Pollution had been considered as both local and international burden and problem. This is because of the fact that pollution can affect each and every aspect of a nation and the world – particularly its impact towards the health, social aspect, economy, politics as well as environment of one nation, which will affect the living of its citizen, therefore, affect the overall global condition.

            Specifically, wind and water does not respect the national boundaries. Thus, pollution problems in one country can quickly affect another, therefore, it become another country’s environmental and economic problems. The dilemma lies on the fact that, because the problem originated from another country, solving it becomes an aspect of diplomacy and international relations, which will leave the local people to become the most affected with few suitable and feasible options (West n.d.).


            On the other hand, in locally handling the problem of pollution, it will be different from that of international. One of the possible problems is the issue of economic condition of different countries, particularly the issue of the third world. Commonly, rich developed countries are taking advantage of the problems of the developing countries by dumping garbage and hazardous waste in many developing countries, together with the establishments of plants, which emit pollution, in order to avoid regulations that these companies might face in their mother country. In return, governments of developing countries cannot restrict this due to the fact that it will be costly for the citizens in making a living (Oracle ThinkQuest n.d.).


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