy
Random sampling of respondents will be in part along with such content analysis pertaining to the case survey approach
Data collection instruments
Data will be collected through responses and that materials imply to survey statements through a five point scaling system for discussion and analysis of research outcomes. Customer satisfaction will be operationalized by a five-item measure. After defining each item, respondents will be asked to rate their level of satisfaction on dimension on five-point scale. For instance, to measure their satisfaction with buses services, to indicate their satisfaction concerning the services they received from bus operators and management. Responses to the five items will be in summation in order to derive the customer satisfaction percentage for each survey statement.
Data analysis
Data will be analyzed through Likert scaling tabulation and interpretation, this will be in percentage frequency ratios, the five items adapted from scales developed and validated by and (1995) are need to be employed to measure affective commitment and continuance commitment as in the cases of other multi-item scales, scores for satisfaction measures are derived upon summing the items. Descriptive statistics, sample items as well as internal consistency reliability estimates for the study measures are to be in presentation domain.
Pilot study
There will be a total of 50 customers at stage coach buses in Portsmouth will be given survey questionnaire hand outs and that they will be ask to rank survey statements from such 1 to 5 of strongly disagree down to strongly disagree as there accounts for customer service/satisfaction survey
Ethical considerations
Confidentially is to be served as one core ethics consideration of research and that names of respondents are not be divulge or given to anyone without any prior purpose as well as permission of the respondent. Surveys will be subject for reliability and validity of content for unified nature of research design and methodology.
Chapter organization
Chapter 1 will deal with research introduction along with aims, questions and objectives and other initial start will be a part of this chapter
Chapter 2 will impose literature organization and its processes as placed in various headings and sub headings for content preciseness
Chapter 3 will imply to detailed and comprehensive encounter of research methodology in complete organization and this will put in the complete case survey method along with relevant statements of such kind. Discussion and justification of methods will be in part of the chapter.
Chapter 4 will have presentation of results and discussion of research findings and evidence this will present respondents responses to the survey along with analysis and interpretation as noted and illustrated through tables, diagrams and figures as possible
Chapter 5 deals with comprehensive research summary, ideal conclusion or generalization which comprises learning and reflection also, sets of recommendation and future research will be included
Chapter 6 will have full length references and several essential bibliographies and appendices (optional)
Proposed timetable
Week/Month (May to July, 2009)
Select topic
Undertake preliminary literature search
Write-up aims and objectives
Select appropriate methodology and locate sources of information. Confirm access.
Write-up Dissertation Plan
Undertake and write-up draft critical literature review.
Secondary and Primary Data Detailed
Research Findings:
- Analyzed
- Evaluated
- Written-up
Research findings evaluated and discussed in relation to the literature review
Methodology written-up
(including limitations and constraints)
Main body of the report written-up and checked for logical structure
Conclusions drawn
Recommendations made
Introduction and Executive Summary written-up
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