Early Development -

PSYCHOLOGY: Exploring Behavior

Chapter 3: Early Development: From Creation to Adolescence

Early Development: From Creation To Adolescence

Observing Behavior

Goals of Developmental Psychologists

Methods of Developmental Psychologists

What is Development?


Physical Environment and Development

Social Environment Within the Family

Social Environment Beyond the Family

The Interaction of Heredity and environment

Development and Forms of Behavior


How about humans?

Human Development

Genetics, Dominance and Recession

Prenatal Life

Changes in Infancy

Motor skills in Infancy

Sensing the World in Infancy

Language development in Infancy

Self-concept in Infancy

Childhood Changes: Skills and Body

USING PSYCHOLOGY: Psychology and Parenting

Language Development in Childhood

Self-Concept in Childhood




Early Development: From Creation to Adolescence

WHAT'S THE ANSWER?: From Conception to Confusion

"Last summer I served as a senior counselor in a summer

camp up at the lake. Late one evening I was writing a letter to

my girl friend when the biggest spider I've ever seen dropped

into view. I decided to play a dirty trick on him. The spider

was weaving the circular part of his web, so I unhooked that

first strand from the porch floor and part of the web shriveled

up. You know what that spider did? He started all over again!

-- when all he had to do was anchor one more support and go

right on." Why did the spider start its web from the beginning?

"Marcia's parents both have brown eyes," she said.

"That's not possible," he said. "Marcia has blue eyes!

Brown-eyed parents can't have blue-eyed children." Who's right?

He or she?

"My sister and brother-in-law had a baby girl about a month

ago. Last night when I was playing with their baby I put my

index fingers in her hands. When I moved my fingers, she didn't

let go. In fact, I lifted her right up off the blanket! My

sister was there to catch her if anything had happened. But I

really don't understand it. That baby can't even hold her own

bottle, but she's strong enough to hold herself up in mid-air!"

What did happen here?

Developmental psychologists study changes in human behavior

as they relate to age -- ranging from developmental changes in

the early years to those of adolescence, adulthood and our

retirement years. Most studies observing developmental changes

in human behavior are trying to describe the behavior and to

explain it -- the ultimate goals of developmental psychologists.

The usual research techniques offer partial solutions to

problems caused by the changing environments of youth during the

past century. To control this problem developmental

psychologists use methods such as longitudinal and crosssectional

studies, taking care to select groups at each age that

are as comparable as possible.

Maturation involves changes in behavior due to

physiological growth. Development includes all changes in

behavior related to aging. There are two major groups of

factors that influence our behavior. One is the heredity. The

other source is environment, which provides a certain range of

experiences. Our physical environment and social environment --

both within the family and beyond the family -- combine with

hereditary factors to influence our behavior. Ultimately our

behavior is determined by the interaction of heredity and


From studying animals, psychologists have identified a

number of forms of behavior, ranging from simple to complex.

Ethologists have identified a number of processes in animal

behavior that also apply to humans. These include taxis,

reflexes, and instinctive responses as well as more complex

responses based on learning and reasoning. Maturation and

development proceed in humans in definite sequences. Human

behavior changes from mass-action toward differentiation, and

from simple toward more complex.

Concerning human development DNA-carrying genes combine to

convey dominant and recessive characteristics to the new

organism. During the prenatal period, a mother may unknowingly

injure the neonate or fetus by ingesting certain substances.

The fetus can already react to stimuli which come from outside

its mother. The process of birth seldom causes any damage to

the infant.

During the first two years of life a baby is considered an

infant. During this time humans experience one of their most

rapid periods of change in body size and proportion, and motor

skills develop quite rapidly. Although possessing a wide range

of functional sensory organs, the infant gains much skill in

interpreting incoming messages. Hand preference begins to

develop, and the infant learns to stand and walk. Meanwhile,

starting from random emission of sounds and progressing through

babbling, telegraphic speech, and the error of overgeneralization,

the infant's language develops (even by age one)

begins to communicate with a clearly developing self-concept.

