Currently, there are different factors which are affecting the entire business world, particularly in the aspect of managing human resource. This aspect is important because human resource or the people are considered as the most important aspect to success of any company in any industry. As a result, more and more companies are focusing on improving their standards and policies in handling human resource, particularly those that will help to attract and retain talents inside the organization. This aspect is important, particularly in Asian countries, particularly in Malaysia because of the ongoing skills shortage which created talent wars for different organizations in the country.
Benefits are an important aspect in human resource, particularly about motivation of the employees and the attractiveness of the company to the employees or talents. On the other hand, it can help the company to focus on maintaining or sustaining their talents, which can help the company to save money and effort in selection, hiring and retaining process. Employee benefits corresponds to almost any form of compensation which is being offered via two forms: first is in a form other than the direct wages; second is required by law which include contributions to Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance as well as compensation insurance of the worker (Marsh & Kleiner n.d.).
Currently, flexible benefits plan is gaining popularity in different organizations, employers and employee. Flexible benefits or also known as cafeteria plans are arrangement where in the employees can tailor their benefits package based on their specific needs and demands. Under this benefit plan, the employee can choose the benefits which they value the most and may forgo benefits that are lesser important to them. The employer assigns a specified amount of money to each employee in order to “purchase” a specific benefit. By doing this, employers will have the control over the amount they spend on each employee for benefits, while the employee selects the benefits. This method is different from the traditional benefits program, where in an employer provides a standard package with few, if any, choices towards the employees (Meisenheimer & Wiatrowki 1989).
This paper will focus on the different benefits and advantages of using flexible benefits in building a relationship with the labor force of the companies in Malaysia. The case of DHL will be used in order to analyze the said relationship. Different data and information will be gathered by using secondary data from the website of the company, together with the different resources including news and articles about the company, and will be supported by different theories from different books, journals and past studies about flexible benefits. Survey questionnaires were also disseminate to 20 employees in order to gather first hand or primary data which will be used in order to analyze the perceptions of the employees towards the flexible benefits plan that are being implemented by DHL.
Company Background Related to Problem
DHL was founded in San Francisco almost 40 years ago by Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom and Robet Lynn. Currently, it stands tall as the global leader in the market of international express and logistic industry. In 1969, DHL took its first small steps in building for the future by shipping papers in personal manner by airplane from San Francisco to Honolulu. Due to the different strategies and movements of the company, DHL grew ever larger and reaching out to new customers in every parts of the world in gradual manner. Simultaneously, the marketplace developed and became more complicated, as a result, DHL adapted in order to meet the changing needs of the customers in global and local level.
Currently, DHL’s international network links to more than 220 countries and territories in the world and provide work for some 300,000 employees and offers unmatched expertise, air and ocean freight, overland transport, contract logistics solutions and international mail services. As a result of intensive strategies, the company grows from having 3 employees in 1969 to 300,000 employees in 2008. This has been the result of the delivering excellent service towards the customers. This had helped DHL to become a brand acknowledged for personal commitment, proactive solutions and local strength. The company is focusing on its employees because DHL considering its employees s the heart of their success. This is the reason why DHL is offering intensive benefits plan for the employees in order to attract talents, at the same time, sustain their HR assets.
DHL is the first international air expresses company that sets up operations in Malaysia since 1973. Because of the experience of the company regarding the local and regional market, customers can expect the highest level of quality and service in a total logistics solution. In addition, the company is investing in people in continuous manner in order to make improvement in infrastructure and systems. Aside from that, the company also built the most sophisticated computerized customs clearance network in the world, together with the installation of the nationwide mobile scanning system. In April 1 of 2003, DHL Worldwide Express Sdn Bhd and Danzas AEI (M) Sdn BHd integrated under the umbrella brand in order to form one company in order to offer the customers with one-stop shipping and logistics solutions. Because of this, DHL is already offering its customers with the easy access to a holistic range of express and logistics products and services, across all time scales and weight levels (DHL n.d.).
There are 700 staffs stationed at 25 strategically located service centers in the entire Peninsular and East Malaysia. Aside from that, DHL Express has 5 international Gateways to channel all cross-border movements. These Gateway facilities are considered as the largest as well as most advanced amongst the air express companies in Malaysia and have the competence and the potential to move shipments quickly and professionally (DHL n.d.).
