The youth of today are the adventurous type of people. They are not afraid to try and explore anything and one of the fields that they like to discover is the world of sex. They love to experience the thrill of doing something taboo but they are usually careless in their acts. This resulted to unwanted pregnancy for the woman that may leads to a lot of different problems. However, there is nothing to worry about because there is one quick solution to all of these and that is abortion.
The usual connotation to the word abortion is killing the unborn fetus inside the womb of the woman. Some say this is a morbid act or they even consider it as a mortal sin but for a common youth who has a lot of dreams to pursue this is the only answer to her dilemma. Abortion creates a bad image to the society today especially if it is a Christian community but to a lot think that this action is just a mere practice of practicality and common sense. They believe that you do not have to force yourself responsible to something that you do not like. Actually, abortion is somewhat helpful because it can aid the society’s problem regarding over population and poverty.
Sometimes in order to survive in this reality you have to learn to do something out of the book. This is a survival of the fittest and abortion is just a tool to keep on living.
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