The World Wildlife Fund: Marketing Plan
I. Executive Summary
This paper presents a marketing strategies and plan for accomplishing fundraising goals for World Wildlife Fund (WFF). It focuses on analyzing the current macro-environment of the organization which affects its performance and situation in the market. With all the data gathered, this paper showed that the organization need to push its marketing activities to the higher level due to the increasing competition, at the same time, due to the different economic factors which affect both the demand and supply side of the organization which is affecting the entire NGO industry. This paper focuses on gaining $6,000,000 of donations or revenue by spending $500,000 marketing expenses.
II. Situation Analysis
For more than 45 years, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been protecting the future of nature and it was considered as the leading conservation organization in the world which works in 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States and close to 5 million in the world. The unique way of working of the organization combines the process of reaching the world with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and at the same time ensures the delivery of innovative solutions which meet the needs of both people and the nature (WWF, 2009).
A. Persona
Persona profile is a kind of biography for each target group in order to achieve the marketing goals of the organization (Scott, 2007). Thus it help to assist with each of the primary activities in marketing including the process of formulating the strategies for positioning products against competitors and the planning and execution of communications including brochures, web content and advertisement. Thus, it helps to understand the different factors which affect the purchase of products or service of the customers in a competitive market (Pruitt & Adlin, 2006).
1. We-Are-Using-Hazardous-Materials Company
Background: We-Are-Using-Hazardous-Materials Company is a company which produce products by using hazardous materials and process which can affect the environment in negative way. This kind of company operates in the global environment and has a strong image to protect.
Key Goals: As a company which operates in the ever-changing business environment, particularly in the aspect of the customer behavior, it is vital for this company to focus on the aspect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as part of their overall system, in order to maintain their positive brand image in the market.
Ways of Marketing: This can be done by connecting by these large companies in more personal way or process of creating partnership.
2. The Environmentalist Group
Background: The environmentalist group is a group of people which are consists of different professionals from different parts of the globe who are considered as advocate of protecting the earth, particularly the environment and the different living- and non-living things in it. The number of environmentalists in the USA is increasing due to the negative impact of global warming.
Key Goals: The primary goal of this group is to focus on the different aspects that are connected on activities which can help to promote and encourage activities that will focus on preserving the environment. Primarily, these group of people focuses on using materials and means of doing things that will not affect the environment including recycling, bicycling etc.
Ways of Marketing: Television, Newspapers, Brochures and by using the Internet.
3. The Scientists Group
Background: The scientists group is compose of people who have the knowledge, abilities, skills and experienced about environmental science, which include ecosystem and the most alarming issue of global warming. In 2006, environmental scientists and hydrologist held more or less 92,000 jobs.
Key Goals: The primary goal of this group is to study and evaluate the current situation of the global environment and then used their studies in order to encourage the world towards different practices that will prevent or even slow down its impact on the lives of different people and industries in the world.
Ways of Marketing: Partnership in different schools, universities and colleges that are offering course that are related to the said jobs.
B. Market
In order for WWF to establish its goals and objectives, the organization focuses on the different organizations and individuals which can help them with their advocacy. In terms of technology, WWF collaborate with HP in order to combat climate change around the globe which focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions; improving energy use; educating and inspiring others; and using technology in conservation (HP, 2009). Aside from that, WWF is also collaborating with WalMart, Ikea and Coca-Cola.
1. Macro Environment
As of now, there are different factors which can affect the performance of WWF, particularly the financial aspect. These factors are important in order to analyze what marketing strategies and approaches must be implemented in order to ensure success of the company.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 PEST Analysis of WWF
Figure 1 shows the PEST analysis of WWF. PEST Analysis stands for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors which directly or indirectly affect the operation and performance of a particular industry or business. It shows the different macro-environmental factors, which has a great impact over the marketing effort of WWF.
In terms of political, the primary factors which affect the organization are the ongoing and massive actions of governments of different countries, particularly in developed countries towards environmental policies which focus on protecting and preserving the environment. In terms of economical factor, the global financial crisis has an effect both on supply and demand side. In the supply side, it will have a pressure towards the government, individual members and organizational donor. Individuals, groups, organizations will focus on narrowing the focus of their social responsibilities due to the ongoing financial crisis. On the other hand, on the demand side, it will create an increasing pressure to offer safety nets and social services for poor people, purchase projects inputs at higher costs, increase the remuneration for their staff in order to offset some of inflationary trends in cost of living (Ghanim). On the other hand, in terms of social factors, the growing awareness of the people about the negative impact of climate change or global warming is the particular positive social change for the company. This is connected with the ongoing impact of globalization to different NGO, particularly WWF to focus on extending its geographic reach in order to encourage the world to join the group in protecting the environment. Above all, it is observable that in the world of philanthropy, different celebrities and well-known figures can help to increase the popularity of any given NGO. Thus, it is important to focus on coordinating with different celebrities in Hollywood and local entertainment industries to join the group.
