Questionnaires for Drivers



A. Demographic Information


Instruction: Please fill in the blanks with the specific answers.



Name:  _______________________       Civil Status:  ____________________


Address:  _______________________________________________________  


Occupation:  _______________________     Sex: ______      Age: __________



B. Perception of the Respondents

Instruction: Please indicate your answer on the blank or encircle your answer on some questions that have choices.

1.         How long do you have your cellphone?

            2 months ______

            3 months ______

            4 months and above ______

            1 year ______

            More than a year ______

2.         Do you use cellphones while driving your vehicles? __________________________________________________________

3.         How often do use your cellphone while driving?

1 (Very Frequent)      2 (Frequent)     3 (Average) 4 (Rare)          5(Very Rare)

4.         Are you aware that it is dangerous to use cellphone while driving?

1 (Definitely)              2 (Yes)            3 (Undecided)           4 (No)             5 (Never)

5.         What are the reasons you use cellphone for, even though you are driving (you can check more than 1)

            Emergency __________

            Concern for the caller _________

            Personal interest ________

            Call from family members ________

            For business purpose ________

            Others, please specify: __________________________________

6.         Do you feel uncomfortable using mobile phones while driving?

1 (Definitely)              2 (Yes)            3 (Undecided)           4 (No)             5 (Never)

7.         Is it rewarding using mobile phones while driving in a sense that it fulfils objectives of some sort?

1 (Definitely)              2 (Yes)            3 (Undecided)           4 (No)             5 (Never)

8.         Are you distracted when your mobile phone rings while you are driving?

1 (Definitely)              2 (Yes)            3 (Undecided)           4 (No)             5 (Never)

9.         What hand do you use when you pick up your phone while driving?

Left __________      Right __________

10.       Do you have difficulty steering the wheel with your other hand while you pick up the mobile phone with the other?

1 (Definitely)              2 (Yes)            3 (Undecided)           4 (No)             5 (Never)

11.       Do you take your eye of the road when you pick up the mobile phone?

1 (Very Frequent)      2 (Frequent)     3 (Average) 4 (Rare)          5(Very Rare)

12.       Do you experience missing a signal in the stoplight because of answering a ringing phone or dialling a number to the phone?

1 (Very Frequent)      2 (Frequent)     3 (Average) 4 (Rare)          5(Very Rare)

13.       When dialling a phone while driving, do you take your eye off the road?

1 (Very Frequent)      2 (Frequent)     3 (Average) 4 (Rare)          5(Very Rare)

14.       Are you aware that it is a crime to use mobile phone while driving?

1 (Definitely)              2 (Yes)            3 (Undecided)           4 (No)             5 (Never)

15.       Have you been in a minor or major accident, or just an error in driving because of using mobile phone? If yes, please elaborate your experience on the blank below.


16.       Do you believe that using mobile phone while driving is dangerous? Please share your opinion about the matter.


17.       What are the other disadvantages of using mobile phones while driving based on your experiences as a driver?


-Thank you for your cooperation! -


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