Assessment item 1


Assignment:                Family Assessment

Word Length               2000

Weighting:                   50%

Due:                            Week 8, 15.00 Monday 10th September 2007



You may submit your assignment via the Remote Printing Assignment Submission:



Select ONE case study from the list below as the basis for your essay.

Your essay must include the following:


(a)  Present a GENOGRAM representing the individual within the family.


(b)  Outline the specific family situation presented in the case study.


(c) Do a family assessment using the Calgary Family Assessment model on your  

      case study family.


(d) Critically analyse significant events/information relevant to the case  

study eg role of family, challenges family faces, coping strategies, developmental concepts / theories.


(c)  Discuss the nurse’s role as healthcare provider in meeting client needs within this family context.

      Include any other relevant details of significance pertaining to the specific case  

      eg family relationships, communication, resources









You are required to select ONE case study to be the basis of your essay


CASE STUDY 1: The family with a newborn


CASE STUDY 2: The family with a young child


CASE STUDY 3: Promoting the health and wellbeing of a young child


CASE STUDY 4: The family with a young person

Case Study 1


"The family with a newborn"

James and Naomi Brown have two children. Steven is three years old and Felicity is now 4 weeks old. Naomi gave birth to Felicity normally while in hospital, and 2 weeks later the family moved to a small mining town 800 kilometres from most of their friends, as James was able to secure a relatively good paying job in the mine. The couple know no-one in the town.


Naomi has a close relationship with her parents and her two sisters and brother who lived close by before the move.  James’ family lives over seas.  James’s mother died from breast cancer when he was a teenager. His father is now remarried to a woman with two young children aged 5 (Alice) and 8 (Brent) years.

Since the move, Steven has been wetting the bed after a six-month period of no bed wetting. Naomi misses her family and finds herself often complaining to James about moving to this town. Now at 4 weeks of age, Felicity is becoming more demanding and Naomi is fearful that her milk may not be adequate to keep up with breastfeeding.

Naomi also feels that Steven may resent her relationship with the new baby as breastfeeding takes up a great deal of her time.



Case Study 2


"The young child"

Amy, 23 years of age and Elvis, 26 years of age are parents to Tyla, a 2 ½ year old female child of mixed race.  This is Amy’s first child.  Elvis has three other children born to two different mothers whom he has occasional contact with.  Elvis was a previous intravenous drug user (IVD) and Amy has a history of alcohol abuse. 


They are currently living with Amy’s grandmother in her two bedroom house.  Amy has no contact with her mother and her father died in his early thirties from liver failure owning to alcohol abuse.  She has a sister who is married and lives interstate.  She receives regular gifts for Tyla from her sister but has not seen her in a few years. 


Elvis has two brothers whom he has sporadic contact with.  Both brothers have abused drugs in the past.  One brother is in a rehabilitation program.  Elvis’s parents are elderly and have had no contact with him in the last 10 years.  They live in the same state. 


Amy and Elvis are currently unemployed.  Tyla attends a community day care centre three days per week.  The centre has a Child Health Nurse who visits once per week. 


The centre staff have noticed that Tyla has become clumsier than her usual self and have voiced concerns to the Child Health Nurse about her general development. 








Case Study 3


"Promoting the health of a young child"

Debbie and Travis have recently moved to Australia from the UK with their 9 year old daughter Megan and 7 year old son Paul.  Travis has been transferred to the Australian branch of his Company.  Megan and Paul are enrolled in the local state school.  Debbie works part time in an aged care facility. 


Debbie and Travis were not close to their family in the UK.  They visited their parents twice a year.  Debbie has 3 sisters.  Two lived a long distance from Debbie although she saw her other sister regularly.  Travis is an only child.  The couple had a close group of friends in the UK and are finding it difficult to socialise in Australia. 


Paul seems to be settling in well to school life and has made a few friends.  Megan initially settled in well but seems to have become more withdrawn.  Debbie has noticed that she has become very conscious about her appearance.  Both children attend breakfast club on the days that Debbie is working.


Debbie and Travis have sought advice from their local health care nurse.






Case Study 4


"The family with a young person"

Juan is a 15 year old male child of Phillipa and Martin.  Juan attends the local high school.   Phillipa is a full time lecturer in Bioinformatics and Martin is a Policeman.  They live in a four bedroom house with their dogs, Jess and Pickles.  Juan’s maternal grandparents live close by and his visits them regularly.  He visits his paternal grandparents once a month.  Juan is achieving good grades in high school and hopes to attend University.  Juan has been dating a girl from another school for about three months.  Phillipa and Martin are concerned about their relationship and wish to seek the advice of their practice nurse. 




Students are to present their material in a scholarly fashion as outlined in the assessment criteria. Please ensure that your paper adheres to the following presentation principles:

·         A standard Griffith University assignment cover sheet must be attached to the assignment prior to submission

·         Bullet points and numbering are not appropriate in this academic essay.

·         Use a separate page for the reference list.  Do not supply a bibliography. Standard APA Publishing Manual  (5th ed) (2001) referencing style is to be used consistently throughout your paper.

·         You must support your paper with a minimum of 12-15 appropriate references from the professional literature

·        Provide an assignment that conforms to an acceptable standard for academic essay presentation.  You must have page numbering, 1.5 line spacing, margins of at least 2 cm, and font size of at least 11 Arial/Times New Roman. Your essay must be well written with correct spelling, sentence and paragraph structure.


WORD COUNT: 2000 words.  Strict word limits must be adhered to. A 10% margin is permissible.  Penalties will apply for word counts outside guidelines (ie the marker will read no further and marks will be lost).






6.2  Submission of Assessment Items - Extensions and Penalties

6.2.1          Students are required to submit assessment items by the due date, as advised in the Course Outline.  Assessment items submitted after the due date will be subject to a penalty unless an extension of time for submitting the item is approved by the Course Convenor.


6.2.2          Requests for Extension

Requests for extension of time to submit an assessment item must be made in writing to the Course Convenor.  Where the request is made on medical grounds, an appropriate medical certificate must be submitted (see section 6.4.1).


The request for an extension should be lodged by the due date for the assessment item. A copy of the extension request should be attached to the assessment item when it is submitted. 


6.2.3          Penalties for Late Submission

An assessment item submitted after the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalised.  The standard penalty is the reduction of the mark allocated to the assessment item by 10% of the maximum mark applicable for the assessment item, for each day or part day that the item is late.  Weekends count as one day in determining the penalty.  Assessment items submitted more than five days after the due date are awarded zero marks.




“A percentage of assessments submitted may be selected for ‘Referencing and Source Audit’ where an audit of references cited and the originality of the work be conducted. If selected you must provide an electronic copy of your assignment, and a hard and/or electronic copy of all references cited in your assignment to the Course Convenor for inspection.”

2978NRS Child and Family Nursing

Marking Criteria Assessment Item 1


Student Name:                                                                            Student No:              






Genogram drawing/presentation representing the individual case study within the family.








All aspects of the question covered with appropriate and relevant content


Shows evidence that the topic is clearly understood


Demonstrates original and creative thought


Content is relevant and appropriate to chosen case study











Reference to current and relevant literature accessed to support argument.


Evidence that relevant literature has been read


Effective integration of critical analysis of literature and development of well supported arguments.


Citations appropriate and adequate (within the text and reference list)













Logical flow to argument substantiated appropriately.  Concepts  clearly explained


Appropriate introduction and conclusion










In accordance with Faculty requirements.


Sentences grammatical and easy to follow with attention to spelling punctuation














Assessor’s Comments












           Assessor’s signature ____________________________________________                      



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