Amy Scherber opened her bakery in 1992 which was supported by people. Building a business like Amy’s Bread is not that easy. Before this, she enrolled herself to learn various culinary expertises at New York Restaurant School, she worked as a line and pastry cook which taught her about food service business and she also went into three serious training in France and New York to learn on how to make breads. It became successful as several publications made positive reviews on their products and services. Some factors which made the bakery successful include: their viewpoint that the use of manual bread making keep up the good texture of the dough, as well as the good flavors of the product, they make use of whole grains and unbleached flour as the major components of their dough, and their breads are low or free from fat as most of the customers preferred to buy. Chelsea market will benefit from them in attracting new customers and the supplies can be easily bought to this enterprise in case of emergency.






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