Developing Oracy in Pupils with Specific Learning Disability


1.0 Introduction

Learning disability (or difficulty) refers to a disorder in which a person experiences difficulty in learning in a typical manner and is usually caused by an unknown factor or factors. Such factor(s) is the disorder that fundamentally affects the basic function of the brain to receive and process information hence it would be problematic for this person to learn in the same way than a person who is otherwise not affected by a learning disability. Learning disabilities of are of two types: information processing deficits and specific learning disabilities. The latter, more specifically, refers to reading disability, writing disability, math disability, non-verbal learning disability, dyspraxia and auditory processing disorder.

Oracy, on the other hand, is a word formed by analogy from literacy and numeracy, purporting to draw attention on the rather ignored aspect of education which is oral skill. Put simply, oracy is the ability to express oneself in and understand spoken language. The ‘manner of articulation’ or speech is use to communicate with others. As such, specific learning disabilities often proved to be a hindrance to speaking thus impeding the quality of oracy.   

2.0 Problem Statement

Development of oracy among pupils with specific learning disabilities is the problem that will be addressed in this study. Inherent to specific learning disabilities are the challenge to teach pupils with the basic skills including oral skills. Specific questions to be answered will include:

1)    What are the challenges that are commonly experienced by teachers in the process of developing oracy among pupils with specific learning disabilities?

2)    What are various educational interventions or strategies that teacher employ in developing oracy among their pupils?

3)    Specifically, how specific learning disabilities hinder oracy development among the pupils?

4)    How pupils with specific learning disabilities perceive oracy development? How such process could help them in the future?

3.0 Study Objectives

The main aim of this study is to explore nature and dynamic of oracy development among pupils with specific learning disabilities. Specifically, the study purports to:

·         Determine the problems and challenges encountered in the process of oracy development from both the perspectives of the teachers and students

·         Distinguish the most effective instruction and intervention that best delivers positive result of acquiring oral skills

·         Study the perceptions of both teachers and pupils with specific learning disabilities about the oracy development process

4.0 Methodology

The research will be approached based on an interpretivism view. Interpretivism is the necessary research philosophy for this study because it allows the search, of the ‘details of the situation, to understand the reality or perhaps a reality working behind them. It is necessary to explore the subjective meanings motivating people’s actions in order to understand their actions.

The study will be exploratory in nature because it aims to determine the present facts as well as facts that are not yet explored about the development of oracy among pupils with specific learning disabilities. Exploratory research will enable the study to look at the problem in both descriptive and exploratory manner. It will look into the problem by exploring the views of different sets of respondents, as well as by exploring different literatures related with the study.

Primary and secondary research will be conducted in the study. In primary research, the study will survey both teachers about how they can likely to develop oracy among their pupils who have specific learning disabilities as well as the pupils who have specific learning disabilities. With the help of the teacher, answering the questionnaire will be explained to the pupils. A structured questionnaire will be developed and it will be used as the survey tool for the study. It is planned that the questionnaire will have a 5 point Likert Scale, as well as yes-no questions.

Questionnaires will be used as the survey instrument. The questionnaires will be divided into two parts, the first part being demographic profile and the second part on the experience of the process of oracy development.

5.0 Timeframe















Read literature













Finalize objectives













Draft literature review














Devise research approach













Review secondary data













Organize survey













Develop survey questions













Conduct survey













Analyze secondary and primary data













Evaluate data













Draft findings chapter













Complete remaining chapters













Submit to tutor and await feedback













Revise draft and format for submission













Print, bind and submit
















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