Scheffer and Rubenfeld (2000) believed that the mind has the habits of critical thinking in nursing which are having confidence, being creative, being flexible, having integrity on intellectual, being open-minded, intuition, being persevere and does reflecting. Transforming knowledge, predicting, logical reasoning, information seeking, discriminating, applying the standards and analyzing are the skills in critical thinking in nursing (p.352). Critical thinking for Ennis (1985) as reasonable thinking that is reflective (p.45). It is a process of knowledge development and critical judgment in nursing by which cognitive engine drives through. Critical thinking in the science of nursing really have great impact in which it is commonly used and very useful. It demands willingness and openness for judgments and new evidence. In clinical reasoning they value a focused and industrious approach, tolerance in multiple perspectives are required by which evidence and reason can be supported (Facione&Facione, 1994). In referring to the fast changing environment in health care, it is accentuated for nursing terms of need for critical thinking. As the approach for nursing it is basically need a critical thinking thus health care provider must find way to be accessible and easy to apply for the patient. Primarily it is always applied in any settings especially in the hospital, nursing field.



      Critical thinking exists in nursing in varied perspectives. Kataoka-Yahiro and Saylor (1994) for them critical thinking is focusing on decision on what to do and believe, and by which it is a reasoning thinking regarding problems in nursing with no one solution. On the other hand, critical thinking is really useful in terms of solving clinical problem and plus making a decision. (Oerman, 1997; Oerman and Gaberson, 1998). In nursing, critical thinking is very important, in which its attributes are skills and dispositional thus it searches for a best knowledge. In relation to higher and professional education, critical thinking is highly valued educational outcome. Applying critical thinking is widely used in the field of nursing, not just with the nurses but as well as the other health care team.

Analytical thinking is one of great advantage to a one’s side. Now a day, in relation to nursing education new methods in learning must apply in order to have skillful practice, and to be a nurse with excellent judgment. In the art in nursing critical thinking brought different aspects namely the diagnosing, bridging the gap in terms of practice and theory, and knowing. If people use critical thinking the world would be in better life because of the better thinkers. Nursing is an art that that its education holds and embarks critical thinking as educational outcome. We cannot avoid it since this approach is very useful and central component. Babcock, 1996; Miller and Malcolm, (1990 ) described that in the discipline of nursing the context of thinking is within.



      Critical thinking and intuitive nursing practice encourages learning a life long, fostering confidence on self, with regards to the world it in comprises a new and accepts new perspectives (Chafee,1994). The moral component on it is such it help the people to do task effectively, it allows the nurses to think critically to give care which is acceptable and effective. It doesn’t mean that critical thinking is just important in clinical settings but as well it is core important in the nursing education program. In professional decisions, nurses are liable with the scope of practice. It is vital in aspect that they will able to define with regards on how it was made to decide. Using the nursing body of knowledge, by its operationalizing the health team may implement the new evidence based for patient care. Moreover, inter-disciplinary collaboration improves, thus it also referring and basing the patient’s outcomes on its profession’s impact, plus visibility of expert increases in decision-making.

This approach requires and should go along with attitude, skills as we are handling situation to analyze. By thinking, we come up to which what types of care we are going to implement and what should be done through the use of nursing assessment. It is in our hearts, I think each one of us knows what critical thinking is, so by this we respond to the needs using a process effectively. Use the critical thinking in a way of good manner, an approach that is acceptable to the public, with valid rationalizing, not just using the critical thinking in the way of abusing to mankind, respect and knows the limitations, use it in proper way.


Since nursing process is using a problem solving approach thus critical thinking it useful. I come to know that as a nurse you must be knowledgeable enough to handle certain situations, with herself be able to familiarize the characteristics of critical thinking and as health team critical thinking habits should be develop. As with the practice in the field of nursing, our action, ideas are guided the theories, research we have learned and knowledge that gain. As we are taking care and handle different types of patient everyday, sick and ill patient that come along in all settings, we have to come up with interventions right away. Providing the needs of the patient, as nursing process in using critical thinking it also involves health care provider and the patients. In this world wherein competence is strongly facing, people may choose a provider who have much knowledge and thus capable of more reasoning, being able to formulate a solutions right away, so as a nurse, as with your profession there is a competence in terms of knowledge, critical ability, skills. Nursing practice enhances intuitive, doing procedure in accordance with reasoning in relation to nursing expertise hence, reflecting is one in applying. Through critical, in situations whereby we practice our field, student nurses gain much more expertise in reasoning. As the instructors and those professors who are expert, they formulate a strategy and ways in developing independent critical thinkers. To end up, critical thinking and intuitive nursing practice are related in the nursing discipline.






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