1.    Presentation of the organization

 In many modern legal orders, such violations of defendants’ rights lead to barring the public prosecution or acquittal of the defendant. Lawyers who succeed in having their clients go free on such grounds are often looked upon as accomplices in crime (Bois, Preston & Stamford 1998). However, responsibility for this behavior is not to be allotted to the Bar. The legislature and the courts created defendants’ protection to cover such eventualities. Also, the question arises whether lawyers are to rectify errors committed by the public prosecution. In many cases, there is nothing to be repaired at all. Factors like undue violence of privacy in obtaining evidence or undue pressure during interrogation cannot be made good afterwards. Lawyers may use any means in defending their powerless clients against the almighty state in order to more or less restore such disturbed balance of powers. However, this scenario may be far from the reality of the situation. In more than a few cases, criminal defendants may hire armies of ‘top’ lawyers, accountants and other specialists in their battle against public prosecution offices (Tony 2001). One office involved in public prosecution is Dubai public prosecution. Dubai public prosecution was created by His Excellency Sheikh Maktoum Bin Rashed Al Maktoum, the State Vice President, Prime Minister, Ruler of Dubai. This office was created to make sure that justice would be achieved by those whose rights were violated. Dubai public prosecution has the outmost jurisdiction to initiate and follow up criminal lawsuits. This office also observes all the stages in a criminal lawsuit. The vision and mission of Dubai public prosecution is streamline and expedite all judicial procedures without affecting the decision of the judiciary and preventing the smooth course of justice.


2.    Business strategy

a.    The strategy diagnosis

External environment


Dubai has initiated reforms in its political and social environment. The state has introduced the UAE Government Strategy wherein changes will be done with social development, economic development, public sector development, justice and safety, infrastructure and rural areas development. The goal of the strategy is to reevaluate and advance the different sectors to standards that can compete in a global environment.  The opportunity for the changes in the political environment would be unhampered delivery of services by Dubai public prosecution. The reforms helped Dubai public prosecution to continue their service to those victims of rights violation. The reforms were not a hindrance for the delivery of Dubai public prosecution’s service.   The threat for the changes in the political environment would be the need to change the strategies of Dubai public prosecution and adapt it to the changes in the political climate. The UAE Government Strategy may require changes in how Dubai public prosecution deals with their clients.


Like other countries in the world, Dubai is experiencing recovery after the financial crisis. For Dubai public prosecution this means lesser source of finances. The opportunity brought by the economic environment is more chance to prove Dubai public prosecution’s dedication to service without the need for funds. Other offices can emulate and display such dedication. The threat by the economic environment is the lack of source of funds in the future. With lesser source of finances this office would have to reduce expenses without sacrificing the delivery of services to the people.

Internal environment

The main resource for Dubai public prosecution is their lawyers and legal personnel that make sure that justice would be acquired by the client. The strength of the lawyers and legal personnel of Dubai public prosecution are their dedication to provide service and highlight the fact that someone is innocent until proven guilty in court. The main weakness of the personnel of Dubai public prosecution is the instances of cases being returned to them due to insufficient evidence or wrong charges. The main capability of Dubai public prosecution is to use all means to help their clients achieve the justice they desire.  The strength of the capability is the assurance that the client would achieve justice. The weakness of the capability is the temptation to do something beyond the law to achieve their goal.

Strategic options

The value proposition of the firm is within the goals of the firm to make sure that their client would achieve swift justice without any change in the decision. The target market for Dubai public prosecution is anyone who needs justice whether they are the accused or the victim. Dubai public prosecution’s competitive advantage exist in the way they make sure that the client would achieve justice by making follow ups on all aspect of a case whether it is in the preliminary stage or in the end stage.  Dubai public prosecution makes sure that they would exert all efforts to guard the case and determine possible outcomes. There is a competitive advantage because not all public prosecutors would exert effort to follow up on a case and assess all the aspect of the case that needs to be changed for a better result.

b. Business strategy

Understanding the potential impact of a global environment on individual firms has become crucial. Opportunities present themselves in the form of new markets or the possibility of serving global markets from one or a few world centers. New competitors are emerging, often with different resource configurations or different perceptions on how the game should be played. Institutional and political developments at a supranational level are increasingly impinging on the operations of individual firms. From a strategic management perspective, a central task facing executives is to chart a course for the organization that enables it to gain and maintain a position of advantage over its competitors (Clark 1999). Strategy and organization design possess a strong linear ordering and also tended to start from the outside with environmental analysis and then move inside. Their approaches to environmental analysis are different and complementary. The construction of corporate level strategies is more strongly developed in strategy, but that approach tends to leave the next stage to organization design. Each approach presumes that a favorable performance is likely outcome. Within the organization, several voices are fighting each other, trying to become the official, dominant strategy. Some experts emphasize the importance of listening to dissonant and often minority voices in order to construct and implement a sound strategy, but this goal seems elusive (Moingeon & Soenen 2002).


