Management of Change

Your should select one organization on which both the analysis you conduct for Coursework Assignment (50%) and End of the Module Assignment (50%) will be based. This need not be a large commercial organization, but should be one on which you can collate detailed information for your assignment.

Coursework Assignment (3000 word) Due date 23 Jan 08

1)      Prepare a report for senior management of an organization of your choice acting as a consultant commenting on an organization change process. Your report should be constructed to address the following aspects: (Due date: 30 Jan-08)

Diagnosis (70%)

-              External Change drivers

-              Internal change drivers

-              Current State

-              Sources of resistance

-              Styles of leadership/management

Prognosis (20%)

Use scenario planning to envisage two alternative future states:

-              A no change scenario if organization continues on current path

-              A change scenario achieved through organization development

Conclusion (10%)

-              Identify key issue a change programme will need to address



-Read the advice in the MAP on structure to adopt in preparing management of change assignments.

-Work should be no more than 3000 words (not including appendices)

-In determining the correct organization state you need to select and apply appropriate concepts and models such as:

l  Environmental Analysis (External Issues)

l  Growth Stages (Internal Issues)

l  7s framework (current state)

l  Cultural Web (Current State)

l  Organisational Development Diagnostic (Current States)

l  Transition Curve (Sources of Resistance)

l  Leadership Theories (Management Style)


-A no-change scenario should be specifically identifying risks associated with strategic drift.

-A success scenario should envisage successful organizational learning and adaptation

-Ensure that you provide references to acknowledge your sources, and include a bibliography at the end of your work.


MOC-Final Assignment (2500 word) due date 20 Feb 2008

2)      Prepare a report for the senior management of an organization of your choice identifying and agenda for a management of change programme. Your report should be constructed to address the following issues: (Due date: 27 Feb 08)

-Prescription for change (30%)

            Vision for renewed organization

            Direction and Scope of change

            Speed of Change

-Proposed Action (70%)

            Leveraging Change

            Renewing System and Structure

            Tailoring Culture

            Overcoming Resistance

            Leadership of Change

            Communicating Change

-Read the advice in the MAP on structure to adopt in preparing management of change assignments.

-Work should be no more than 2500 words (not including appendices)

-In preparing a change agenda you should select and apply appropriate models and concepts from the relevant literature, such as:

            Matching Objectives and Values to business domain (renewing the vision)

            Unfreezing Inertia (direction & scope)

            Incremental/Transformational programmes (speed of change)

            Force Field Analysis (Leveraging Change)

            Organisational form (Structure/Form)

            Cultural web (Tailoring Culture)

            Managing Participation (Overcome Resistance)

            Communication Methods (Overcome Resistance)

            Leadership Styles and Methods (Overcome Resistance)

-It’s possible you may select a model (e.g. culture web) used for your coursework. If you do ensure you do not duplicate work (e.g. use the web to identify a desired culture, not to map current state)


Preparation of Management of Change Assignments

1)      Both assignments are requested in a report format, which requires a clear structure, and layout and logical progression of ideas-use headings where appropriate.

2)      Your report should be prefaced with an Executive Summary in which you should state and relationship you have to your target organization.

3)      Although in a report format, your work is submitted in partial fulfillment of a degree, and should therefore contain a bibliography-all source you use also fully referenced in a consistent way.

4)      All you work will be assessed according to the following criteria: Research (30%), Analysis (30%), Evaluation (30%) and Presentation (10%)

5)      Research relates both to:

l  Engagement with relevant academic literature (including beyond core essential reading and learning materials)

l  Depth of information relating to chosen organization (Primary research beyond any published material)

6)      Analysis relates to your skill in selecting and applying appropriate models and concepts. NB-You will gain no marks for simply copying out materials from text without using them.

7)      Evaluation relates to the extent to which critical insights have been gained into:

l  Strategic change within chosen organization

l  Uses and Limitations of models and concepts

l  The process of managing change development

8) Presentation refers to coherence and clarity of your report. Ensure that if you attach appendices they are relevant, and properly answered and referenced with man body of the report.





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