This action of the company is vital for the entire performance and processes of the company because of the ongoing problem of Malaysia in terms of labor force. In Malaysia, the constraint is considered as much quantity as quality. Malaysia is having a problem with its human resource regarding its relatively small population as well as labor force, together with the fact that Malaysia has a quite large and complicated economy. As a result, Malaysia is having difficulty in keeping pace with the demand because of the fact that the graduate numbers are low, and among these people, few have the right blend of skills. According to the study of Udomsaph & Zeufack (2006), the enrollment and completion rate for higher education in the country is significantly lower compare with other countries at similar levels of income. Aside from that, they also found out that 25% increase in hourly wages relative to a high school education that is far higher compare with the wage finest to a high school education, which is considered as far higher than the wage premium in the industrial countries. As a support, the study of Thangavelu & Hu (2006) showed that graduates in Malaysia tend to have weak skills in areas that are mostly needed by the type of knowledge-based economy to which Malaysia is directing its efforts to becoming (Asian Development Bank n.d.).
According to a wage survey in early 2008, salaries for skilled workers in Malaysia are continuing to rise in rapid manner. This is because of the increasing competition for skilled local candidates; where in many of they are beginning to look for overseas jobs for better opportunities. As a result, foreign companies in the country are having a heavy shortage of technical and IT talent. This is because of the fact that despite of the GDP growth of the country with more than 6% yearly over the past 5 years, experts reported that the human capital infrastructure of the country has remained stagnant. Most of the companies are not offering increases or structured bonus systems as demanded by their employees. It is important because young professionals in the country are expecting clearer career progression plans and more flexible benefits than the past generations (Pacific Bridge 2008).
Literature Review of Topic
A flexible benefits scheme or cafeteria benefits or known as flex plan is defined as any arrangement that gives the employee a choice over the mix of cash and benefits that they want to receive. At its simplest, it might be the choice between receiving a car and additional car. While more sophisticated programmes enables the employees to choose between the different benefits including family medical insurance. Flexible benefits should not be confused with voluntary benefits, where employers offer the staff the opportunity to purchase third-party products or services at a discounted rate (Hutchinson 2004). Flexible employee benefits are not a new concept and have long been common and widespread in the US, Canada and the UK. However, widespread interest in Flex in Asia has largely been inactive until recently. Flexible is considered as the most recent developments in compensation. More and more employers are adopting the flexible benefits approach because of the fact that they believe that employees truly value the capability to choose a benefits package that complements their individual needs. Many of the employers argue that flexible benefits plans help them to recruit and retain the employees by better fulfilling the economic, security and social needs of workers. By positively influencing these effective states, flexible benefits may influence attitudes toward the organization and certain behavioral outcomes such as turnover and absenteeism (Heshizer 1994).
This benefits scheme allows employers to enable the staff to choose the benefits that will suit them. Thus, with the greater workplace diversity, this choice of perks is highly popular among employees. As a result, it is seen as a popular benefits package during mergers and acquisitions and at other times of company change. This include schemes that has a wide range of options for staff in order to select from different options including tax-efficient benefits including tax-efficient benefits like childcare vouchers and mobile phones or salary sacrifice pensions contributions. Flex schemes originally came to the market in seemingly expensive bespoke packages before the development of the off-the-shelf format. On the other hand, the growth of technology means more providers and consultants in the market have summarized the costs and bespoke flexible benefits plans have become gradually more popular as a means of offering more customized the choice of employee (Employee Benefits n.d.).
Basic Benefits Process
There is no standard flexible benefits process because each will be dependent on the unique business rule and status of an organization. However, Figure 1 shows the similar 4-step processes are commonly followed by different companies.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 4-Step Process of Flexible Benefits Process
There are different factors that must be done in order to come up with the flexible benefits plan. First, the employer will design and presents a menu of benefits, which include prices which can be demonstrated in an employee handbook which will include rules and regulations that pertains on the scheme as well as the different options that are available. More often than not, employers are also including short description of each of the product in the menu. In addition, prices are also included in the preferences form which is used by the individual in order to calculate as well as choose the mix of benefits that the employee desires. After it was done, employees will then choose their ideal combination of cash and benefits in order to match their needs. This should be double-checked by administrative department in order to make sure that no limits have been exceeded and the correct information has been supplied. The employer will approve the preferences of the employees and will process the information. This approval may also extend the approval of the line manager towards buying and selling holidays in order to make sure the proper management of a given team. In the end, the employer will then inform all the providers and appropriate arrangements that are made in order to transfer from the employer and employee. During this stage, a benefits statement will be issued towards the employees who will serve as a record of what they have chosen (Hutchinson 2004).
