Research Proposal on Management of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 through Consumption of Garlic

Research problem
Although at present diabetes cannot be cured, it can be treated very successfully. Treatment for diabetes varies from person to person and will depend on the type of diabetes one has. Type 1 diabetes is treated by injections of insulin and a healthy diet, and regular exercise is recommended. Type 2 diabetes is treated by a healthy diet and exercise or by a combination of a healthy diet, exercise and tablets. Eventually people with type 2 diabetes may also need insulin injections, although they are not totally dependent on the insulin. If one has just been diagnosed as type 2, it is bound to take them some time to adjust to the idea, but with the right information and back-up from their diabetes care team, they will soon realize that they will be able to cope and keep themselves well (Brodsky & Edelwich 1998). It seems clear that a person's motivation for change is affected by a variety of conditions, some of which are external to the individual and some of which are internal. Psychologists suggest that motivation should not be thought of as a characteristic that an individual either has or has not. Rather, motivation can best be seen as a state of readiness or eagerness to change, which may fluctuate from one time or situation to another. Importantly, from this perspective, people can see that this state is therefore one that can be influenced (Clark 2004). Diabetes is a serious condition that requires attention from both the one who has the disease and his/her family. Diabetes Mellitus or commonly known as Diabetes is a medical situation wherein one’s body does not produce enough insulin from the pancreas. People who have diabetes needs care not only from their doctors but the person’s family. This paper is a proposal to create a study on the management of diabetes mellitus type 2 through consumption of garlic.

Aims and objectives
1.    Understand Diabetes and its causes.
2.    Know the cure or treatment for diabetes.
3.    Analyze the plight of diabetes patients.
4.    Determine the beneficial components of garlic.
5.    Analyze how garlic is used to manage diabetes mellitus.

Literature review
Diabetes is characterized by absolute lack of insulin production due to auto immune destruction of the pancreatic cell. This type of diabetes usually begins before the age of 40, often in childhood or adolescence. Insulin resistance plays a major role in subjects within diabetes. The onset is usually during mid-life. In 60% to 90% of the patients, diabetes is accompanied by obesity. Individuals affected by diabetes must learn self-management skills and make lifestyle changes to effectively manage diabetes and avoid or delay the complications associated with this disorder (Walford 2000). Contrary to type 2-diabetes, insulin therapy is required in type 1-diabetes once symptoms have developed. Intensefication of insulin therapy combined with comprehensive diabetes education lead to a signficant and lasting improvement of metabolic control. In diabetes symptoms begin more gradually and the diagnosis is frequently made when an asymptomatic person is found to have elevated plasma glucose on routine laboratory examination. Weight reduction is considered the treatment of choice for obese patients with diabetes. On the condition that diabetic patients with an eating disorder usually had an intensive diabetic education in the past, the common assumption that there is a knowledge deficit about the risk of diabetic complications is often inaccurate. On the contrary, their knowledge about therapy regimen is usually excellent often exceeding the knowledge of ordinary nurses or even medical doctors not working in the field of diabetes. Educational efforts may be more effective when directed toward themes typically addressed in eating disorder treatment. These include information on attitudes about shape and weight in Western societies, the role of dietary restriction as a precipitant of binge eating, and the biological determinants of body weight (Furth, Schmidt & Treasure 2003).

Sample collection
To determine the number of respondents that will be asked to participate and give information regarding the study convenience sampling will be used. Convenience sampling means to collect or interview individuals who actually experience the phenomenon. Convenience sampling will focus on individuals that experienced diabetes mellitus or has someone in the family that experienced such disease.
Methodology/Data Collection
Surveys will the primary method of data collection.  Internet surveys would be used. Internet surveys have been both hyped for their capabilities and criticized for the security issues it brings. Internet surveys require less finances since there would be no printing of paper and there would be no need to travel just to gather data. Internet surveys would also require less time for the researchers and the respondents.
Data Analysis
    The will be analyzed through descriptive statistics and it would focus on graphical and tabular analysis. Tabular analysis involves presenting the results of analysis in tables. Frequently the information contained in a table can be presented as a graph.

Brodsky, A & Edelwich, J 1998, Diabetes: Caring for your
emotions as well as your health, Perseus Books, Reading, MA.
Clark, M 2004, Understanding diabetes, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
Furth, E, Schmidt, U & Treasure, J 2003, Handbook of eating
disorders, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England.
Walford, RL 2000, Beyond the 120-year diet: How to double your vital years, Four Walls Eight Windows, New York.


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