Physical Keyboard vs. Touch Screen Keyboard on Smart Phones


Mobile phones today is categorized as with physical keyboard, and the other one is fully touch screen. Obviously, both styles have advantages and disadvantages over the  other.  However, it greatly depends on the mobile user; what  they think is best for them in terms of usage, comfort ability, as well as   what fits to their budget, lifestyle, and  preference.  And, because of this factor, many  mobile phone buyers  are hopping from one store to another just to select the best unit for them.  It is similar when buying a car, a buyer is excitedly goes to different car dealers just to find out what the car model  best suits to their personal preference and  financial capability. In this connection, both the mobile phones with  physical keyboard and fully touch screen mobile phones have  there  strong market in the mobile phone industry.  Many people of  today preferred to use physical keyboard smart phone due to its simple and easy to understand  features for the users.  Additionally, it is great mobile phone because it has less tendencies for  mistakes on keyboard typing among the mobile users.   More than that, it even offers accurate way of  putting data through its physical  keyboard which is very easy to type the letters on. The user can even type words that are even longer than 500 words,  and even reaches 1000 words per text or message with less mistakes.  Meaning, in this type of mobile phone, the user has  almost accurate input of information compared with the fully touch screen mobile phone.


Furthermore,  mobile phones with physical keyboard  is  cheaper in market price as to compare to  touch screen mobile phone. Nevertheless, if there are advantages of the having a smart phone with physical keyboard, there might as well as disadvantages of using it too. Most likely, its bulkiness, as well as the physical keyboard is designed in a manner that it minimizes space and increases efficiency. On the other hand, fully touch screen smart phones are especially designed with virtual keyboards.  They are mobile phones that are very fun and quick to make short cut of so many words and applications.  Apparently, half  of the  consumers in the market  already preferred to buy this  new style of cell phone even it is seemingly has  complexities as to compare to the physical keyboard cell phone.  Additionally, swiping is the newest way of typing short conversation, because it is fast and easy.  However, it is not ideal for a long conversations and memos.  In using Swipe for business matters and important information, it is not recommended to use it because it only causes mistakes in what the user swipe on.  Another disadvantage of full touch screen phone is when a keyboard pops up it always takes half of the screen.  Although, it has a wide display screen, it is almost occupied by the pop up key board like a big banner on the phone. Furthermore, using a smart phone needs a heavy duty battery that can last for a day or two.  Apparently, the main problem with all smart phones, is the short span of battery life, it only lasts for one full day or even just a few hours.  Obviously, the more advanced features a smart phone has, the more it consumes its battery. It has a faster processor, as well as most responsive screens; naturally it requires more energy to power it up. 


As a result,  for the first-time buyers, they are most likely frustrated with their touch screen smart phone because they cannot even  turn on the Caps Lock correctly, because all the while they mistakenly type the letter “Z” every time they do it. Though, more people preferred to use a physical QWERTY which is very familiar to use by   majority of mobile phone users;  while keyboard over touch screen keyboards  takes quite sometime of mastery on the keyboard and applications before a user can enjoy the unit completely.   But, through the  intervention of modern technology,  the users can already enjoy the features of both the physical keyboard mobile phone and the touch-screen  smart phone in one. Today, there are plenty of smart phones  unit the market that offer a great touch-screen experience and a full physical keyboard.  At the same time,  these mobile phones are   those  with keyboards which are slide out, while others are right there, front and center. Either way, smart phones with QWERTY keyboards are a great choice for business professionals or any other manic messengers.

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In comparison, the average consumer prefers a physical keyboard smart phone even though it’s a little bit bulky, it still enables do its job to input accurate data as possible with the hard keyboard.  While the full touch screen smart phone is mostly preferred by other people because of its complexity in features and an awesome appearance of it. For the average consumers, as well as heavy texters, so as to the business people; phones with physical keyboard is the one that they are more preferred than the other.   While there are some people who want to use full touch screen for their needs for entertainment and it fulfills those roles satisfactorily to the modern users.



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