During childhood, which stretches roughly from two to

twelve years of age, a child experiences a moderate amount of

body growth and increases in motor skills. Significant motor

skill is gained both in motor coordination and in accomplishing

more and more refined tasks; strength, reaction time, and

balance also improve. Knowledge of a child's developing body

and skills is especially helpful in fulfilling one's role as a

parent. During early childhood language develops with the

remaining classes of words being mastered. During the latter

half of childhood, vocabulary size is increased. The selfconcept

undergoes marked development. Social experiences in

playing with peers help children learn acceptable ways to


The Review Questions will help with mastery of the

materials covered in this chapter. After reading the chapter

you may be interested in trying some of the suggested

ACTIVITIES. Further information about selected topics within

this chapter is available in follow-up readings suggested in the


Observing Behavior

Especially in the study of early development --

particularly before children's language is well developed --

psychologists emphasize the observation of behavior. Suppose

you're waiting for a bus. At the bus stop with you are a very

heavy woman, burdened with packages, and a mother with her twoyear-

old daughter. When the bus arrives with standing room

only, the child pipes up loudly "Is that fat lady going to get

in the bus?" Although the mother is no doubt embarrassed,

probably neither you nor any of the other adults are surprised


by the child's tactless question. You attribute it to the youth

of the child.

Suppose you're waiting for

a bus. This time waiting with

you are the heavyset woman and

a woman accompanied by her

twenty-two-year old daughter.

When the crowded bus arrives,

the daughter asks loudly "Is

that fat lady going to get on

the bus?" How do you react?

You probably look shocked. You

expect a person of that age

to keep her thoughts to herself or even offer to help the

burdened woman. You attribute the 22-year-old's remark to

uncontrolled, antisocial behavior.

Now suppose you're waiting for the bus, but this time

waiting with you and the heavyset woman are an eighty-two-yearold

woman and her daughter. When the crowded bus pulls up, the

elderly woman asks, "Is that fat person going to get on the

bus?" What is your reaction? You are probably tolerant of the

outspoken old woman. You may understand that she could feel

threatened at the thought of being crushed in the crowd and is

unable to conceal her anxiety. You may even attribute her

remark to her senility.

From this simple example we can note several points about

human behavior:

(1) We all constantly observe the behavior of those around


(2) We often base our own reactions to others on very

limited information.

(3) We often make assumptions about other human beings

based on these limited observations.

In all three scenes at the bus stop, only one independent

variable differs: the age of the person speaking. Yet your

behavior, the dependent variable, probably differs in each case.

Your reactions demonstrate that as humans age, the behavior

expected of us changes. What is appropriate behavior at one age

is inappropriate at another.

That's the essence of developmental psychology: the study

of human behavior as it relates to age. Developmental

psychologists are concerned with the lawfulness, or

predictability, of human behavior. With enough scientific

information about a person, they try to predict how a person

will behave at certain ages and in certain situations. This

leads us to examine the goals and methods of developmental


Goals of Developmental Psychologists

In the context of observing behavior, the earliest studies

of age-related changes in human behavior date back 2,000 years

or more. For many years it has been recognized that both

heredity and environment influence how we develop. Yet, only

since the 1930's or so have we begun to make real progress in

our understanding. All of the earliest studies of human

behavior were descriptive.

Scientists observed behavior as it occurred and then

described it precisely. These illustrations, for example, are

only descriptive. They are based on careful observation of

changes occurring as an infant begins to coordinate muscles and,

eventually, to walk. Today, developmental psychologists seek

not only to describe behavior but also to explain it -- a far

more difficult goal. Psychologists do this by trying to

identify the important independent variables that influence

changes in our behavior as we grow older. Watch carefully as

you read within this chapter. See if you can identify for

yourself when a behavior is being described and when it is being


If you think about it, you'll realize that when studying

developmental changes, the presence of age as a "nuisance"

variable is inevitable. Older people didn't grow up in the same

environment as younger ones. For example, first, it is likely

your grandparents didn't eat

food of the same quality and

variety that you do. They

probably had poorer schooling

and fewer medications with

which to treat diseases.

Second, you are likely to be

better educated at your age

today than your grandparents

were when they were your age.