The main limit of the post-modernist approaches is that they are too relativist and thus fail to explain how an organization can formulate and implement what would be a good strategy, or at least a better one.  Corporate strategy is an organization process, in many ways inseparable from the structure, behavior, and culture of the company in which it takes place. People may abstract from the process two important aspects, interrelated in real life but separable for the purposes of analysis. The first is known as formulation, the second implementation. Through the strategy formulation process, overall organizational objectives are translated into functional, departmental, and job-specific objectives. The outcome is an understanding of what each organizational unit and person must accomplish and what is expected of them. Then, the performance of each person and organizational unit is evaluated based on whether the objectives are achieved (Fahy 2001). The principal sub activities of strategy formulation as a logical activity include identifying opportunities and threats in the company's environment and attaching some estimate or risk to the discernible alternatives. Before a choice can be made, the company's strengths and weaknesses should be appraised together with the resources on hand and available. Its actual or potential capacity to take advantage of perceived market needs or to cope with attendant risks should be estimated as objectively as possible. The strategic alternative which results from matching opportunity and corporate capability at an acceptable level of risk is what people may call an economic strategy (Foss 1997). The business strategy of Dubai public prosecution for the years to come would focus on making sure that evidence gathering would be at a top notch level. A common issue at Dubai public prosecution is when cases are returned because of lack of evidences. The company should focus on making sure that before a case is filed at the court there will be no reason for returning it. The company will make sure that it will strengthen its evidence gathering system and it will make sure that the type of case filed will be based on evidence. 


3.    IT strategy for the company

IT internal environment

Electronic government can be defined as a cluster of activities concerned with the use of information and communication technology to deliver public services of some kind. The providers could include central or local government or one of the agencies established as service-providers. The services themselves range from simple information provision through to interactive, transactional services (Scammell 2001). The assessment of the impact made by a service or an activity depends greatly on one's perspective. The view of a provider will be different from that of a recipient. Not only will they perceive the impact through different eyes, the issues that relate to impact will also differ. In the case of electronic government, we can identify a wide range of actors, each of whom will have a different perspective and for whom different issues will need to be taken into account when measuring impact. Individuals, as recipients of electronic services, clearly have an important perspective on the impact the services make. Individuals will view such services as consumers. They will also have a more complex association with the services and their delivery in their role as citizens. When making their assessment of the impact or effectiveness of the services, individuals are likely to adopt a comparative approach, making comparisons with electronic services provided by the private sector and others. They will also compare electronic services with other, non-electronic government services (Mansell & Wehn 1998).


When assessing impact, it will be necessary to bear these benchmarks in mind. To assess impact from the individuals' perspective, it will be necessary to explore a number of issues. These are likely to include: convenience, perceived costs and benefits, privacy and data protection, security, and equity in the sense that all individuals are perceived to be able to access the electronic service equally. In the medium-term, users may develop, through their use of the service, greater awareness or understanding of electronic delivery or government service. They may also become more or less receptive to electronic services (Dutton & Peltu 1996). The medium-term agenda for providers will concern cost reductions or increases, system developments and organizational change in its relationships with other providers. At the societal level, the government may be concerned about the impact of a reduction in the number of fixed-point or physical services that results from the take-up of electronic services. The introduction of electronic government services could result in the withdrawal of fixed-point services, thus increasing the degree of social exclusion among those unable to use electronic services. Equally, they could build up popular acceptance of electronic service delivery thus opening the door to many other service providers (Nicholas & Rowlands 2000). Dubai public prosecution makes use of e-services that focuses on general and lawyer services. General services give information on court session schedule and careers available in the organization. General services also have a part where the client can request for a copy of a criminal case file, complaint and other request. Lawyer services on the other hand provide an opportunity for clients to contact Dubai public prosecution and acquire the services they offer.  The strength of the IT services of Dubai public prosecution is its comprehensiveness. The IT service of the company is very complete and can satisfy most needs of the client. The weakness of the IT services of Dubai public prosecution is its inability to adapt to newer trends in information technology.

