Assignment 2:
Independent Final Research Proposal: (2500 words) –
This builds on the ideas arising from the group work and it is your individual responsibility to formulate the research framework that will allow you to answer your research question(s) or hypothesis and to fulfil the aims and objectives of your research. The purpose of your final research proposal is to communicate clearly and concisely your intended research investigation. It should be presented as a formal proposal, using the following sub-sections:

· Title
This should be brief and succinct. It should be couched as a statement rather than as a question or a description e.g. “An investigation into the effect of feedback upon students’ motivation to study” rather than “Does feedback effect motivation?”

· Introduction:
The purpose of this section is to introduce the reader to what you are intending to do.
- Give a BRIEF general outline of the problem/area to be investigated.
- Say why this study is worth doing.

· Literature review (Theoretical underpinning)
r The purpose of this section is to show how you have used your reading to help you focus your general idea into a specific, precisely focussed piece of research.
r You must include a review of the relevant academic literature (Minimum 5 major academic theoretical contributors), appropriately sourced and using the Harvard system of referencing (See Bb for a guide).
r You may include a review of any relevant secondary data.
r You should be critical, covering a range of major theoretical contributors, clearly showing how their work informs your research
r The literature review will be in the form of a critical essay. This means not just describing relevant literature/secondary data but also assessing its strengths and weaknesses, its contribution to the debate upon the theories you are employing and showing how it will assist you in carrying out your study. This is an important section and it links directly into the next section

· Key factors or variables:
The purpose of this section is to state clearly the factors or variables that your literature review shows it is necessary to collect data about in order to answer your research question and complete your study. This is a brief but vital section.

· Aims & Objectives:
What are the intended outcomes of the investigation? What will be achieved through this research? Objectives might be effectively presented as bullet points, for example:
- To determine the effects of feedback on students motivation to study

· Research Question or Hypothesis
You must give a clear and concise statement of what your study is about
- You may be able to do this earlier within your proposal
- You must do this BEFORE the next subsection, methodology
Example research question: “What are the effects of feedback on students’ motivation to study?”
Examples of hypotheses
r Constructive feedback has a positive effect on student motivation to study.
r Lack of feedback has a negative or no effect on student motivation to study.

· Methodology:
The purpose of this section is to show which method(s) you will use to collect data about your key factors or variables and from whom? This is an important section that is best subdivided, as follows:
Research population and Sample
r What is your research population?
r What is your research sample? (from who you will gather data)
r Why is this sample appropriate?
r Is probability or non-probability sampling most appropriate?
r Which specific sampling technique will you use?
r Sample size?
Methods of Data Collection
What are the most appropriated methods to collect data that will allow you to answer your research question/test your hypothesis and to fulfil the aims and objectives of your investigation?
r Which data collection methods and techni


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