Religion, Educational Level and Contraceptive Use among University Students


Puberty is one of the crucial stages that a youth might encounter. In this event, various changes happens as seen in their physical bearing and changes in emotions. Often, the teenagers became emotional. Aside from the obvious changes, the youth can be ready for the reproduction. Many similar studies are done that promotes the awareness on the early sex and child-bearing. And the two of them are:

 (a) Cadmus & Owoaje (2010) with their study entitled: “Patterns of Contraceptive Use among Female Undergraduates in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria”; and

(b) Cleveland & Graf (2005) with their study entitled: “Contraceptive Use Among Students at a Mid-Size University in the Southeastern Portion of the United States”.

The two studies focused on the use of contraceptive among the universities – one in U.S. and the other Africa. The comparison between the developing and developed countries is a good source of information for the current research and for the future reference. In addition there is a five – year gap in the study which makes the studies to the comprehensive source of information. Surprisingly, in the modern society, the youths are aware about the sex and most of them experience the sexual intercourse. Due to this trend, the population grows in double and the living status (as seen in poor countries) became more depressed and lowered.

In this study, the main focus is the University students. They will be also the same people who will be benefited. In the end of the study, the students will be helped regarding the issues of unprotected sexual intercourse, the acquisition of HIV/AIDS, early parenthood, and the global problem in population. Herewith, the study will tackle the issues of religions, education, and the use of contraceptives.

Problem Statements

The study derived into addressing the two problems that can be the entire focus of investigation.

·         What are the roles played by religions with the idea of sex education?

·         Is the time is right for the early prevention like the use of contraceptives?

Literature Review

In building the competencies of the individuals in globalization, it doesn’t mean that businesses are the only area that is bound to change. People should also change their view regarding the level of education and how to deal with everyday life. Through the guidance of the teachers, the quality education can be achieved. But the students should learn the various faces in the society and be part of the key people that will make a difference in the future. Most of the educators view that there is an important reason in teaching the sex education, most especially in youths and students of secondary schools. Even if there are many criticisms about the provisions of sex education, there are still several benefits that the type of education can deliver.

Firstly, the schools should mobilize the various resources and consciously start to build the strong society by assuring the future of the students. The education is committed to the human survival and welfare. Aside from the innovative and interactive approach for the education, the introduction of the sex education will open the youth in the various problems revolving in the society (Delors, 1996). The sex education is purposely made to enlighten the students about the various consequences that they might face if they are engaged in a pre-marital sex. Following this teaching is the training of the education regarding the effective way to deliver the education with full confident. Also it is important that the young boys and girls should be aware that the change is indeed needed. Teenage sexuality is treated as a natural biological affair that might be tracked in their culture, moral understanding, and psychological dimensions. The strong program can be an effective approach to lessen the impact of the overpopulated society. This approach might cause confusion in the youth’s minds and might increase the psychological problems such as the sexual confusion. Certainly the focus of the sex education might link the positive relationships of the teenagers and create an attitude toward the better future. In addition, the greatest contribution that the sex education can give is to prevent the early parenthood and the avoidance of AIDS (Sam, 2007).

The secondary schools provides the personal and social development for the students and therefore, the administrators should set the best practice and organize the service in educating the youth in a sensitive issues. The work under the sex education might improve the quality of the provisions in personal and social education within the schools. Ensuring the pupils to receive the information regarding the consequences involved in the early sex is a great plan for the educators to lead the way for the better future of the students (Johnson, 2004).



Delors, J., (1996) Learning: The Treasure Within, Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-First Century [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 September 2010].

Johnson, A.E., (2004) Single-sex Classes in Public Secondary Schools: Maximizing the Value of a Public Education for the Nation's Students, Vanderbilt Law Review, 57(2)

Sam, K., (2007) Education [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 September 2010].

Other Sources:

Cadmus, E.O., & Owoaje, E., (2010) Patterns Of Contraceptive Use Among Female Undergraduates In The University Of Ibadan, Nigeria, The Internet Journal of Health, 10(2) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 September 2010].

Cleveland, T., & Graf, H.M., (2005) Contraceptive Use Among Students at a Mid-Size University in the Southeastern Portion of the United States [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 September 2010].


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