Health Issues for Older Adults:

Module Assignment.




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Module:                       Health Issues For Older Adults


Submission Date:       




1. Coursework Guidelines


Before attempting this Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) ensure you have read and understood the guidelines on:


1          Essay writing and referencing;

2          Plagiarism.


Guidance on essay writing and other study skills can be obtained from the University of Paisley: Student Support Website:

And The University library Site at:


Guidance on essay writing and on referencing is contained in the Study Skills Folder in the “Course Information” section of The Office in your “Blackboard” virtual learning environment. Guidance on referencing is also contained in the University of Paisley Library website, at


Note in addition that if you quote directly from another writer you must include in your reference the page number(s) from which you have made that quotation.


Guidance on how to avoid plagiarism is to be found in the Course Information section of “The Office” in Blackboard, under the heading 'Cheating and Plagiarism Policy'. 

The University 'Cheating and Plagiarism’ Policy is contained in the University “Regulations for Assessment” which can be accessed via either the Library or Registry.

An extract of the regulations including the cheating and plagiarism sections of the policy are available from the student infopoint:


If you have difficulty locating either of these guidelines, please contact your tutor immediately.


For further information about course and module assessment you may wish to examine the University Assessment Policy. Copies of which can be accessed via either the Library or Registry.


By submitting this TMA to your tutor it will be assumed that you have read and understood these documents.


2. The Assignment


The assignment for this module asks you to do the following:


Write a case study for an older adult whom you have either cared for in the past or who you are caring for at present.

§ Outline the older adults previous medical and social history very briefly                  (300 words approximately)

§ Indicate the major health issue for the older adult and any related subordinate issues that require to be discussed.

(100 words maximum)

§ Discuss the care actually received by the older adult, which was aimed at tackling the identified health issue critically. Justify appropriately the health care decisions made during the period under study. When considering the care the person received, remember that this includes the advice and education they have been given, as well as “hands on” care. Consider also possible alternatives to the actual decisions taken.

(2,100 words approximately)

§ Evaluate the overall care that the older person received and make suggestions for improving the care that the person received where possible.      (500 words approximately)


The assignment should be 3,000 words in length +/- 10%.


Word usage in excess of 3,300 words and less than 2,700 words will result in a reduction of your overall mark for the assignment.


NB. The word count given in brackets is for guidance purposes only. You may wish to deviate from this, but your word count should not exceed or fail to meet the required length (ie. 3,000 +/- 10%).


This Assignment will be marked out of 100. It will contribute 80% towards your final awarded mark for this module. The other 20% will be awarded for your participation in and contributions to the online Discussion Forums that are ongoing throughout the module. For details regarding when the Discussion Forums run see the module timetable. For details on how your contribution to these Discussions will be assessed see the module introduction. The work should draw on the materials discussed and presented in the module where this is appropriate.


3. Guidelines on Constructing Your Case Study.


A)    When writing this assignment you should select a client whom you have cared for previously or who is still being cared for in your workplace. When writing about the client, remember to give them a pseudonym and use it throughout the work in order that the client’s confidentiality is ensured. You should also ensure when writing about the client, that you preserve the identity of the place of work and any names that can be related to a workplace setting or an individual within that workplace.  Prior to commencing the case study it is necessary for you to gain the permission of the client to use them as the focus of your work.


B)    You should collect relevant data about the selected client from a range of sources e.g. the client, their relatives, carer, and written sources like medical nursing or therapist’s notes. Read over the information that you collect and then record relevant points that you intend including in the study. When recording and writing about the points that you have selected you should state them clearly concisely and unambiguously. You should also group them coherently for presentation. Prioritising the selected points may be helpful. When completing the assignment you should note as an appendix all the sources of information (i.e. patient’s case notes, discussion with client, clients relatives) that you use to collect your baseline data.


C)    You may find that the use of a framework will facilitate your analysis of the details of the person’s case and personal reflections on the care they received. For example you may choose a model of nursing, an assessment mode, or another framework as a basis for presenting your work.


D)    Within the case study you should give a brief summary of the client’s history up to your point of contact with the client. You should also state what the health issues are for the client at the point from which you are going to study their care. If possible, these should be stated clearly and unambiguously and should incorporate the clients perspective, as well as the perspective of the health care professional.


E)     Outline and discuss the care that the older person received. In discussing the care you should justify the care delivered using relevant literature, research, standards of care, guidelines etc. Alternatives to the actual care delivered should be discussed and the reason for selection of one option rather than another should be both clear and justified. The advantages and disadvantages of any alternatives when they exist should also be highlighted.