Our system of education is better, and more sources of

knowledge-from e-mail to television to the Discovery channel-are

readily available. In short, the environment of many elderly

people during their childhood was probably not as good as the

typical environment of most children or adolescents today. So

if a psychologist found in a study that older people differed

from young people, what was the cause? Age? Or was it the

different environments of childhood? We've got a confounding

variable here. Controlling for confounding variables in studies

of development is usually accomplished in one of two ways, using

either a longitudinal or a cross-sectional study -- both

examined in the methods of developmental psychologists.

Methods of Developmental Psychologists

Pursuing the goals of developmental psychologists who are

interested in observing behavior of infants and children as they

age, one of two research methods is frequently used. One way to

collect data is to observe one group of participants over a long

period of time. Perhaps you might repeat your measurements at

regular intervals. This is

called a longitudinal study.

It does allow us to study the

effects of early factors on

later behavior. It also

gives us good control over

such things as intelligence

and personality when we draw

our original samples. But

there are also problems here.

Any errors in selecting our

participants at the start remain in the data for the entire

experiment. Thus, the sample and design of a longitudinal study

are no more sophisticated than psychology is at the time the

sample is established. Moreover, such experiments take a long

time to conduct. Psychologists age just as rapidly as anyone

else. As described in the Appendix, longitudinal studies use a

within-participants design. It almost seems that the only way a

good longitudinal study can be conducted is for a young

psychologist to have a good idea for an experiment early in his

or her career!

Another way to gather data is to conduct a cross-sectional

study. This involves a one-time-only period during which two or

more groups of different age are observed. In such a study we

would usually use the same measures for each group. Obviously,

such studies have some advantages. The time to conduct the

study is usually quite short. And the findings are likely to be

more immediately useful. As described in the Appendix,

longitudinal studies use a between-participants design. We

wouldn't conduct such a study if we didn't have a need to answer

questions that are important right now.

Yet, there are also difficulties. Any time you try to

compare groups of people who differ in age, you have a very

complex problem. Trying to choose participants for each group

who are similar is not easy. The problem, as we discussed

elsewhere, is controlling all the confounding variables.

There's another problem. One of the phenomena discussed in

our treatment of long-term memory is flashbulb memories. Each

group of people who are generally the same age are called a

cohort. Their life experiences are more similar to one

another's than they are to those of a different age. One major

difference is the flashbulb memories they retain -- events so

startling that we remember not only the event but where we were,

who we were with, and what we were doing when we first learned

of an event. For people in their late 50's or early 60's, their

usual flashbulb memory is the assassination of President John F.

Kennedy in November 1963. For those in their 20's, a frequently

cited flashbulb memory is the Challenger disaster. Each age has

a different cumulative experience as they mature; likely, this

influences their beliefs, their behaviors. The effects of

differing cohort experiences confounds comparisons across

differing age participants.

In addition, we may not be able to study the effects of

early experience on later behavior. Why? Because recordkeeping

was not always good in years gone by; therefore the only

record of what happened to our parents and -- especially -- our

grandparents is often their own memory. Memory is helpful,

except for some problems we discuss in the Remembering chapter.

However, you wouldn't let a player for the Washington Redskins

serve as referee in an NFL contest between the Redskins and the

Dallas Cowboys, would you? For the same reasons, we are each

poor observers of the events influencing our own lives. We are

not impartial. Using longitudinal and cross-sectional research

techniques, developmental psychologists can begin to identify

what influences our development.

Think About It

The question: If you and your parents and their parents all graduate(d)

from high school at the top of their (your) class, who will know the most:

You? Your parents? Your grandparents?

The answer: You should now know enough to understand that this is a very

hard question to answer. It's neither a cross-sectional nor a longitudinal

study: The age of the people involved is different, yes, but the quality of

the schooling received by each of you is also different. What if we were

able to give a test of knowledge to you at graduation, as well as to your

parents and grandparents when they had graduated? We'd still have the problem

of the differing quality of schooling. Who's smarter? In some ways, that's

almost impossible to answer.

What is Development?

