A Child’s Profile Based on Observation
In the child’s developing stage, it is better that the mother or both of the parents is guiding their child to achieve the mind and body development. Through the encouragement of the pediatricians, the parents are aware about the conditions of their child. The period where the child is starting to discover his abilities is considered as one of the crucial parts of his full development and developing his other potentials. During the early childhood that usually ranges in the age 18 months and below, there is an early detection of the capability and incapability of the child that is usually seen in the motor skills of the child.
Chosen Method: Gross Motor Skills
The motor skills are actions that involve the movement of the body. The motor skills are usually divided in to two groups which are the fine motor skills and the gross motor skills. In the first definition, the fine motors can be described as the movement of the body in smaller actions such as the movements of the hands, wrists, fingers, toes, lips, and tongue. Meanwhile, the gross motor skills, which is also the applied method in the observing a child, can be describe as the counterpart of the fine motor skills. Meaning, the gross motor is the movement of the body which includes the large muscles such as the arms, legs, feet, or the entire body. Both of the motor skills are usually develop together because there are many activities that a child alone or with the guidance of the parents can do. The reason on choosing the gross motor skills is for that it creates a big impression on the side of the observer.
The gross motor skills are obvious in the child’s actions and it can develop over a relatively short period of time. Because most of the development occurs during childhood, there is a chance or possibility that the gross motor skills my not develop well.
Developmental Observation
All children develop the gross motor skills at different times. Some children might be advanced in learning those skills. However, the parents should be aware and be on concern when the children as falling significantly below their age level. Therefore, there is a necessary guideline for the parents to determine that their child is going well with the other children.
During the observation of a girl in the playschool, there is an obvious gross motor skill that the girl exerted. She is only 16 months old and very active in play. The young complete withdraw herself from the support of the other people like her mother or the playschool teachers. Often, this girl can’t stand too long and wants to sit or roll over for the things within her reach. When she starts to stoop to pick up toys she is very concern on how she will stand. If there is an available table or chair, she will use it as a support. Her favorite play is throwing or rolling the ball and then give that sweet smile whenever she get it back in her grasp. In most of her play, she is very irritable when someone caught her favorite ball. But she never cries if there is some kid that bumps on her. The most significant action she does during her play time is to carry the things while walking to find a good place for her. Based on her actions, the young has her own ideas in judging on finding the suitable place for her to play.
The study of the young girl’s gross motor skills demonstrated the competence in a variety of the activities she did during her playtime. Most of her movements are coordinated with the use of her large muscles as if it is required in her playing. In an in-depth sense, the young girl is unaware that she combined several motor skills in an organized way just to satisfy the performance in the activities. It is seen whenever the girl picked up her toys, throw the ball and catch it again, and walking while carrying her toys. The physical activity that a child is engaged to is sometimes based on her own observation of the other children or initiated of the teachers.
On the behavior of the child, she only acts based on her environment or through her body control. She is very aware about the things in her environment and coordinated every situation on her large-muscle movements. From there, the young girl can deliver the activities well and satisfy her need for play. The behaviors or the way she act only emphasized her age. The young girl, as well as the other children, loves to play and can get mad if the things they want is not in their hand. Therefore, the young girl is using her muscles, bending her knees, and extending her arm to reach for her favorite toy. It is normal for the children to be noisy and play with the other kids, but the 16-month old girl can play alone. This is because her attention is derived on her toy and the young girl doesn’t want to play along with the kids in the place where she feels uncomfortable.
Recommendation and Conclusion
Based on the observation of the child’s development, there are equivalent skills that a child of should perform. In this idea, the collaboration of the parents should provide the children with opportunities to engage in a wide variety of gross-motor activities to learn the full control of her body. One of the major tasks in gross motor development is locomotion or the ability to move from one place to another. In the early exposure of the child in the different skills, the needs are recognized especially on those children that really needs a special attention. The gross motor is important for the children that have problems such as in hearing or sight. In the early guidance of these children, they can support themselves even if their family is not in their side to answer their needs.
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