Advantages of Flexible Benefits
Flexible benefits provide different advantages and disadvantages both for the employers and the employees. For the employer, some of the important benefits of operating a flex plan can include:
- helping line up the total rewards strategy to the HR and business strategies;
- ensuring rewards match the needs of an gradually more the varied, challenging and ageing workforce;
- ensuring value for money in the course of better targeting of benefits by facilitating the organization in order to make employee rewards more striking without rising costs;
- tolerating employers to cap the cost of benefits in the future;
- creating and putting into effect an identifiable employer brand, even though, if more employers assume flex in the future, offering this type of scheme on its own will no longer be adequate in order to be prominent from the crowd. If this becomes the case, organizations will need to focus on distinguishing the ‘how’ rather than the ‘what’;
- developing the perceived value of the benefits package, as staff are able to select the mix of cash and benefits that best meets their needs;
- supporting and smoothing the progress of cultural change;
- balancing and rationalizing different sets of benefits; and
- helping respond to changes in legislation, such as government proposals on pensions and retirement (Hutchinson 2004).
On the other hand, flexible benefits can offer different advantages towards the employees, because it can help to:
- build up choice;
- take advantage of bulk buying power of the employer in order to pay for products and pricing at privileged levels;
- modify and adapt benefits package to the lifestyle and changes in lifestyle;
- give a sense of control and contribution; and
- help administer balance linking changing world of work, lifestyle, work style and personal finances (Hutchinson 2004).
Based on these advantages in the perspective of the employers and the employees, it can be said that flexible benefits can help to motivate the employees that will help the company to gain the attention of the candidates for a given position or role inside the organization. Above all, it can help the company to sustain its talents by making sure that the employees is getting the right attention which will help the employees to be satisfied with their working environment and condition.
Flexible Benefits and Employee Attraction, Satisfaction and Retention
One of the major problems and challenges that must be faced by DHL and other foreign companies in Malaysia is the problem in the pool of talents or employees that will perform different roles and responsibilities inside the company. This is very important because DHL is playing in the service industry, where in human resource is a vital and center resource in the business. Therefore, it is important to make the company attractive to the candidates, and then do series of programs that will help to satisfy and maintain these pools of talent. However, this is not easy because of the differences in terms of needs and demands of employees. That is the reason why, flexible benefits programs are gaining popularity among employees and employers. The logic of flexible packages is that one size does not fit all. Differences in age, family responsibilities, financial circumstances and lifestyle preferences mean that different employees will have different benefit needs and the said needs of any employee will change over time (Shields 2007). In addition, some of the benefits in families that have more than one wage earner some benefits may be duplicated (Ferber & O’Farrell 1991).
Therefore, based on this, it will enable candidates to be attracted with the said benefits. On the other hand, because flexible benefits enables the employee to select a given benefits in regular basis, for instance yearly, employees will be able to match their benefits to their current needs, which will drive satisfaction, therefore given them the motivation to perform at their best and stay in the company.
Data from Investigation
Flexible Benefits in DHL
DHL is considered as the most important brands in terms of handling human resource, particularly in focusing with the different benefits that will motivate and attract labor force. Currently, all of centers and branches of DHL in the world are implementing flexible benefits. DHL recognizes the commitment of the team members in order to the company by offering a highly competitive compensation and benefits. DHL is offering different benefit packages which include health care, income protection, paid vacation, 401(k) Plan, Pension Plan and Tuition Assistance. Aside from that, DHL is also offering 100% reimbursement for tuition, registration, required textbooks and lab fees up to an annual limit of ,000. Furthermore, the company is also offering different employee programs and services including: membership in credit union, automatic paycheck deposit, discount shipping via DHL, entertainment discounts and discounted travel privileges, together with different local programs, charitable focuses and services (DHL n.d.).
Above all, DHL is also offering flexible benefits program. FlexPak is define as a comprehensive benefits program which allows employees to put together a benefits package that meets the individual health care and financial needs of the employee. Aside from that, every new team member is being offered with the complete information and assistance in the process of crafting the package that suits and appropriate to their specific needs. Difference of benefits explain and portray may be offered in different states and are subject to local or state requirements (DHL n.d.).
