Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations



The focus of this study to is to examine how hotel branding affects the hotel industry. Companies within and outside the hospitality industry today are striving to deliver not only their products and services but also high "quality" and "satisfaction" that will lead to increased brand loyalty and market share. This study also aims to determine the differentiation of hotels in Taiwan in terms of brand image, service quality, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction. Data collected from the different sets of respondents provided answers to the queries of the researcher. The primary source of data will come from a questionnaire that will be distributed to individuals in international and domestic hotels. Their cooperation was fervently soughed after and its descriptive analysis of its creation and historical establishment was undertaken, from the organizational structure down the most detail permitted. The secondary of data will come from an extensive review of the literature on articles, journal articles, books, and magazines relating to hotel management. The study used purposive sampling as a method of choosing its population. Purposive sampling can be very useful for situations where you need to reach a targeted sample quickly and where sampling for proportionality is not the primary concern. Most sampling methods are purposive because they approach the sampling problem with a specific purpose in mind. The general population for this study will be composed of selected personnel in six (6) branded hotels, situated in different parts of Taiwan numbering to 60 respondents. Ten (10) staffs and management personnel from each hotel shall be surveyed. The researcher shall also provide interviews for managers whose function is directly related to the organization and implementation of the marketing strategy employed by the hotel. For the clients of the hotel, a total of sixty (60) respondents shall also be employed, ten (10) in every hotel. The researcher provided the questionnaires for the former and conduct interviews for the latter. To determine the assessment of the respondents of Taiwan Hotel sector on the hotel accommodation, the researcher prepared a questionnaire and a set of guide questions for the interview that is asked to the intended respondents. The respondents graded each statement in the survey-questionnaire using a Likert scale with a five-response scale wherein respondents are given five response choices.


Concurrently, the study employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods to ensure a flexible and iterative approach. During data gathering the choice and design of methods are constantly modified, based on ongoing analysis. This allows investigation of important new issues and questions as they arise, and allows the investigators to drop unproductive areas of research from the original research plan. The researcher also uses percentage analysis, the mean and median analysis, analysis of variance and correlation statistics to evaluate the collated data.




1. Profile of Respondents

The respondents were composed of the respondents at the Hotel industry in Taiwan. The statistics shows that a major part of the respondents are rather mature (35 above), consisting of 30%. This might be reflected by the fact that the predominant positions of the respondents are in the managerial level, which requires a considerable amount of working experience. This is further asserted by the 27% who were in their early thirties and the 20% in their late twenties. The next to be taken into consideration is the gender of the respondents. Apparently, a major part of the respondents constitute the male gender. This also states that majority of the respondents in different hotels in Taiwan adheres to a more masculine perspectives. Nevertheless, a 47% of the respondents are female. On the other hand, with the seemingly patriarchal culture in country, it could be posited that females were not that good in the position. 33% of the total respondents, which is the dominated response is single. There are only 43% who are married from the overall respondents. As the figure was interpreted, there is a little percentage of respondents who are separated or widow. Likewise, the respondents were asked for their civil status and the report shows 33% of them are single and 43% are married. The respondents were asked for their educational attainment and the report shows 53 % of them are college. The survey indicates that most of the respondents are college that is engage to the study. The diversity of the population is further asserted when the respondents were asked regarding their professional history. From the surveyed individuals, the researcher gathers 7 different positions of the respondents that are illustrated on the above table. The most dominated occupation according to the survey are business managers that is 20% of the total respondents. Followed by business executives, supervisors, admin-assistants and students that is 15% each of the surveyed individuals. The analysis shows the fair distribution of occupation. The statistics also indicates that most of the respondents were in the hotel because of their own business transaction. Based on the gathered data, the most dominated country of origin among the respondents is Taiwan which is 18% of the total surveyed subjects. This means that the place of hotel has a great relationship to the country of origin. From the surveyed individuals, the researcher gathers 10 different countries of the respondents that are illustrated on the above table. There is also a dominant American origin i.e. 13% of the surveyed individuals. The researcher found out the three dominant reasons of their purpose of visit in the hotel i.e. studies, business transaction (includes the employees of the hotel), and vacation. Based on the survey, 37.5% of the respondents were in the hotel because of their business transaction. Followed by 35% for the purpose of vacation. The survey reveals that there was a fair distribution of length of stay of the respondents in a certain hotel. As we can see, the different span of time was in close percentage. The figure illustrated the 10.83% of the respondents who stayed in the hotel for more than two year and that that is because most of them are employee of the hotel.