C. Positioning
1. Competitors
Greenpeace International – is an independent global campaigning organization that acts in order to change attitudes and behavior in order to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace. In 2007, the total gross income from fundraising for Greenpeace worldwide was EUE 205 million, increased by 20% from the previous year. The main reason for this increase was the receipt of the major legacy of US$27.4 million or EUR20 million by Greenpeace USA (Greenpeace, 2007). In addition, in January, 2007, 2.9 million had taken out or renewed their financial membership within the last 18 months (Greenpeace, 2007). The main marketing strategy of the company focuses on using well-known figure in the entertainment industry, at the same time; focus on photography of direct action which was fed to the news media. On the other hand, the main advantage and disadvantage of the company is its structure or the total number of its members in different parts of the globe.
Sea Shepherd Conservative Society – SSCS is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization, which focuses on its mission to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the oceans in the world to conserve and protect ecosystems and species (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, 2009). In 2007, the organization has recorded total revenue of US$3,372,540 (Charity Navigator, 2007). The main strength of the organization focuses on its consistency of service; while on the other hand, the main weakness focuses on its limitedness on geographic aspect.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – PETA is considered as the largest animal rights organization in the world which focuses on four areas which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time. With its 2.0 million members and supporters PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement and protest campaigns. The organization reported total revenue of US$34,355,526 (PETA, 2009).PETA is using massive advertising and marketing by using controversial advertising including women posing with animals and showing violence against animal’s messages. The main strength of the company focuses on its popularity, while its weakness pertains on the different issues being thrown towards the organization.
2. Positioning Map
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2 Positioning Map of WWF and Its Competitors
: Greenpeace;: SSCS
Figure 2 shows the positioning map of WWF and its competitors. It can be seen that in WFF is considered as one of the leading organizations in terms of popularity or geographic coverage, together with the vastness of the services and activities being offered. Out of the two direct and indirect competitors, Greenpeace is considered as leading organization in terms of popularity and geographic coverage. This is due to the intensive or massive marketing activities of the company and by using well-known figure in order to introduce their organization to their target market. The said organization is followed by PETA. This is because, the organization focuses on marketing activities that will catch the attention of public and even critics, which enables the organization to be more popular. On the other hand, of all the organization, SSCS is considered as the minority group. This is because SSCS operates in limited area unlike its competitors.
III. Marketing Mix
A. Product
1. We-Are-Using-Hazardous-Materials Company: emotional reward will be done by including some press release in the organizational website about the partnership.
2. The Environmental Group: gifts which include stuff toys for species adoptions, apparel, crafts and cards.
3. The Scientist Group: tax deduction.
B. Price
The price for the gifts and membership is from $25 - $250.
C. Place
Primarily this marketing effort will focus on different developed countries. However, it will also focus on the countries that are beginning to become environmentally aware. Furthermore, it will use the organization website in order to promote the stated products.
D. Promotion
a. Mission: To inform individuals and groups to be aware of the different environmental issues, at the same time encourage them to join and help WWF in financial and non-financial manner.
b. Means: This will be done by spending half a million in order to inform the public about the group.
c. Moment: Now is considered as the proper timing in order to launch the marketing effort because there is an ongoing social pressure to individuals and groups towards being environmentally friendly. This has changed the lives trends and lifestyles of people in different parts of the globe, which can be observed in their buying behaviors.
d. Media: The Internet will be considered as the most effective media for this promotion. This is because the Internet can be accessed by millions of people in different part of the globe of all ages and status in life. Therefore, it can help the organization to target individuals and group of different geographic and demographic groups. This can be done by creating promotional tools in form of graphical and textual. It can also help the organization if it will contact celebrities in different entertainment industries to wear or have some of the gifts or products of the organization which will further help to increase popularity and publicity of the organization.
e. Measurement: measuring ROI is considered as vital because it proves that promotional products for internal and external programs work. ROI creates the connection between sales and marketing for organizations that are serious about measuring the effectiveness of their internal and external marketing spend (Mestore). Aside from that, the success of this promotion will be measured by web and call centers hit, foot traffic and even cross-sell ratio (Rigsby & Greco, 2002).