The methods of developmental psychology have been applied

to increase our understanding of developmental processes which

influence almost everything psychologists study -- from seeing

to talking, from eating to sleeping. Here -- whether studying

early development in infancy and childhood, or development from

adolescence through death -- we are discussing development from

what is called a life-span approach. And our discussion of

developmental processes at each age is limited mainly to four

areas: (1) physical changes or growth, (2) motor and sensory

development, or changes in performance skills, (3) development

of language, and (4) development of the self-concept, which

includes an awareness of things such as emotions, intelligence,

and social skills. What is development?

Development refers to

the changes in behavioral and

cognitive capabilities

organisms experience as they

live. Though this may involve

either gaining or losing

abilities or qualities, it

emphasizes orderly,

systematic change, as we'll

see. Development should be

contrasted with maturation, which involves only those changes in

behavior that can be directly traced to physical growth.

Learning to ride a bike or to drive a car provides a good

example of the difference between maturation and development.

To master control of a bike or car you must be big enough

physically to handle the controls and developed enough

personally and socially to appreciate the responsibilities that

are involved. Development refers to qualitative aspects of your

behavior; maturation refers to quantitative aspects such as the

state of your body and its readiness for a behavior.

There are two major groups of factors that influence human

behavior: heredity and environment which registers its effects

in several ways, including effects of our physical environment

and our social environment both within the family and beyond the

family. These hereditary and environmental factors also

interact to produce specific effects in any one of us.

Now, before we look at the effects of hereditary factors,

let's clarify some issues. First, the environment in which we

live has a direct influence on both our behavior and our

development. Any child raised by a family that is abusive, or

that fails to meet the child's needs, is more likely to have

psychological problems. Such a child is less likely as an adult

to be as well-adjusted than is one raised in a family that is

loving and responsive. Different environments cause different

changes in behavior. The quality in human beings that allows

such changes to take place is called malleability.

But then there's heredity to consider. There are limits to

how much we can change anyone's environment and expect it to

show up in his or her behavior. To be malleable does not mean

that all individuals raised in the same environment will develop

identical skills. Think a moment. If a fire occurred at a

party, some of your friends would be too scared to move. Others

would scream. Some would act to put out the fire; others would

rush for the exits. And the same is true of most situations in

which we humans may find ourselves. Some of us are active, some

passive; some happy, some sad; some tall, some short; some

smart, some not so smart. Part of what accounts for these

differences is inherited capabilities.

Unfortunately, many people think about inherited

characteristics only in terms of simple things such as eye

color. We all know that no amount of practice is going to turn

blue eyes into brown. But many people also assume that any

characteristic that is inherited -- or known to be genetically

caused -- can't be changed. They assume an inherited

characteristic isn't subject to the whims and changes of the

environment. That's not so. It is important to realize that

genes do not define your behavior absolutely. At best your

genes create what some psychologists have called a "range of

possible experiences." Your environment, then, determines what

your actual experience will be.


Across the entirety of

developmental processes which

impact our behavior, the

primary hereditary factors

are two kinds of inherited

"information." One is

general information which

yields humans or dogs or

giraffes as the information

dictates. The other is

specific information. It

passes on patterns that cause

you to mature into a being who can be identified as part of your

own family. Such patterns include your hair and eye color, your

skin tone, the shape of your hand and head and body. But the

specific information also includes more complex factors such as

your general level of excitability, your intellectual potential,

and even certain aspects of your personality.

Many things determine how we study the impact of heredity.

There are values such as religion, morals, and love which

prohibit using humans in research on the effects of heredity.

In addition to these ethical issues, there is a practical one:

If humans were studied, the experimenter would be outlived

before his or her participants had had a chance to demonstrate

all their behaviors! For these reasons, to understand hereditary

influences, scientists have turned their attention to other

living things -- including plants and animals.

One of the most frequently used techniques for studying

inherited characteristics is the process of selective breeding.

The work of Gregor Mendel was the original in this area. Mendel

worked with the garden pea, but the basic principles he

developed have since been applied to both humans and animals.

These same techniques have also been applied to the study of


Feature 3.1 presents one of the classic studies of

selective breeding of animals. As you can see from this study

of rats, one procedure involves selecting two animals to breed,

both of whom are good examples of whatever trait is being

studied. The breeding is then used to "purify" that


Feature 3.1


In the late 1920's one psychologist gathered up 142 rats.