2. Perception of the Respondents pertaining to Hotel Brandings

Based on the collated information from the surveyed individuals, there is a great influence of electronic device to get information of something. The 23% of the respondents believe that media influences the people to get information in the most convenient, practical and fastest way. Meaning to say, most of the hotel owners (both international and domestic hotels) are keep on releasing quality ads on television, Internet and others to make their hotel known. The respondents agreed that the hotel had been aggressively promoting the hotel based on its services. It is the responsibility of the Hotel owners to give genuine services based on their promotions. The weighted mean of 3.78 indicates that the respondents are very aware to the extreme aggressiveness of the hotel to promote their services. The respondents are also aware about other hotels that are at par in terms of services with this hotel. The analysis also illustrated the overall agree responses of the respondents pertaining to their brand awareness on hotel facilities. They said that facilities make up much of the brand name of the hotel- the better the facilities, the more known the brand name. Brand standards contribute to the success of the brand name. Most of the respondents believe that the ranges of prices in hotel accommodations depend on the brand of the hotel. It is very important for the hotel to make the prices in hotel accommodations depend on the brand of the hotel so that the prices are reasonable. According to the respondents, brand names essentially dictate the prices of the hotels since the reality reveals that the price of a certain thing depends to its brand.

3. Perception of the Respondents pertaining to Differentiation in Hotel Brandings

The weighted mean of 4.80 from the analysis shows that most of the respondents are aware of the differences in the services of Taiwan hotels. There is a unique degree or level of services in different Taiwan hotels. Meaning to say, the degree of services of different hotels is dissimilar from each other. Apparently, the quality service of a certain hotel depends upon to the satisfaction of the costumer. Based on the degree of their responses, the respondents are generally aware about the differentiation of quality and satisfaction of services of a certain hotel. Quality of services and satisfaction of the costumers are related. However, there are some instances that the difference of the quality and satisfaction of a costumer depends on their familiarity of hotel facilities. Quality and hotel satisfaction in hotel industry results in specialized patterns of resource use and localized large generalist hotels compete to occupy the center of the market, i.e., the locations for which demand is most dense. The intensity when it comes to the differentiation in Hotel prices was average according to the surveyed individuals. The respondents are generally aware to the differences in the prices of Taiwan hotels, specifically to international and domestic hotels in Taiwan. Basically, the price of a certain Hotel (e.g. international and domestic hotels) depends upon the quality and brand of the hotel. According to the most number of respondents there are some significant differences in hotel prices.





Based on the findings of this study, the researcher concludes the following:

1.  The respondents who took part in this study are already mature in age, responsible and reliable.  They are also aware of what’s happening in the hotel industry (both international and domestic hotels) and are deeply concerned about the improvement of the hotel facilities, services and reasonable prices .

2.  The respondents have given an overall rating of Agree to each of the criteria. Most of the respondents believe that the branding has a great relationship in differentiation of hotel in hotel industry. This shows that respondents knew the importance of branding and differentiation to the current state of things in the Hotel. For them costumers satisfaction was important requirement for the success of the hotel.

3.  The statistics show that there is no significant difference or there is a significant relationship in the perception of the respondents of the Hotel sector in Taiwan pertaining to hotel accommodation.

4.  There are several factors affecting the progress of some hotel establishments in Taiwan. There are some factors to be considered in hotels improvement i.e. training of the staffs and proper positioning of the hotel.

5.  The Analysis of Variance between the perception of the respondents in international and domestic hotels reveals no significant results. From the data and ANOVA analysis, the significance level of four variables discussed in Chapter 4 is greater than .05.  Meaning to say, the performance of both International and Domestic Hotels is similar to each other based on the perception of the respondents.



Based on the foregoing summary of findings and conclusion, the researcher recommends the following:

1.       Maintain open communication lines between the hotel managers and costumers.

2.       Review the program of the each of the hotel and update the content to increase the standard of the hotel based on the adjustments suggested by the standard of hotel services. Employee must also be given stricter training requirements to ensure that they understand their job well. 

3.       Hotel open communication lines between costumers and administrators especially in disseminating information and communication.  This is to ensure that the costumers know what the administration is up to and vice-versa.



  1. Thank you for writing such an informative post on hotel branding. It's fascinating to see how hotels use branding to create a unique identity and attract guests. Keep up the great work!