As a result of these intensive HR programmes, DHL the leading express delivery and logistic company in the world received the Carrot Culture Award at the 2007 Executive recognition Summit at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The said award was given due to the commitment of the company in using rewards and recognition in order to enhance the engagement of the employees, attract and retain employees, at the same time boost the entire productivity in order to motivate successful business results (All Business 2007).
Satisfaction of DHL Employees in FlexPak
A survey to 20 employees in DHL was conducted in order to know if they are satisfied with the implementation of flexible benefits in the company. This will help to measure satisfaction of the employees, together with its impact on their performance. Using the Likert Scale, the questionnaire asked the respondents about their degree of agreement about the 5 statements. The equivalent weights for the answers are:
Range Interpretation
4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree
3.50 – 4.00 Agree
2.50 – 3.49 Uncertain
1.50 – 2.49 Disagree
0.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree
Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1Respondents’ Demographics
Cumulative Percent
18 – 25
26 – 31
32 – 40
41 – above
Cumulative Percent
Table 1 shows demographics of the respondents. Based on the table, it shows that majority of the respondents belong to the 18 – 25 age group and male group. 35% of the respondents belong to 18 – 25 age groups, 30% belong to 26 – 31 age groups, 10% belong to 32 – 40 age group and 25% belong to 41 – above age group. On the other hand 55% of the respondents were males and 45% were females.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2 Age and Gender Pie Charts
The reaction and satisfaction of the employees/respondents were also measured by 5 statements in the questionnaire which focus on the impact of the flexible benefits of DHL to their lives, at the same time, together with the satisfaction on the current flexible benefits programmes being offered by the company.
Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2 The Benefits I Received From DHL Provide Me And My Family With Sense Of Security
Cumulative Percent
Neither nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
4.25 = Strongly Agree
Table 2 shows that majority of the respondents strongly agreed (45%, mean = 4.25) that the flexible benefit program of DHL enables the employees and their families with the sense of security. This is with connection on the fact that each individual has their individual needs and preferences which is being affected by different factors including their family background. Flexible benefits enable the employees of DHL to select to a range of benefits particularly regarding education and medical needs of family members.
This is very important because the benefit needs of married employee with dependent children are different from those single with no family to support. As a result, by offering flexible benefits, it makes the company attractive from the possible employees or candidates, because of the benefits that the company is offering.
Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3 My Needs Are Not Satisfied By The Benefits I Receive From DHL
Cumulative Percent
Strongly Disagree
Neither nor Disagree
1.45 = Strongly Disagree
Table 3 shows the satisfaction rate of the respondents towards the benefit programs of the DHL. The result showed that majority of the respondents (60%) disagreed with the statement that they are not satisfied with the current benefits programmes being implemented in the company. This result matched the result from table 2 which showed that the respondents feel secured with the benefits being offered by the company. As a result, all of them are satisfied.
Like what have mentioned in the first art of the paper, different employees have different needs and demands for benefits because of different factors affecting their individual lives including age, culture, location, gender, family background and even lifestyle. Thus, this factor is important in motivating employees; because motivated employees are tend to work at their bests. Because of the fact that flexible benefits enable the employees to choose from varieties of benefits being offered by the company, employees will have the benefits that is close to their current demand and preferences, which is important in order for them to be satisfied and motivated.
Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 4 My Overall Attitude Toward My Job Is Favorably Influenced By The Benefits I Receive From DHL
Cumulative Percent
Neither nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
4.2 = Strongly Agree
Benefits play a great role in the motivation of the employees which influence their performance. Table 4 shows the reaction of the respondents/employees about the influence of the flexible benefits towards their job attitudes. Majority of the respondents (40%) strongly agreed that their overall attitude towards their job is favorably influenced by the benefits that they received from the company. This matched the results from table 2 – 3, where in employees are satisfied with the benefits that they are receiving from the company. Like what other studies and theories said, benefits have a great influence over the motivation and attitudes of the employees in the company. Therefore, based on this, it is important for different companies to focus on their benefit plans programmes because this has a great influence over the behaviors and attitudes of the employees towards the company. Based on this data, it shows that the benefits that are being received by the employees have a great impact over the satisfaction of the employees. This is vital because satisfaction of the employees has a vital influence over the perception of the employees towards the company, at the same time. The more satisfied the employees, the more they are willing to perform at their best.
Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 5 Considering What Services Cost In This Area, The Benefits I Receive From DHL Are Adequate
Cumulative Percent
Strongly Agree
4.6 = Strongly Agree
Table 4 shows the degree of agreement of the respondents based on the statement: “considering what services cost in this area, the benefits I receive from DHL are adequate.” Based on the result, majority of the respondents (60%, mean = 4.6) strongly agreed that the benefits they are receiving from the company are adequate or sufficient in order to match their current lifestyle, needs and preferences.
The result of the survey shows a positive image towards DHL because all of the respondents agreed with the fact that they are satisfied with the benefits they are receiving from the company because they are adequate or enough. The result is not a surprise because from the first statements, all of the results were positive.
This is vital because when the employees perceived that the company is giving them the benefits and other incentives that match their needs, consequently, the employees feel that the company is aware of their needs, thus the employer is concern regarding their condition in the company. As a result, it will enable the employees to be motivated, thus enables them to have the driving force that will enable them to perform at their best.
Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 6 I am satisfied with the DHL benefit plan
Cumulative Percent
Strongly Agree
4.55 = Strongly Agree
Table 6 shows the satisfaction rate of the respondents towards the benefits plan of the company. It is not surprising that majority of the respondents (55%, mean = 4.55) answered that they are very satisfied with the current benefit plans that they are receiving from the company. This is because of the fact that flexible benefit plans or programmes enable the employees to choose from varieties of options of benefits which will complement with their needs and preferences. This allow the employees to have more choices regarding how they will be rewarded, at the same time enable them to shape their benefits package in order for the package to matched closely their personal circumstances (Armstrong 2002).
Application of flexible benefits in the company is important because of the fact that DHL has a great organizational culture. This is an important aspect in the company because DHL is known in the industry and in the world in terms of organizational culture, particularly in the aspect of handling of human resource or labor force. Taken as a whole, flexible schemes are likely to have greatest appeal to organizations with large, highly diverse workforce, for which staff attraction and retention concerns re of paramount importance, which place a strong emphasis on flexibility, and which espouse a transactional or balanced psychological contract. For itself, cafeteria plans will be particularly appropriate to organizations with high-involvement cultures and competitive strategies of the analyzer or prospector type (Shields 2008, p. 336).
Conclusions and Recommendations
DHL is considered as one of the first companies in the world that implemented flexibility benefits towards its employees. Aside from that, the company is also focusing on implementing different policies and programmes that will help to attract possible employees or candidates and retain talents inside the organization in order to maintain good performance of the company and enables them to maintain their position in the market and in the industry.
However, there are different factors that are affecting and challenging different companies in the world regarding the proper process of handling human resource including the aspect of globalization which resulted to the diverse characteristics of population. Because of this factors including the differences in the demographic aspects of the employees including age, gender, family etc, can affect the needs, demands and preferences of an individual employee, particularly on the factors that will motivate them, particularly the benefits.
This is the reason why companies are focusing on implementing flexible benefits in the organization. This is because it can help to offer different advantages. First it can offer competitive advantages and cost savings for the company because of the fact that they can offer greater choices. In addition, flexible benefits can help to improve the satisfaction of the employees, at the same time, it is considered as a great attraction and retention tool which will help manage their labor force. Aside from that, in the perspective of the employer, the advantages can be divided into two broad categories, the hard business advantages and the softer human factors. In addition, the company can also help to gain from a Flexible Benefits plan in three different vital and significant areas. First is the National Insurance savings. Second, the business can correctly control their future benefit spend because of the fact that the payment is being made through a monetary allowance. This is opposite in the process of funding the benefits in the direct manner. In addition, anyone that is paying for a final salary pension scheme or private medical insurance will be completely aware of the lack of control, the said benefits offer by focusing on cost (Real Benefits n.d.). Based on these factors, it is vital for the companies to focus on implementing flexible benefits in order to come up with the changing HR.
In the case of DHL, based on the data gathered and analyzed, it can be observed that most of the respondents believed and answered that what they are currently receiving from the company in terms of benefits is vital. The results showed that the benefits that the employees are receiving are considered as a great measure or factors that can influence or affect their satisfaction with the work or position at the company, which has a great influence over the individual performance of the employees.
