As for myself, I am always interested to explore useful discoveries that involves the world of analyzing orders and sequences of numbers although not all individuals are fascinated of the fact that statistics within business is a major function not just in marketing but also in manufacturing and pharmaceutical fields. I agree that the emergence of a reform movement in statistics education has influenced the teaching and learning of statistics over the past years. The teaching of statistics concepts and courses as well as the implementation of technology into the statistics classroom are important changes involved in the process. I have the desire to be an advocate with the effort to improve the teaching and learning of statistics. The matriculation of the computer and other uses of technology in the statistics classroom as well as new and innovative teaching strategies continue to offer teachers with many teaching alternatives since, the world is becoming more and more quantitative and data focused and such professions depend on numerical measurements to make decisions in the face of uncertainty and there is the use of quantitative abilities, statistical knowledge and communication skills to work on certain challenging problems such as the following:


Ø      Designing and analyzing studies to determine if new drugs and medical devices are safe and effective

Ø      Analyzing consumer demand for products and services

I wanted to pursue in applying mathematical and statistical knowledge to social, economic, political as well as ecological problems, work individually or as part of an interdisciplinary team as well as travel to consult with other professionals and continuing education activities and probably help in advancing the frontiers of statistics and mathematics through better education and research ways. Thus, job opportunities in statistics are projected to remain favorable in the future because of the fact that, the U.S. economy continues to produce jobs using quantitative literacy and analyses, increasing the numbers of statisticians duly required and sectors need the value of statistics in management, product quality, pharmaceutical research and data processing services, risk assessment and most in marketing. Another is that, reputable colleges and universities need statistical research and consulting. In passion and great aim to be able to mold my experiences, I am challenged to use data from designed trials to discover results about a particular problem in a variety of fields through combining technical training skills with the knowledge of the field within which they are working to produce valuable results.



I dreamed to achieve a good career in statistics-business related because I believe that in order to achieve success in the competitive world of business industry, statistics is used to quantify the extent of variation in customers' needs and wants by means of designing experiments for new products, conduct focus groups and sample surveys to gather consumer feedbacks and doing field experiments in test markets to determine product viability and marketability being used to analyze sales data and predict future trends. Moreover, I agree that language and communication skills are important for the realization of this goal and I am positive that I can exercise my function in the society at this prestigious University. Also, I want to develop my ability to explain such matters clearly and concisely that requires knowledge of grammar and comprehensive writing skills as colleges and universities will continue focus through the crucial presence of statistics in different areas of studies involved and that opportunities for advancement are competitive and reflect the current demand for statistics as a part of the real world today and in the futures to come.








Those who are engaged in developing and extending the theory and methodology of statistics, deeper knowledge of computing is sometimes an absolute requirement and always a useful skill. Many of the recent developments in statistics rely heavily on computing and work in those areas requires some understanding of the computational issues appropriately taught in statistics courses. It is convenient to provide an introduction to a statistical analysis package in a course and then go deeper into the usage of any software. I have never believed that courses in statistics that just cover packages have a place in the statistics curriculum. There is a need for such courses that cover packages and should not carry academic credit but neither should they carry the enormous fees of commercial enterprises. I am sometimes amazed at how relevant topics and the basic principles have changed and this indicates that the fundamentals are essential that helps in mastering and keeping them in proper place. In pursuing a graduate school major in statistics, there is really a need for me to continue to learn much of what integrates statistics in business regarding the worth impact for such study as this is effective throughout the course work.



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