Globalization and cultural imperialism

This paper will discuss and present pro or against arguments pertaining to globalization and cultural imperialism and for conclusion, the need to take specific position of one and not both sides of the debate. Truly, the presence of globalization is rapidly affecting today’s society, lifestyles, business and trade operations that bring in assumptions regarding such healthy or ill culture environment and that the process of imperialism does emerge into the globally inclined context. There moves towards an impeding change of the activities that are culture centered and implies to the essence and adoptable grounds of globalization and that, certain debates and arguments were happening over the years and that people and authorities are giving feedbacks and comments about globalization and culture imperialism such as the ideas of protectionism and free trade as asserted by proponents McConnell and Brue (1999, 2005), and that several critics have made argumentations on the situation and some are on the positive side while others on the negative matter.


Pro arguments on Globalization and cultural imperialism

Globalization is effective in business markets and economy and if it functions well cultural imperialism will assume power over the market that implies constructivism of perspectives relating to trade processes and operations, as useful interaction may took place and growth in business investment and capital flows are evident factors of a healthy globalization ways and culture imperialism. Furthermore, globalized culture assumes innovative reality of economic as well as cultural phenomenon, having successful impact into the business functions and that Tomlinson (1997, p. 177), have indicated certain argument linking the basis of globalization into cultural imperialism as he adheres that, “globalization is either just a term for process with history, being extensive with Western imperialism, as he added, it is simply the global working through process of domination in which the West draw cultures into its realm”. Aside, Schiller (1976), have noted the “concept of cultural imperialism as of today, it best describes the sum of process through which society is brought in modern system and how it is attracts reality such as the shaping of social institution in order to promote better value and structure of trading systems”, realizing that, globalization is the vital step toward stable world and better life of the people.


Against arguments on Globalization and cultural imperialism

The argument against globalization and culture imperialism is placed at the obvious discourse as there focuses on production and distribution as opposed to the reception truth, there is too much emphasis of the two that neglect importance of culture ways. Thus, it can be that, cultural imperialism extrapolates from such theories and models of economic relationships, the compelling of evidence of domination such as the EU colonialism. Also, Schiller (1976) believed that, “globalization is process whereby all global cultures are inexorably drawn into the sphere of influence of one single culture capitalism”. Furthermore, globalization does produce homogeneity (Kwame, 2006) and it can be that, globalization is possibly a major threat of the latter. Thus, globalization have the economic line and political cost and there bring in the focus of culture power like in binding and dividing in time when certain tensions of integration and separation imposes issues relevant to global as well as culture relations (Kwame, 2006). Moreover, there can be situations that some workers are losing jobs into domestic as well as foreign markets as an outcome of globalization and culture imperialism for example, due to increase in prices by in selling such product in a country (McConnell and Brue, 2005, p.85), the installing of monopolies allowing detriment to society as a whole (McConnell and Brue, 2005, p. 85). Globalization serves to increase competition, granting the most efficient operation of business, trimming excess fat from supply chains, provide low price such as companies as Wal-Mart, upon getting demands by its consumers and without global trade, no need for spending dollars such as for export purposes.




Therefore, the position is pro with the argument realizing that, globalization have useful effects on countries around the world by promoting freedom and democracy in nations allowing business trading and communication to emerge that inevitably boosts the idealism of culture foundation and positive ground and believing that, globalization helps the poor people to have means of living in certain nations for example, Bangladesh are into stable textile industry and India has effective information technology zones, the people of the two countries does have  a life to live for and exercise ample liberty of entering income opportunities as an indication of globalization linking imperialism truth (McConnell and Brue, 1999, p. 90), as there might be presence of lower prices and that people are happy of the result.





Kwame, A. (2006). The Case for Contamination. The New York Times. January 1, 2006 McConnell, C. and Brue, S. (1999), Economics. 14th edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill McConnell, C. and Brue, S. (2005), Microeconomics: Principles, Problems and Policies, 16th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Schiller, H. (1976), Communication and Cultural Domination, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 98-103. Tomlinson, J. (1997), Cultural Globalization and Cultural Imperialism, pp. 170-190 in Ali Mohammadi (ed.) International Communication and Globalization. London: Sage.



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