In addition to reducing the local rat population, this also

yielded a random sample of local rats. The psychologist had all

142 rats run through a maze from start to finish 19 times. If

they reached the correct goal box, they earned a piece of

cheese. For all 19 trials the number of errors each rat made

was recorded. As you might suspect, the rats performed better

with practice. In fact, some rats ran more than half the trials

without making any wrong turns at all.

When the experiment was done, the average performance of

all the rats was plotted, as you can see in Figure (a). In this

random sample the total number of errors in 19 trials ranged

from 9 to 214. Some of the rats making the least number of

errors—called the "maze- bright" rats—were selected to mate. In

addition, some of the rats that made a lot of errors learning

the maze were selected for breeding. These were

called—surprise—the "maze-dull" rats.

Figure a

All of the children (they're called progeny) of the

maze-bright and maze-dull rats then tried to learn the same maze

in 19 trials, the errors again being recorded. The same

procedure was repeated through eight generations. Each time

only the brightest and the dullest of a generation were bred to

produce the next generation—bright breeding with bright and dull

with dull.

Figure b

Figure b shows the performance of the third generation—the

grandchildren. Notice that already the performance of the

progeny of the brightest rats is beginning to separate from that

of the progeny of the dullest rats. And Figure c shows the

performance results from the progeny of the eighth generation.

By now the maze-bright rats' performance is so good that it

almost doesn't even overlap with that of the maze-dull rats.

Figure c

What these rats demonstrated, of course, was that it was

possible to breed for behavioral characteristics. This was

among the first times this was demonstrated in the laboratory.

But don't be misled. Don't assume the maze-bright rats in this

experiment were bright in everything they attempted. Far from

it. Another psychologist took the eighth generation rats and

put them in a similar, deeper, water-filled alley where they had

to swim. Here you could not distinguish their performance from

the maze-dull rats in the previous experiments. So, although

the experiment produced rats that were very "bright" in one kind

of experiment, it did not produce a breed of Albert Einsteinlike


In the study of inherited factors in human behavior, two

techniques are most frequently used. One is the study of twins.

Here we can examine the similarities and differences in the

behavior of two humans. We know more about the genetic

information than we would about any two people selected at

random. Identical twins are created from a single fertilized

egg -- of which we'll talk elsewhere in this chapter. Their

heredity is identical. Fraternal -- non-identical -- twins are

created from two separately fertilized eggs. We can compare

identical and fraternal twins who have been raised together or

separately -- as might happen if twins are separated shortly

after birth and raised in adopted or foster homes.

Such studies have suggested that inherited factors do seem

to influence intelligence, some personality characteristics,

susceptibility to schizophrenia (which we discuss in the chapter

on behavioral disorders), as well as shared interests and

attitudes toward authority. There are, of course, a number of

problems in isolating the effects of environmental factors from

those of inherited factors. These problems are well-illustrated

in the other technique which has been used to study the

influence of heredity on human behavior -- the family tree.

Look at the family tree illustrated in this Figure. This

shows seven generations of the ancestors and later relations, or

progeny, of Johann Sebastian Bach, one of the most famous

classical musician/composers ever to live. From this technique

of study, called genotyping, you can see, from 50 to almost 90

percent of the people related to J. S. Bach in each generation

gained the main part of their livelihood through music --

playing it, writing it, or conducting it.

Yet, there's a problem. Are we to credit this love of and

predominance in music to heredity or environment? If it's true

that to be a classical pianist you need a finger span from the

tip of your little finger to the end of thumb that will cover 13

white keys on the piano keyboard, then perhaps we should argue

that heredity was the critical factor. But don't you suppose

the children of J. S. Bach heard good music in their home? And

don't you suppose that the Bach children -- if they showed any

skill in music -- would've been encouraged, maybe even forced,

into musical activities? In the absence of records, we'll never

know. So separating the influence of heredity and environment

isn't always easy. We have more to say about this elsewhere in

this chapter. You should have detected, however, that our

environment -- both our physical environment and our social

environment within our family and beyond our family -- also

impacts our development.