F)     You should also evaluate the care the person received and the choices made during the period of their care that you are studying. Areas where you think care could have been improved should be clearly identified. Your evaluation should also include literature to justify your opinions where appropriate.


G)    You need to remember that the assignment needs to be presented in a manner that can be understood by others and should have a logical, readable flow.


H)    If you choose to include supporting elements taken from the older person’s documentation these should be included as appendices and should also be anonymised to protect the person’s identity and confidentiality.


I)       Note that the essay should be referenced throughout the text and a reference list should be presented at the end of the essay. When writing this assignment you should continuously refer to the referencing guidelines as your referencing throughout should be in accordance with the University Guidelines for referencing.

J)       In seeking literature for this assignment it is suggested that you commence searching for material as soon as you have accessed this assignment. This is because it may take you some time to accumulate the material you require especially if you require to request and receive material from distant libraries via an interlibrary loan system.


K)    Computer Searching using an on line database (or if you have access via CD-ROM databases) is considered an essential skill in this course for obtaining literature. As a University of Paisley student an “Athens Account” will have been created for you on enrolment. Your “Athens Account” allows you to access the University databases for literature not just within the University but if you have access to the Internet, from sites off the University Campus. If you do not have an Athens Account you should contact the University Library and speak to a Librarian, who should assist in ensuring this facility is set up for you. Once you have an Account it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the on-line library search systems at the beginning of the module. If you leave this until the last few weeks when you are trying to write your assignment you may find it difficult to locate appropriate resources in time. Please note that candidates should also make appropriate use of indexes, abstracts and bibliographies, which are available in the University and most nursing libraries, when searching for sources of information. You may need to speak with a librarian in order to learn how to make use of them.


L)     Use of Internet sources of material is permissible but you must provide the appropriate reference in order that the source can be located if necessary. (See reference guidelines for how this should be done.) Ideally the material you refer to should be recent (within the last 10 years) or recognised as important work in the area you are examining. It is essential that you use a balance of sources including research articles and books.


4. Marking of the Assignment.


There is no overall preferred presentation for your work but it should contain a background and previous history. The key health issues should be clearly identified. There should be a section which focuses on the choices made regarding care and details care delivery, a section which evaluates the care given and if appropriate makes recommendations regarding that care.

You may wish to have further divisions within the work, if this aids in helping the reader to understand the issues that you raise. Your work should follow a logical progression for the case that you are discussing. Presentation, referencing, essay constructing and writing ability will also be awarded marks. Remember that in an academic assignment you must demonstrate wide reading, analysis and critical discussion of the issues that you raise.


5          Breakdown of the marks


Summary of previous history                                                            10 Marks


Identification of main health issues                                        5 Marks


Discussion of, and justification for, care given                                  50 Marks


Evaluation of the case                                                                        25 Marks                                                       

Presentation of Material, References & Bibliography                      10 Marks


Total: -                                                                                                100 Marks


Your work will not only be awarded a mark but is also awarded a grade.

The University employs 4 main pass grades. In high to low sequence they are A, B1, B2, C and 2 fail grades (D & E). These are judged by referring to the following criteria.



Numerical range (%)









Student work very much exceeds the threshold standard.  It displays a consistently thorough, deep and/or extensive knowledge and understanding; originality and/or very high ability in analysis, evaluation, problem solving or other process skills; very high ability in professional practice skills (where relevant) including evidence of high degree of autonomy and independent judgement relative to threshold expectations.



Very good


Student work is well above the threshold standard.  It displays a consistently very good level of knowledge and understanding; high ability in analysis, evaluation, problem solving or other process skills; high ability in professional practice skills (where relevant) including exercise of significant independent judgement relative to threshold expectations.




Highly competent

Student work is clearly above the threshold standard.  It displays generally good knowledge and understanding; good ability in analysis, evaluation, problem solving or other process skills; evidences highly competent performance of professional practice skills (where relevant).





Student work is at the threshold standard.  It displays generally satisfactory knowledge and understanding in most key respects; competence in analysis and most other process skills; evidences competent performance of professional practice skills (where relevant).




Student work is marginally below the threshold standard.  It displays some knowledge and understanding but this is incomplete or partial; limited ability in analysis and other process skills; evidences lack of or partial competence in professional practice skills (where relevant).



Very unsatisfactory

Student work is well below the threshold standard.  It displays very limited knowledge and understanding; evidences very limited or no analytical or other process skills; very limited competence over the range of professional practice skills.




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