On the other hand, it has been mentioned that the human resource of any company, particularly in the case of operation of DHL, a multinational company in Malaysia, is facing different challenges and problems, particularly in the process of handling the individual needs and demands of the employees. This is because of the fact that each employee has different demands and preferences for benefits, which is being affected by their unique family and personal needs, particularly their lifestyles. As a result, it is important for different companies in the world to focus on knowing the different factors which are affecting the lives of their employees and then come up with the flexible benefits choices that will meet these needs.
AllBusiness 2007, DHL Receives Top Honors for Employee Engagement and Recognition Programs, http://www.allbusiness.com/labor-employment/human-resources-personnel/5285556-1.html [Accessed August 28, 2009]
Armstrong, M 2002, Employee Reward, CIP Publishing
Asian Development Bank, Skills Shortages in Asian Countries, http://www.adb.org/documents/books/ADO/2008/part020204.asp [Accessed August 26, 2009]
Cadbury 2009, Cadbury, Spring 2009, http://www.cadbury.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/Cadbury%20Corporate%20Factsheet.pdf [Accessed August 26, 2009]
DHL, About Us, http://www.dhl.com.my/publish/my/en/aboutdhl/local_about.high.html [Accessed August 27, 2009]
Employee Benefits, Flexible Benefits, http://www.employeebenefits.co.uk/benefits/flexible-benefits.html [Accessed August 27, 2009]
Ferber, M, O’Farrell, B & Allen, L 1991, Work and Family: Policies for a Changing Work Force, The National Academies Press
Heshizer, B 1994, ‘The Impact of Flexible Benefits Plans on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intentions’, Benefits Quarterly, Fourth Quarter
Hutchinson, P 2004, Flexible Benefits, CIPD Publishing
Marsh, B & Kleiner, B,’ An Overview of Trends in Employee Benefits Programmes’, Management Research News
Meisenheimer, J, II & Wiatrowski, W 1989, ‘Flexible Benefits Plans: Employees Who Have a Choice’, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 112
Pacific Bridge 2008, Firms Struggle Against Talent Drain in Malaysia, http://www.pacificbridge.com/asianews.asp?id=362 [Accessed August 28 2009]
Real Benefits, The Advantages of Flexible Benefits, http://www.real-benefits.net/site/112/Advantages_of_Flexible_Benefits.aspx [Accessed August 28, 2009]
Shields, J 2008, Managing Employee Performance and Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies, Cambridge University Press
Appendix A: DHL
Product and Services
§ DHL Worldwide Package Express
§ DHL International Document Express
§ DHL Import Express Service
§ DHL Jumbo Box & Jumbo Junior
§ Delivery Duty Paid
§ Shipper’s Interest Insurance
§ Express Logistics Solutions
§ Selection of Packaging Materials
§ 3.3 billion Euros capital commitment programme
§ 15,772 vehicles
§ 262 aircraft
§ world’s largest private telecommunication network
§ 3,737 stations
§ 36 hubs
Culture and Values
§ “can do” culture and performance oriented
§ Passion for Customers
§ Respect for People
§ Drive for Excellence
§ Honesty & Integrity
§ Above remuneration package + Annual Leave Entitlement (14 – 22 days/year)
§ Sick/Hospitalization Leave
§ Compassionate Leave
§ Maternity Leave
§ Training & Development
§ Discounted courier service
§ Recognition Awards
§ Sports Club activities
§ Flexi-Benefits options
§ Performance-Oriented culture
§ Allowances for transport, communications, shifts
§ Social programmes and working environment
§ Continuous job opportunities
Appendix B: Questionnaire
Benefit Satisfaction Items
Age: 18 – 25 26 – 31 32 – 40 41 – above
Gender: Male Female
Respondents were asked to indicate their agreement/disagreement with the following six items using 5-point scale, where 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither nor disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree.
1. The benefits I receive from DHL provide me and my family with sense of security.
2. My needs are not satisfied by the benefits I receive from DHL.
3. My overall attitude toward my job is favorably influenced by the benefits I receive from DHL.
4. Considering what services cost in this area, the benefits I receive from DHL are adequate.
5. I am satisfied with the HL benefit plan.
Appendix C: Raw Data
Respondent #
18 – 25
26 - 31
32 – 40
41 – above
18 - 25
18 - 25
26 - 31
18 - 25
26 - 31
18 - 25
41 – above
18 - 25
26 - 31
32 – 40
41 – above
26 - 31
18 – 25
41 – above
41 – above
26 - 31
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