Physical Environment and Development

Clearly, our heredity

impacts our development, yet

just as obviously, so does

our environment. In

analyzing the role of the

environment in influencing

our development, we've got a

problem. Deciding exactly

what qualifies as an

“environmental influence"

is a bit hard to do. In one sense, environmental influences

include everything that is not inherited. Perhaps the best way

to simplify this problem is to distinguish between physical and

social environmental factors -- both within the family and

beyond it.

Up until birth, your physical environment literally

surrounds you. It surrounds you more loosely after birth, but

there are still a number of important influences. These

include, first, the ecological factors surrounding you, such as

the quality and the temperature of the air you breathe. Under

certain conditions sound can be a stressor; those who camp do

not go to the woods or the shore to listen to someone else's

choice of boombox music. Residents of buildings near major

highways, airports, or rail lines may experience stressful

amounts of noise.

A second physical factor

is the food you eat. Our

diet now is generally better

than in the preceding

decades, yet it's far from

perfect. For example, a

battle has long raged about

whether saccharin does/does

not cause cancer. If it

does, how much does it take

to make the danger of getting cancer something worth worrying


Food additives -- for color, for flavor -- may also

influence the quality of our food. And, surprisingly, whether

or not we cook our food and how we do it may end up subtracting

from the raw food elements that would be good for us. Vitamins

and some nutrients can be lost in the processes of manufacturing

and cooking certain foods.

Third and finally,

chemicals are a very

important contributor to our

physical environment. As

discussed in more detail in

the Chapter dealing with

physiological processes, some

drugs serve only to "pollute"

our body with chemicals that

can be dangerous in large

amounts. Each of these factors in our physical environment is

an important influence in our lives.

Social Environment Within the Family

In addition to factors in our physical environment which

influence our development, there is another, completely

different source of environmental influence. Your social

environment is made up first of family members. Later, friends

and role models beyond or outside your family are added. Their

relative contribution depends directly on your age and the

restrictiveness of your parents. Let's look at some social

factors within the family.

Within the social environment created by a traditional

family, one or more of three elements may be important: your

mother, your father, and your siblings (brothers and sisters),

with the possibility that other relatives may also live with and

influence you. Your parents play several important roles

(detailed in the Chapter discussing Social Behavior in Groups).

Parents usually provide financial support and supply the emotion

(love) that ties a family together. They also teach cultural

values: It's not nice to litter. You should respect proper

authority. Be honest. Finish any job you start. Brush your

teeth twice a day. You know what these "cultural values" are!

But your parents also play a major role in shaping your

personality. They reward you for getting up on time. They

instill good (or bad) manners in you. They influence your views

of members of other races, communities, and nations. In short,

they shaped a lot of the values you held at least up through

high school. (We discuss in the Chapter covering from puberty

through old age how some of this early training changes once you

leave your parents' home.) Finally, your parents also decide

(and enforce?) who does what jobs and when -- very important

decisions if a family is to operate effectively.

Now, while these are things your parents share, there are

also some marked differences in the roles played by your mother

and by your father. Some contributions are almost always made

only by one or the other.

There are also the

social contributions made by

your siblings. We'll discuss

their importance in more

detail in the Chapter

discussing social behavior in

groups, but notice your

siblings do have an impact on

at least your childhood and

early adulthood.

The social environment within your family is most important

until you enter elementary school. From that time on, an

increasing proportion of the social factors influencing your

development come from outside or beyond the family group.

Social Environment Beyond the Family

Of the major sources of

social environmental

influences beyond the home

which impact our development,

arguably the most powerful is

television. One source

suggests that the average

high school graduate of the

80's had spent more time in

front of a television set

than in a classroom since entering first grade. The influence

of television is probably even stronger today. And what are the

effects of that much television viewing? The catharsis theory

suggests that watching aggressive acts on television reduces the

likelihood a person will act aggressively. By contrast, the

social learning theory suggests that if children learn by

watching, then seeing acts of aggression on television should

increase a child's aggression rather than lessen it.

A report summarizing a decade of research on the effects of

television was released by the National Institute of Mental

Health in 1982. It concluded that violence on television does

lead to aggressive behavior by children. Researchers are only

beginning to study whether television also influences children's

thought and emotional processes. Can children's social beliefs,

behavior, and relationships -- even their health -- be

influenced by television? Pressure to smoke is greatest in

junior high school. Can television be used to blunt those

pressures? All sorts of possibilities abound.