External IT environment

Broadcast news, business meetings, call center calls, and conference calls are all examples of situations in which people engage in conversations and having a permanent, textual record of the conversation is valuable. A digital record of the conversation is searchable, is readable by deaf individuals, and supports advanced business intelligence applications. These are all examples of transcription tasks (Franda 2001). In each of these scenarios, the user is engaged in an activity that is independent of the transcription process. They are not concerned with creation of a document that is a grammatically correct and well organized. In fact, they devote no cognitive processing to the creation of the document. They simply want an accurate record of the conversations. (Jacko & Sears 2003).As more organizations build Web sites, as more people become web users, and as more organizational applications are deployed through web browsers, the human-computer interaction aspect of the web becomes increasingly important. For-profit companies and nonprofit organizations alike cannot ignore the needs of the users who come to their Web sites. Careful attention must be paid to user concerns throughout the entire development process for Web sites. The area of web development changes rapidly, and the research on user issues in Web sites must keep up with it to inform Web site design for improved user interactions (Dodge & Kitchin 2001).  One trend in Information technology is the use of web conferencing wherein one uses the internet to directly interact with another. Dubai public prosecution should focus on the use of web conferencing wherein their website will feature an online chat or video conference function. This would make sure that the personnel of Dubai public prosecution can discuss things with clients and perspective clients.  Through online conferencing the clients who live in far places can have ease in discussing things with the company. The advancement in IT paved the way for the implementation of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) system and the creation of an encryption solution to encrypt the data in the public prosecution system.  The KPI system would make sure that the information stored and resisted in the Public Prosecution system would be safe and it would produce a dashboard system wherein it will monitor the KPI performance and the data transactions, which will help higher management in the decision making.  The encryption solution to encrypt the data in the public prosecution is a response to the threat of leakage of information stored in the Public prosecution system.


GAP analysis

External assessment

The creation of web conference, Data encryption and KPI project would create a better public prosecution system and would help Dubai public prosecution provide better service to its clients. The creation of web conference, Data encryption and KPI project made sure that Dubai public prosecution would have longer years of existence.


Internal assessment

The inability of Dubai public prosecution to adapt to newer trends in information technology and the method of accessing the public prosecution from the mobile phones is a risky practice by the firm. The firm needs to make sure that the information in the public prosecution system would be safe and secure; the use of mobile phones in accessing files is not a safe way to have files.

4.    Portfolios

Portfolio of web conference

The support initiatives

The web conference would be given support by the same individuals who developed the E-service function of the website. Whenever there are problems with the web conference the IT group of the company would make sure that it would be solved in the earliest time possible.


 The turnaround for the web conference would be better communication for the client and the personnel. It would also make sure that miscommunications would be reduced to a minimal level.

The factory

The web conference would be created by the developers of the company’s website. Additional payments would be given to the developers for the creation of the website.

The strategic

Organizational impact

The web conference would provide a rate of 8 out of 10 for the organization. It would help the organization open up for other possibilities.

Strategic impact

The web conference would provide a rate of 9 out of 10 for the organization. The web conference would give the firm additional advantage against competitors and it would help the firm achieve its current and future goals. The web conference is a technology not frequently used in the delivery of legal services.

Portfolio of web security

The support initiatives

The planned data encryption project would be given support by the same individuals who developed the E-service function of the website. Whenever there are problems with the data encryption the IT group of the company would make sure that it would be solved in the earliest time possible.


The turnaround for web security is protection for all files and information. The web security will make sure that all files needed by an individual would be easily acquired without the fear of intrusion from unscrupulous individuals.

The factory

The web security would be created by the developers of the company’s website. Additional payments would be given to the developers for the creation of the added features of the website.

The strategic

Organizational impact

The web security would provide a rate of 9 out of 10 for the organization. It would help the organization succeed without fear for the security of files.

Strategic impact

The web security would provide a rate of 9 out of 10 for the organization. The web security would give the firm additional advantage against competitors and it would help the firm achieve its current and future goals. The web security is a technology that would boost the confidence in delivery of legal information.

Portfolio of KPI system

The support initiatives

The planned dashboard system that will be developed under the KPI system would be given support by the same individuals who developed the web conference and web security. Whenever there are problems with the Dashboard system of the KPI system the IT group of the company would make sure that it would be solved in the


The turnaround for the KPI system is better decision making and improvement in the performance of Dubai public prosecution. The dashboard system that will be made under the KPI system would make sure that transactions and the performance of information would be monitored. 

