1.0 Title

            The proposed title for the study is The Impact of Information Technology on Public Financial Management. This paper will show the different methodologies, approaches and instruments to be used in order to ensure the success of the paper.

2.0 Background of the Study

            Information Technology (IT) had affected all of industries and sectors in the world. It had changes how different functions and strategies are being implemented and processed. It is important to take note that there is a growing need for information management in different government and non-for-profit agencies and organizations. In the delivery of social services, the demand for greater efficiency as well as effectiveness of different programs as well as effectiveness of programs, the internal reporting requirements as well as the availability of new information technology have made the management of information a critical, as well as difficult or hard (McKinney, 2004).

            In addition, in the current environment, where in governance is considered as important factor, and the current problems related to financial crisis, proper management of different resources, particularly in terms of cost or finances, it is important to focus on tools, instruments and other approaches to be applied which will help to control and monitor the financial flow inside and out of the organization.

3.0 Aims and Objectives

            The main aim of the study is to analyze the impact of information technology on public financial management. In line with this, the following are the specific objectives of the study:

·         To present the different factors affecting the public financial management;

·         To detail the advantages and disadvantages of application of IT in public financial management; and

·         To list the different impact of information technology on public financial management; and

·         To recommend actions and strategies to be applied in order to ensure successful application of IT in public financial management.

4.0 Methodology

The research study to be used in the proposed study will be descriptive method. According to Creswell (1994) it intends to present facts about the nature and status of a situation as it exists at the time of the study. In addition, it also concerns with the relationships and practices that exist, beliefs and processes that are ongoing, effects that are being felt or trends that are developing (Best 1970). Therefore, it can be helpful in order to describe the current conditions and situations based on the impressions and perceptions of the respondents of the study (Creswell 1994). Both qualitative and quantitative data will be gathered for this study. This is to ensure that both non-statistical and statistical data will be used in order to support the findings and result of the study.


4.1 Data Collection

Surveys will be implemented in the study. Surveys are the most common form of research method for collection of primary data (Commonwealth of Learning, 2000). One of its purpose is to describe, e.g., to count the frequency of some event or to assess the distribution of some variables such as proportion of the population of different age groups, sex, religion, castes and languages, knowledge, attitude and adaption of practices about particular issues, and other information of similar nature about the population (Commonwealth of Learning, 2000).

Survey interview and questionnaire will be used in this study, which will be used in order to gather primary data. On the other hand, secondary data will be gathered from different online libraries and databases which include BMJ, EMERALD, SCIENCE DIRECT, EBSCO, QUESTIA and GOOGLE BOOK.

4.2 Sample Frame

            The sample population will be consists of 100 public officials and professionals in different public agencies. They will be selected in random manner in order to prevent bias from the researcher.

4.3 Data Analysis

The data results of the study will be analyzed by determining their corresponding frequency, percentage and weighted mean. The following statistical formulas will be used:

1.     Percentage – to determine the magnitude of the responses to the questionnaire.


% = -------- x 100        ;           n – number of responses

            N                                 N – total number of respondents

2.     Weighted Mean

            f1x1 + f2x2 + f3x3 + f4x4 + f5x5

x = ---------------------------------------------;


where:            f – weight given to each response

                        x – number of responses

                        xt – total number of responses



5.0 References

Best, J. W. (1970). Research in Education, 2nd Ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc.


Commonwealth of Learning. (2000). Manual for Educational Media            Researchers: Knowing your Audience. Vancouver, Canada:   Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA).


Creswell, J.W. (1994). Research design. Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.


McKinney, J. (2004). Effective financial management in public and nonprofit agencies. Greenwood Publishing Group.









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