A second social factor

beyond the family, obviously,

is school. Schools are

intended mainly to achieve

two purposes. One is to

teach the intellectual skills

that citizens will need to

succeed in society. These

are the old "readin',

writin', and 'rithmetic."

They are the means to communicate the content of society's

progress so far.

There is less agreement about the other purpose. Many

people feel that school should improve a student's self-esteem.

It should provide opportunities for and guidance in developing

social skills. It should, in short, help students learn about

how to live and enjoy life, how to play, how to think logically,

and how to enjoy esthetic beauty, whether that be art or music.

The relative emphasis to be placed on "the three R's" and social

skills tends to be controversial.

A third major source of

influence beyond the family

affecting the behavior of

children and adolescents is

the peer group. That is the

friends and schoolmates of

generally the same age. It

may be the child next door, a

boy- or girl-friend, or just

members of one's classes in

school. The influence of the peer group doesn't really develop

until school age, but it becomes extremely powerful during high

school years. Many parents worry about their children's choice

of friends. What parents (and you, for that matter) may not

know is that most children and youths tend to choose friends of

whom their parents would approve anyway.

Another social factor, which was more directly controlled

by your parents when you were in high school, is the degree to

which your peer group will have influence over you. This tends

to be in inverse proportion to the amount of influence your

parents exercise. If your social, emotional, and other needs

are met by your parents, you will have less need in high school

to turn to your peers for support, for experience, for anything.

Beginning with college, parents are essentially replaced as a

major source of influence by the peer groups.

Recent research has revealed a final point. Some

psychologists have noticed that peer groups serve as "levelers."

Such groups provide a low-threat means for you to find out

whether the training you've received at home works correctly

"out in the real world." If your parents are too conservative,

your friends are likely to seem wild to your parents. If your

family life is quite liberal, your friends may perceive you as a

"wild" person.

So the combination of friends (and foes), family, school,

and television educates you in the ways of the world. Some

psychologists talk of hereditary and environmental influences as

separate, but equal, but are they? Others argue in favor of an

interaction between heredity and environment.

The Interaction of Heredity and Environment

As discussed in the Chapter on the Nature and Nurture of

Psychology, the old nature-nurture argument is often posed as an

either-or kind of debate, but it isn't. Rather, it should be

concerned with "how much of each?" In the behaviors of interest

to psychologists, your inheritance (nature; your genetic

structure) sets a range of possible responses that you might

achieve. The environment(nurture) can provide a range of

possible experiences, but yours will be a particular

environment. What occurs in each of us is a reaction uniquely

determined by our heredity to the particular environment in

which we find ourselves.

Some feel that we tend to consider ourselves passive lumps

of clay, moldable in any way by the environment to which we are

exposed. Actually, we play a vital role in choosing our own

environments. We often select environments that we like and

reject those that we dislike.

Look at the Figure to

see what can happen if we

combine nature and nurture in

one specific example. Suppose

your genes had given you a

large frame -- big bones and

a stocky build. Think about

the different effects that

environments offering (1) too

little, (2) adequate, or (3)

(3) too much food would have on your body. Now compare the

impact of these same food conditions if the original genetic

message had been to create a small frame for you -- small bones

and a slight build. What is the difference between a

genetically stocky frame raised in a food-poor environment and a

genetically slight frame raised in a food-rich environment? The

differences tend to disappear, don't they? Both heredity and

environment influence biological and psychological factors.

Moreover, heredity and environment -- both within and

beyond the family -- interact in another complex way to

determine how we develop. For the sake of argument, let's

assert that the introversion you experience [a tendency to seek

quiet environments, to prefer small (or no!) groups] is

hereditary. If so, you would be genetically guided toward

selecting environments in which an introvert would be

comfortable. As an adult, you'd likely be an introvert. But,

at what point does your repeated exposure to the introvert's

favorite environment itself -- as an environmental factor! --

begin to influence your choice of environments? Certainly, you

gain more experience with introvert-comfortable environments,

less with other environments. At what point does your selection

of environments become environmentally governed? Separating the

relative contributions of heredity and environment as well as

the interaction between them can become very complex.

