Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter will discuss the methods to be used for this research.  This will detail the steps that the researcher will undertake in order to accomplish the study.  The said steps will then include the collection procedure of the data that will be required in the delivery and completion of the research.  It will also present the manner in which these data will be utilized and integrated in the study and at the same time, detail how the research will proceed to answer the aims and objectives in order to reach to the conclusion. 

In this manner, the chapter justifies the means in which the study will be performed.  It will also emphasize its credibility by mentioning the widely accepted scientific methodologies.  Through the methods mentioned in this chapter, a plausible conclusion may be obtained.

            Looking back to the aims and objectives of the study, the study intends to determine of whether or not non-monetary strategy is sufficient enough to retain top skilled IT talents. In order to identify the opinions of such top skilled IT talents in the sufficiency of non-monetary strategies, the study’s methodology will be focused on collecting both the primary and secondary data through related literature research and the survey instruments.


            As the research intends to discover the general consensus of skilled IT talents with regards to non-monetary strategies in the current milieu, the immediate research methodology in mind is the descriptive research design.  The Qualitative research approach is concerned with the existing relationships, effects, practices, ongoing beliefs and developing trends.  The study calls for a Qualitative approach because it needs to gather existing information regarding the state of IT talents, professionals and workers today, as well as the strategies used in retaining them that can be provided by a Descriptive research methodology.  The research will be taken from various data sources that will be integral in surveying issues of Employee motivation and the Information Technology occupation or career.


 (1994) explains that the Qualitative research approach makes use of currently existing facts regarding the status and origin of a situation at hand, as it exists during the time of the study.  In addition,  (1978) point out that the Descriptive method is appropriate in the exploration of a specific phenomenon’s causes.


The approach is flexible and appropriate for the research’s limited nature.  The research will be able to delve into a broad scope of issues, highlight portions that are worth taking and to elaborate further the already existing information to shed further light towards answering the problem statement and forming of conclusion.  The Descriptive method will allow the research to have explanations that are extensive and variable.  With Descriptive research, sudden hypotheses could possibly emerge. 


The Qualitative method also invites a variety of methods, not just limited to what is possibly accepted but also those that some research methodologies may limit or restrict.  It allows a freedom of interpretations.  It is able to look at a business situation naturally which other stricter research methods may overlook due to its overly systematic laws and approaches.  Other research methods, due to its generalizing and objective manners, may not even have a proper clutch on the subject matter the way that a Descriptive methodology can because it will require the existence of accepted models.


For one, the study may be able to adapt the methods of Quantitative research as there will be some data, situations, or other facts that will be collected as first hand data which should then be explained or correlated with other data such as the Secondary data or the related studies of Employee motivation strategies and the IT Professional career.  By using a qualitative approach, this research may partially base its findings through quantitative research methods due to its flexible and iterative approach. This study will also employ the Descriptive research method because it will try to search and establish models as well as theories that will seek the connection and explain the relationship of one variable with another through the Qualitative elements in research which do not really have standards of measures such as behaviour, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs that this research will greatly rely and focus on.


With this research methodology, it is possible to consider alternative explanations. It is appropriate because it will, at the end of the research, recommend some measures and procedures that will inform the effects of non-monetary strategies in retaining top IT talents, the implications of such research and the next steps to be undertaken whether to recommend or to discourage such methods


Data Collection: Questionnaire


The data to be utilized in the research will be both primary data (also known as the first-hand data) and secondary data.  While the primary data are collected straight from the sources and are gathered through the survey which will be the key research tool, the secondary data are collected from current related literatures as generated by large organizations.  The secondary data will also assist the researcher in the development of the questionnaire such that will be used to retrieve primary data.  The secondary data thus comes as a support for the acquisition of primary data. 


The research will utilize a Qualitative approach in gathering information which will be sufficient enough to provide a medium for interaction and opinion tabulation that will be correspond to the opinions closely to the precise opinions of the users themselves.  The primary source of data will come from a researcher-made survey questionnaire, which will be given to the respondents.


The questionnaire method is administered by having the respondents answer a form of questions.  The items of the questionnaire will tackle on firm developments since the application of corporate governance. Specific details will focus on questions regarding operational performance and firm value. With the questionnaire method, time is provided to the respondents at their own leisure.  Granting the respondents the flexibility and freedom of time, it elicits more accurate answers than when they are hurried. Through the questionnaire, the researcher may ask sensitive questions that are better indirect than direct such as statistical or demographic profile.  The research will use this method in order to ascertain efficiency both in time and cost.   The method is not without disadvantages as answers may easily be tampered and this is why there is an interview method that would serve as a back-up.  It will also assure the research of its validity. 

The researcher also opted to use the questionnaire as the main data collection tool due to its easy and flexible nature.  The questionnaire is easily customizable and the manner of its construction is easy to follow which is only very practical in the nature of the research. Moreover, questionnaire copies may easily reach almost any number of respondents either by mail or by personal distribution. Generally, responses to a questionnaire are objectified and standardized thus allowing responses to be entered and tabulated easily.  This will also provide instantly results ready for the analysis.  More importantly, the respondents’ replies are of their own free will because there is no interviewer to influence them. This is one way to avoid biases, particularly the interviewers’ bias.

The Respondents


The samples of the research will be drawn from IT organizations using the sampling method purposive sampling which allows the judgment of the researcher to select the cases that will best enable the researcher to “answer research questions and meet objectives” (,  and , 2003, ). The focus of this self-selection sampling method is the information and content rather amassing the research population.  It will use limited or few cases to be studied and analyzed closely and critically.  The samples will not be considered as valid representatives of the entire population.  This self-selection sampling method is chosen in order to acquire the samples as soon as possible and attempt to meet the requirements of the research questions and objectives.  


Secondary Data


The study too will utilize secondary data that will include the recent literature review regarding Employee motivation as published in related studies, books, articles, journals and websites.




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