Survey Questionnaires

Main Topic: Technology in Hospitality Industry Service Innovation Performance

Directions: This questionnaire is meant for the employees working under the hospitality industry even if they have different job descriptions

A. Demographic Profile

Instruction: Please fill in the blanks with the specific answers

Name:  _________________________________                  Age:  ________________________

Civil Status:  ______________________________              Gender: ______________________  

Number of Years in the Company: ­­­­­­­­_____________              Position: ­­­­­­­­­­_____________________


B. Customer View on Technology in the Hospitality Industry

Instruction: Please encircle the number that best describes your position on the effects of technology (e.g. computers, information system, etc) in the hospitality industry and its environment. Please be reminded that there is no right or wrong answer, and that every data you will provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality.


            5 – Strongly Agree

            4 – Agree

            3 – Undecided

            2 – Disagree       

            1 – Strongly Disagree

For products and services

1.         Technology is important to provide excellent service.

1                      2                      3                      4                      5         

2.         Technology can be a mean of communication towards the customers/clients.      

1                      2                      3                      4                      5         

3.         Technology is also reliable when it comes in safety and security.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

4.         A good technology offers other potential towards the good reputation.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

5.         Technology emphasizes the quality among the products and/or services we can offer.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

6.         Through technology, the customers can pay at reasonable prices.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5


In the field of work

7.         I always use technological services in my job to achieve efficiency.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

8.         I always use technological services in my job to achieve effectiveness.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

9.         I use technology when the manager told me to.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

10.       I use technology from the very start of my job.        

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

11.       I often use the technologies because I am not familiar with it.

             1                     2                      3                      4                      5

12.       I attended a seminar/workshop about the use of technology and I am confident in using it as part of my job.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5


In terms of Improving the job performance or customer relations

13.       Many customers have positive comments on our products/services because of our technologies.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5


14.       Through technological approach, the firm provides better products/service compared to other competitors.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

15.       I assume that the competition in the industry will be tough and intense because of the use of technologies.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

16.       Customer satisfaction can be achieved through the use of technologies.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

17.       There are more options available for the customers because of technologies.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

18.       They add value to what the customer may receive.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

19.       The firm can increase the target market.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

20.       Through technologies, the customer concerns are much appreciated and given priority.

            1                      2                      3                      4                      5

Thank you for your cooperation in filling this questionnaire. Best regards.


  1. Who is the author of this topic?

  2. Good evening sir,

    My name is Siti Nursyafiqah bt Khairul Anuar. I'm from UITM Terengganu Dungun. I am a student from faculty of hotel management. Regarding subject above, I am interested in making research in technological advancement and I would like to ask for your permission to use your questionnaire to be apply in my research. I hope you can consider it. I'm waiting for your response. Thank you.

    Siti Nursyafiqah