IV. Budget & Controls
A. Revenues and Expenses
a. Expense Budget by Type
Internet (Newsletter, E-commerce, Online Advertisement) $98,000
Prints (calendars, brochures, newspaper etc.) 53,000
Television (Videos) 100,000_
Service/Sponsorship (Celebrities) 100,000
Seminar 50,000
Human Resource 99,000_
Total Expenses _$500,000_
The expenses of this promotional activity or strategy of the organization will mainly focus on the different advertisements that will introduce the organization to its target market which was discussed in the persona. The advertisement effort will focus on the Internet via newsletter, e-commerce and online advertisement which will mainly focus on blogs and other related online media. On the other hand, it is also important to focus on printed media which will involve calendars, brochures and newspaper which will be spread in the local setting. On the other hand, the videos which will create will be shown over the Internet and local and international television stations. On the other hand, a huge amount of the budget will be spent via sponsorship to different celebrities; this will be done by giving away gifts, particularly apparels. In addition, in order to spread the news and awareness about the environment, different seminars will be done in schools and universities, while all of this will be supported by knowledgeable and skilled staffs.
b. Revenues by Type
Membership Income (Annual Membership) $2,500,000
General Donations 500,000
Corporate Fund 1,500,000
Planned Giving 200,000
Special Events 500,000
Board Giving 900,000_
Total _ 6,100,000_
The revenue will be gathered via membership, general donations, corporate fund, planned giving, special events and board giving. The membership income will be gathered from new member and renewed members which is estimated to 50,000. The general donations will come from the members who are buying gifts which are mentioned in this paper. The corporate fund will be from different companies particularly those belong in the persona of We-Use-Hazardous-Materials companies. The planned giving and special events will come from individuals and groups that support the organization, while the board giving will be from the upper management of the organization.
B. Monitoring Activities
After implementing the promotion activities, it is vital to measure the success which can be done. It will be measures in terms of expected amount of revenue, the number of members and the entrance to new market.
a. expected donations – financial equity scoreboard will be used in order to measure the expected donations. The monetary aspect will center on the return on investment which include the costs of the marketing strategies.
b. brand strength – this will include measuring control performance on the brand strength which focus on how poor or well does the organization performs in the market.
c. increase number of members – this is an important process of measuring the success of the activity because. This is because the increase number of the members means increase popularity of the organization.
d. entry to new market – expansion to another market, particularly in other developing countries will be helpful in measuring the success of the organization, because it means that the effort of going global had been successful.
C. Contingency Plan
The marketing strategy of the organization will mainly focus on attracting new member to join the group and the current member to renew their membership. However, there are times that there are some factors which affect the overall performance of any strategy which affect its result. It an event of failure, it is important to consider the following plan:
1. Focus on the online marketing strategy of the company. This will be done by focusing on blog, which is considered as one of the most popular activities in the Internet. By focusing on the Internet, the organization will be able to focus on greater market, because the Internet is being accessed by millions of people in the world. In connection, it is important to target the youth group.
V. Bibliography
Charity Navigator. (2007). Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Retrieved June 29, 2009, from Charity Navigator:
Ghanim, I. (n.d.). The Global Financial Crisis and International NGOs. Retrieved June 30, 2009, from African Child:
Greenpeace. (2007). Annual Report 07. Retrieved June 29, 2009, from Greenpeace:
HP. (2009). HP and WWF: Collaboration for Change. Retrieved June 29, 2009, from Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.:
Mestore. (n.d.). Measuring Return on Investment with Promotional Products. Retrieved June 26, 2009, from Mestore:
PETA. (2009). About Us. Retrieved June 29, 2009, from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals:
Pruitt, J., & Adlin, T. (2006). The Persona Lifecycle. Morgan Kaufmann.
Rigsby, J., & Greco, G. (2002). Mastering Strategy. McGraw-Hill Profesional.
Scott, D. M. (2007). The New Rules of Marketing and PR. Wiley Publishers.
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. (2009). Who We Are. Retrieved June 29, 2009, from SSCS:
WWF. (2009). The World Wildlife Fund. Retrieved June 29, 2009, from
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