The factory

Like both the web conference and web security the KPI system would be created by the developers of the company’s website. Additional payments would be given to the developers for the creation of such system.

The strategic

Organizational impact

The KPI system would provide a rate of 8 out of 10 for the organization. It would help the organization succeed by better performance.

Strategic impact

The web security would provide a rate of 8 out of 10 for the organization. The web security would give the firm additional advantage against competitors through improved performance.  

5.    Implementation planning for the web conference

Different tasks will be included in the implementation process of the web conference:

5.1.        The first task would focus on creation of the web conference function and detailing its features. The firm would be in constant communication with the developers and would discuss the different things that they want to be included in the function. After the web conference function is completed the firm would check if their requirements are met and then it will put the technology on the testing stage.

5.2.        In implementing the web conference function of the website the firm will initially introduce web conference to its clients. The firm will initially contact clients and let them test the web conference function. The conversation in the initial stages would be less formal ones.

5.3.        The employees will also test the system for its functionality and use. The firm will   set up informal conversations with the different employees and it will ask the employee to check for errors in the technology.

5.4.        After the client has gained some idea of how the web conference functions works. The firm will then proceed with the optimum use of the system. In optimum use of the system all function of the web conference technology will be used and checked for any problems.

5.5.        During the whole process of its use the firm will evaluate the system and check if the web conference technology is beneficial or destructive to the company’s goal. The firm will also determine the online conferencing occurrence of errors and the frequency of errors.

Implementation planning for the web security

  • The first task would focus on the reintegration of the security system to the website. The firm would need to integrate the security system to the current structure of the website.
  • Some personnel will test the security system by trying to do some acts that equates to unauthorized use of data. Some will try to acquire data illegally and they will test the capability of the system to detect problems
  • During the whole process of its use the firm will evaluate the system and check if the technology is indeed beneficial or destructive to the company’s goal.

Implementation planning for KPI system

  • After the dashboard system has been instituted it will be introduced to all the personnel and the higher management would explain its use
  • There will be a testing period for the system so that everyone can get acquainted with it.  In the testing period the standards will be at the minimal level so as not to pressure anyone.
  • After the personnel has gained some idea of how the dashboard system works. The firm will then proceed with the optimum use of the system. In optimum use of the system all function of the dashboard system will be used and checked for any problems.
  • During the whole process of its use the firm will evaluate the system and check if the dashboard system is beneficial or destructive to the company’s goal. The firm will also determine if there are any occurrence of errors and if there are errors the frequency of its errors.

6.    IT organization

There would be no major changes in the IT division of Dubai public prosecution once the web conference, KPI system and web security is implemented. The IT division would be the ones that will be primarily responsible for the web conference, KPI system and web security including the creation of such technologies up to the implementation and evaluation.  An added task would be given to the IT division, they would be asked to train the other personnel so that they will have an idea of how to use the technologies. The director of the IT department Abdullah Al Marri would lead the introduction of the web conference, KPI system and web security to the personnel. He would be the primary person responsible for the use of such systems and he must make sure that the three systems would help the firm achieve its individual goals.  The director of the IT department also has the responsibility to make sure that the web conference, KPI system and web security would be properly maintained.

7.    Cost and the benefit of the IT Strategy and its financial implications

The IT strategies would make sure that there would be a stronger communication and connection between the firm and the clients. The IT strategies would make sure that data is safe. The IT strategies proposed would make sure that performance would be at an optimum level. The strategies would reduce miscommunication, data intrusion, poor decision making and would give ease to clients who live in far places. The IT strategies would make sure that the message from the client to the company and vice versa will be delivered at the fastest time possible. The web conference, KPI system and web security would not cost much if the firm would have the developers of the website be the ones who will create the different systems. If the developers of the website, web conference, KPI system and web security are the same the company would not need to pay more and they can even ask for discount. The developers of the website can be given different timetables for the completion of each system. If the developers of the website, the web conference, KPI system and web security are the same; the company can have minimized additional expenditures and they would not be overcharged. If the developers of the website, web conference, KPI system and web security are the same; the company would have assurance that the three technologies would be less complicated and would fit their needs.  Since the developers of the web site, KPI system and web security and web conference is the same they would have an idea of the ideal technology by the firm thus they will not create something that is too complicated.  KPI system and web security function would give more finances to the organization since it will attract more clients, produce safer information and introduce better performance.



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