The Impact of Outcome Based Education on Nursing Education



            Pedagogical approaches have been continuously changing to keep up in


the fast-paced modernization of the world. Not only new information is


researched, but also better teaching aids are discovered.


            Some traditional teaching methods are not applicable anymore due to the


increasing complexities of the topics and lessons discussed. That’s why some of


these methods are already obsolete in the developed countries. For example, the


traditional reliance on the memory capability of the students is only being


practiced in the underdeveloped nations. First world countries have varieties of


teaching aids like computer in assistance to better learning.


            Now, panaceas in the educational woes of any country are being


proposed to solve the serious problem of deteriorating quality of education. And


one of the education reform models is the outcome based education.


            Outcome based education (OBE) is a student-centered learning


philosophy that empirically measures student’s performance in terms of


outcomes, rather than the emphasis on traditional inputs such as course credits.


OBE’s major goal is customizing the schools in adapting to each student’s


learning styles and abilities. Outcome based education will definitely change the


education system. Class schedules will change, teaching responsibilities will


change, pedagogical approaches will change, and the evaluation of student’s


performance will change. And most of all, the perception of what it means to be


an educated person will entirely change.


            Outcome based education became a revolutionary educational reform in


the United States during 1980’s. Now, OBE has been adapted by many countries


in adequately preparing the students in the life and work in the 21st century. It is


not a secret that the modern world is entirely different from the past century. The


lifestyle is more stressing, companies are more computer-based technology and


the global demand for employment has a distinct variety of professionals, such


as professional nurses are needed in various parts of the world.


            As professional nurses continue to have a significant demand globally,


nursing education has to be in best terms as possible. Nurse education consists


of theoretical and practical training with the purpose of preparing the students of


their duties as nursing care professionals. Nurses play a major role in the


medical field that varies from general nursing of patients to assistance in major




            In the past decades, nurse education is practically focused on training


structure of conventional preparation. Orthodox training offers a more intense


practical skills base. But today, nurse education integrates a broader awareness


of other disciplines allied to medicine such as clinical and managerial decisions.


It includes the improvement of handmaiden relationship with physicians and


patients. The impact of change in the traditional teaching method of nursing


develops a more confident and prepared graduates that participate well as part of


a medical team.


            Outcome based education has been applied also in nursing education.


The nursing education at the present times aims to have an ideal balance


between the theory and practice of nursing. Clinical competencies involve the


promotion of cognitive and behavioral skills of students.


            Restructuring of nurse education is an academic programme in which a


learner is aimed at acquiring specific competencies on nursing independently


and as a part of health team. Equipping students with sufficient knowledge in


medical field and letting them execute this with outcomes will make the learning


process more comprehensive.  


            The shift of education system towards outcome based education is aimed


at exploring new ways of designing education wherein students learn more


intensely and adequately. No matter how bright a student is, if the teaching


method is not effective enough, it would be trying in vain.


            The debate of the assessment of students under outcome based


education circles around the terms “outcomes”, “standards” and “goals” in


compared to the more subjective grading system in traditional education system. 


The terms have various meaning and applications which could result to different


type of results when assessing performance outcomes of students and the




            But, content outcomes is about what students should know and be able to


perform in particular subject areas. Student performance demonstrates on what


level they already have in terms of knowledge and skills. Thus, it more accurately


defines the quality of education the schools provide in meeting content


performance outcomes.





Closson, Don, Outcome Based Education, July 2002 Mekwa, Julia, Transformation in Nursing Education

Margaret McMillan, Nurse Education,




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