

This questionnaire is distributed in order to gather information regarding the different factors and work conditions affecting the probability of the turnover of employees. Through your participation, the study will be able to make possible recommendations that will highlight the means on how to reduce the turnover rates in an organisation. To enable the researcher to make the necessary conclusions and recommendations for this study, it would be very much appreciated if you answer all the items in the questionnaire.

Information given will be treated in strictest confidence.


                                                                                                    Thank you.



Part I.  Demographic Profile


Directions: Please fill up in all the necessary information about yourself.  Don’t leave any item unanswered.

a.    Age  ________

b.    Gender

Male ( )                 Female ( )

c.    Marital Status

Single ( )              Married ( )

d.    Occupation ______________

e.    tenure/length of stay in the company

Part 2: Perception of the Respondents

Direction:       Check the number corresponding to your answer

                        1          -           Strongly Agree

                        2          -           Agree

                        3          -           Uncertain                 

                        4          -           Disagree


                        5          -           Strongly Disagree



1.             What are the characteristics of employees who are most likely
to leave a non-profit under conditions of high turnover and
leadership issues?







1. Non-profit employees are more likely to leave when they think of monetary aspects.






2. Non-profit employees appears to rate their compensation as less fair in comparison to what others are paid.






3. Non-profit employees who are likely to leave are those employees who are thinking of the security of their tenure.






4. Non-profit employees who are likely to leave the organisation are those employees who think that the management is not able to recognise their contributions in the organisation.






5. Non-profit employees who are likely to leave the organisation are those employees who are not given clarity of expectations by the management.






6. Non-profit employees who are likely to leave the organisation are those who are thinking of long-term benefits.






7. Non-profit employees who are likely to leave the organisation are those employees who are not being empowered by the organisation to overcome work pressures.







        What are the leadership styles of the non-profit organisation?







1. The organisation is able to use a charismatic leadership style.






2. The transformational kinds of leadership are used by the organisation.






3. The leaders of the organisation emphasise high value for employee autonomy.






4. The leaders of the organisation empowers the employees to be part of the decision making process.






5. The leaders of the organisation the full power over the employees.







2.             What is the effect of the leader's intervention on retention
programs – on employee's propensity to turnover (does it reduce the probability of turnover?








1. Through leadership intervention, the organisation has been able to retain the more experienced employees who have greater knowledge of organisational and customer goals.  






2. Through leadership intervention the employee retention program of the organisation has been able to save costs because a low turnover rate also means less hiring and training activities.






3. The leadership intervention enables the company to have satisfied employee which results on having more satisfied clients.






4. Because of the leadership intervention, the employee retention approach of the organisation is able to improve their productivity and profitability.






5. Because of the leadership intervention, the employee retention program of the organisation has been able to improve performance management program to build cooperation and trust.







3.              What is the role of the leadership in job satisfaction?

Encircle the number that corresponds your answer.

        Overall, how satisfied are you with your job?

5                      4                      3                         2                           1

Dissatisfied    Somewhat satisfied        Uncertain        Satisfied             Very Satisfied


         Compared to your previous job or work, how would you describe your current job satisfaction level?

   5                   4                    3                         2                             1

Much less satisfied    somewhat less satisfied        Same       somewhat less satisfied        Much More Satisfied


        How do you feel the following statements about the leadership of the company?








Company leadership has made changes which are positive for me.






Company leadership is responding to the important external issues.






Company leadership is responding to the important internal issues.






I am enthusiastic about the leadership style in the company.






I am personally committed to the role of the leaders in the company.








        Perception on the Current Job



1. I presently experience a high level of job satisfaction.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



2.         Considerable work pressures affect my personal and professional well-being.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



3.         I feel much stressed with my current job.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



4.         I intend to stay in this job for a long time.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree


5.         I am satisfied with the way leaders manage our work in the company.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree


6.         I consider my direct supervisor and leaders as a positive role models in the company.

5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree


7.         The supervisor/leaders care about and are responding to the issues which are important to the employees.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree




8.         The work hours or schedule my job requires affects me.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



9.         Interacting with multiple and different customers stresses me out.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



10.       Adherence to work standards is a source of stress.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



11.       Products offered or problems received from clients constantly increase in complexity, resulting to higher stress levels.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree


12.       The monotonous nature of the job is frustrating.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



13.       The demands and pressures of my current work affect my health and well-being.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



14.       I am receiving a high compensation in my current work.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



15.       The company provides due recognition to the effort and contribution of the agents.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



16.       The company provides work benefits for the employees.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



17.       Facilities like pantries and sleeping rooms are provided by the company


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree



18.       Management empowers employees to overcome work pressures through effective programs.


5                      4                  3                        2                          1

Strongly Agree     Agree       Uncertain        Disagree     Strongly Disagree




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