Question 1

A. The organizational structure and culture

Organizational structure is seen as an important part of the work environment. An agile company aims to manage change and uncertainty through the entrepreneurial approach, combined with a flexible organizational structure and distributed managerial decision-making authority, which allows for rapid reconfiguration of the human and technological resources in a quest for meeting globally changing market requirements an integration of human resources across departments and at different hierarchical levels in developing the strategic vision should be followed by a strategy to realize appropriate changes within a new organizational structure (Hendrick 2002). The organizational structure of Ortegas is a less formal type of structure wherein there is no structure that divides the organization. The management interacts and commands with the personnel in a direct way.  The Ortegas wanted to create divisions and teams for the company but it did not materialize due to the personnel being uncooperative.  Organizational culture helps in aligning the values and norms of the employees to the values and norms of the organization.  The organizational culture of the personnel differs from the management. The personnel have erratic work habits; they don’t want to learn new things and they are not interested with the situation of the company. The personnel don’t act professionally instead they engage in childish fights. On the other hand the management has a very professional culture wherein they try to engage with a good relationship with the personnel. Moreover the management tries to determine means and strategies to keep the company growing and surviving in its field.

B. The relationship between the organization’s structure and culture

Organizational structure addresses the questions of what is the best form of organization and why. Organizational structure and the communication system interact closely with each other to produce employee satisfaction, especially satisfaction with the organization (LA 2002).  The four general types of overall organizational structure most commonly found are classical machine bureaucracy, professional bureaucracy, matrix organization, and free-form design. Most large, complex organizations have relatively autonomous units with different structural forms. In general, the larger the organization, the more likely it is to use more than one type of work system structure (2002). The organizational structure and organizational culture works well together. The Organizational structure allows the allocation of responsibilities for different functions by individuals in the company, this should organize the company and prevent any clashes between departments over the work at hand but if the culture of the organization is not good the result would be catastrophic. An organization may have organized well the tasks and responsibilities for each personnel but if these personnel have cultures that are hampering the performance of their duties the performance of the company becomes affected as a whole.  There should only be one dominant organizational culture for the company, having more than one culture can lead to arguments and fights even if there is already a strong structure. Once the structure and culture of the organization works well together the result would be lesser delays in producing products and a better performance for the firm.

C. Factors that influence individual behavior at work

The personnel of this generation are more peculiar on opportunities rather than loyalty. The employees of this generation have undergone significant changes in the way they think. They cannot be taken for granted because they make sure that every aspect of the company works fairly well in their favor. This causes dissension between the company and the employees and it causes the company to deliver products that clients don’t want to have. The behavior of people in the organization they belong to depends on different factors. These factors can be environmental, physical, emotional or psychological. One factor that affects the behavior of people in the workplace is the environment. When the environment of the personnel is unruly and uncooperative the tendency for employees is to be the same with the environment and this leads to poor performance of the personnel. Another factor that affects the behavior of personnel is the physical aspect.  When people are not fit to do their jobs or they experience some physical pain they tend to focus on the disability rather than doing their job. A factor that affects the behavior of the personnel is the emotional aspect. When the personnel have emotional issues they tend to work in a less favorable way. Lastly a factor that affects the behavior of the personnel is the psychological aspect. The combination of emotional and environmental issues leads to psychological issues; this factor is the most dangerous because in this state the employee may do things harmful to the other members of the company. The different factors play a part on improving or worsening people’s behavior but it still depends on the situation a person is in.

Question 2

A. Leadership styles and the effectiveness of this approaches

Leadership styles by contrast can be categorized according to the actual behavior of leaders faced by particular situations (2004). There are different leadership styles and it includes the bureaucratic leader, the charismatic leader, the democratic leader, the autocratic leader, the laissez faire leader, the servant leader, the transaction leader, the transformation leader and the environment leader. The bureaucratic leader is the one that follows everything by the book. The charismatic leader has the capability to make the personnel do things that they don’t usually do. He/she makes use of various motivational strategies to put the personnel under his/her command. The Autocratic leader has total authority over the organization; he uses forceful means to make the personnel perform under his/her standards.  The democratic leader listens to the personnel’s ideas and opinions and he uses the ideas to make decisions regarding the performance of the firm.  The laissez faire leader lets the employees do what they want because he/she believes that the personnel do not need supervision. The servant leader is the one that does everything even what should be done by the personnel. The transaction leader has the power to evaluate, correct and train employees who performs poorly. The transformation leader makes sure that he/she motivates well the personnel so that they will be an effective and efficient member of the organization. The environment leader makes of environmental issues and instances to change the perception and actions of the personnel.  Each leadership style has varied affects on a personnel and its effectiveness depends on the current situation of the firm.

B. Organizational theory

Theories are abstract, intellectual constructs that explain and predict phenomena in the real world. Organizational theory comprises a set of propositions that attempt to explain or predict how groups and individuals behave in different organizational structures and circumstances; it is concerned with the ways in which people form social units to achieve organizational and personal goals (Fine 1995). The term organizational theory does not refer to a single theory of organizations. There are myriad theories about organizational phenomena, some of which are related to and build upon one another, while others are radical philosophical departures from previous work. The earliest treatises on organizational theory emphasize hierarchy and leadership as key elements in the successful accomplishment of those purposes. Several important works from the earliest recorded history state that hierarchical organization, division of labor, and leadership are central principles of organizational theory (Fine 1995). Organizational theory strengthens principles of organizing and management. Organizational theory studies an organization from multiple viewpoints, methods, and levels of analysis. The organizational theory makes use of various techniques to fully grasp details about the organization and determine how it is managed and organized in accordance to its goals.  Organizational theory uses strategies to know the strategies set by an organization and how these strategies are used to manage and organize the firm.   In some instances other fields like culture, networks and business relationships are being studied to fully know the organization.

C. Different approaches to management of companies

The classical management approach put more attention to the notion that organizations can live on its own and it will not be affected by the changes in its environment while the human relations approach considered its environment and how different outside  factors can create changes in the organizations. The classical management approach did not care about its employees since the belief is that the management is the one that can make the business successful. On the other hand the human relations management approach gave importance to the role and capabilities of the employees on the success of the organization. The classical management approach was a time where management had no choice but to carry out management functions by themselves. When managers were busy doing various management functions it lead to management decisions to be accomplished in a later time. In the human relations management approach the management learned how to share management functions with the appropriate employees. The sharing of management functions made management have more time to think about the best decision that suits best the company. The classical and human relations management approach have one thing in common, they made use of strategies that are appropriate in ensuring the organization will reach its goals. Classical management approach is used usually by older businesses because it is the one they have been used to. Unless it causes problems, the older management approach is used.  The human relations approach is used by upstart businesses because they believe that to perform well the company has to have a good relationship with the personnel.


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