The Effects of Relationship between the Employer and the Employees in Organizational Development



            Effective and constant communication between the employer and the


employees develops better understanding that leads to productive work. Also, it


develops harmonious relationship that is necessary in organization development.


            Organization development (OD) is the process of improving organizations.


It is a carefully planned improvement of an organization’s effectiveness and


viability, as a group and as individual employee or stakeholder. OD involves


consultant work in gathering data to define issues inside the workplace and


finding a suitable course of action. In this case, the organization is assessed in


creating an understanding of the current situation of the enterprise and identifying


opportunities that will meet the business objectives.


            Organizational development is intended to be a response for the rapidly


changing business world. It is a complex organizational strategy in changing the


beliefs, attitudes, values and structure of an enterprise in better adaptation to


new technologies, tighter competition, and marketing challenges.


            There is an increasing trend in giving more investments on employees.


Studies suggest that lucrative salaries and benefits do not guarantee productive


work. Work challenges, recognition and a sense of accomplishment matter more


in motivating the employees. Thus, organization development responds to these


needs in keeping the performance rate soaring. However, there is more


important factor in organizational development, like the relationship between the


employer and the employees.


            The relationship between the employer and the employees is the


foundation of any organization. A healthy employer-employee relationship helps


to build a successful enterprise. An enterprise that is focused on growth and


profits should also give attention in establishing mutual trust with their


employees. It is imperative in continuous development of the organization as a




            Compensations and remunerations are one of the major factors involved


in employment. It’s the obligation of the employer in paying the employees on


time. Withholding salaries does not only violates the law but also destroys the


mutual trust they set upon themselves. Unpaid compensations is not only a legal


issue but also a moral issue as well. It also involves the psychological contract


that even a physical document is not signed, it’s the employer’s propriety in


handing the right amount the employee had worked for.


            The treatment of employees is also a major issue in organization


development. Experts claimed that workers’ opposition, militant unionism and


sabotage are results of management mistreatment. Studies also suggest that


companies could have achieved more success if the stakeholders treated their


employees more humanely rather than mechanically. This is directly connected


with the productive work of the employees. Performance rate is higher when


employees are provided with meaningful works and being fairly compensated for


their efforts.


            Honesty also takes effect on the employer-employee relations. Notifying


issues inside the organization that will directly affect the employees should be


discussed openly to not create hard feelings among employees. For example, if a


company has financial problems and the compensations would be affected or


even some employees could be possibly relieved, it is better to deliver the bad


news straightly than to withhold information. Employees would appreciate


honesty, rather than keeping information that is not classified at all. There is an


ugly feeling of being left out when you were the last one who knew an issue


when in fact, you should have known better because it concerns you.


            Also, honest and straightforward negotiations are required in


organizational development. Honest remuneration packages should not be


violated by the employers. While honest terms of work should be produced by


the employees. Dishonesty in the workplace leads to misunderstandings and


arguments inside the organization.


            A formulation of progressive discipline guidelines fosters an orderly and


productive work environment. Rules and regulations should be clear and


understandable, so are punishments and disciplinary actions. Constant


supervision is necessary, including the statement of the problems, solicited view


of the employees, agreement on the problems and plan development.


Documentation should be maintained in keeping the process precise throughout.


            Organization development is a complex and tedious process. It definitely

involves a lot of investment on time and money. However, despite the toll it will


take on the organization, the benefits that will give on the growth and


development of the enterprise will eventually pay off. Mutual co-existence


between the employer and employees should be recognized, and the relationship


is simply symbiotic of nature.






Employer-employee Strenuous Relationship: Areas of Concern and the Way Forward, Edit Article | July 2010,


Organizational Development,


Frood, David, The case for a new relationship between employees and employers,





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