Heredity has demonstrable effects on our behavior; as does

our environment. Most interestingly, the interaction of

heredity with a specific environment leads to very complex


Development and Forms of Behavior

The study of development, including the relative influences

on development of heredity and environment to our behavior, has

involved a wide variety of research techniques. Some of the

facts about human development were first suggested from the

study of animals and the forms of behavior which they exhibit.

In studying the range of animal behaviors -- from the

simplest one-celled amoebae to the most complex multi-celled

primates and humans -- one thing becomes obvious. As you

progress from simple to sophisticated organisms in the animal

world, you also move from automatic to rational, controlled

patterns of behavior. Let's look at five such forms of behavior

starting with the simplest.

A taxis (pronounced

TACK-sis) involves the

response or orientation of a

whole animal either toward or

away from some physical

stimulus. We humans have a

negative geotaxis. That

means that we orient

ourselves away from the pull

of gravity. In short, we

stand up.

A reflex is an unlearned

response to a stimulus.

However, unlike the taxic

response, which involves the

whole organism, a reflex

usually does not. If you've

ever visited a doctor's

office, more than likely your

doctor has tested your kneejerk

reflex by tapping your

knee gently with a rubber mallet. Your foot responds

involuntarily by kicking upward. This is the knee-jerk reflex.

A third form of behavior

is the instinct. An instinct

is a complex pattern of

response that is unlearned

and present in all normal

members of a species. Unlike

reflexes, which are fairly

simple, instinctive responses

may last for some time after

the stimulus that initiates


The last two forms of response will be mentioned here in

our discussion of early development, from creation to

adolescence, but we spend whole chapters discussing them

elsewhere. One is learning, which we'll define for now simply

as instances where experience modifies or alters behavior. If

you start salivating every time you smell lasagna, that's an

example of learning. The other and most complex form of

behavior is reasoning. This involves the use of abstract

symbols, such as a written language or a system of numbers.

Using such a system to solve problems, communicate, or educate

illustrates the use of reasoning. An example? How many words

can be made from the letters in TEXAS? Answering that question

involves reasoning.

As you move up the

hierarchy of animals, you

find more and more reliance

on higher response forms and

less and less reliance on

simple, automatic responses.

For the simplest animals,

such as protozoa, all

responses are automatic. At

the other end of the scale,

our human behavior involves only a very few taxic responses. We

have a few reflexes and instincts, but we rely strongly on

learning and reasoning for most of our behavior.

Think about it

The question: The summer camp counselor we quoted at the start of the

chapter was surprised to find that the spider he interrupted started

web-building from the very beginning again. Are you?

The answer: You shouldn't be. Weaving a spider web is an instinctive

response. The spiral weaving response is probably set off by the existence

of the main supports of the web. When the web lacks those main supports, the

spider starts again by first spinning the main supports for his web.

Development and the

forms of behavior which

evolve have been studied from

a variety of perspectives.

One unusual view involves

with work of biologists

interested in identifying the

biological mechanisms

underlying human and,

especially, animal behavior -

the work of ethologists. The lessons of ethology also apply to

human behavior.


Among the most skillful studies of development of animals'

behavior has been the work of the ethologists which has evolved

out of the work of biologists. Ethologists are zoologists who

apply the principles of naturalistic observation to the study of

animals' behavior in their natural environment. Work of this

kind was so good, so new, and so challenging that three of the

first ethologists earned the Nobel Prize in 1973 for their

contributions -- work which has implications for human behavior.

The photograph shows a

number of greylag geese

following ethologist Konrad

Lorenz. In fact, they have

imprinted on him, a process

that involves an interesting

combination of learning and

maturation. There are three

necessary elements in

imprinting. These elements

are timing, the presence of an object to be imprinted on, and

young organisms at the particular age of imprinting. It happens

in many animals, but especially in birds.

When birds hatch, the first living, moving object they see

is usually their mother. They imprint on her and will follow

her anywhere. But what if birds are raised in an incubator, and

the first moving object they see is a decoy? If this happens,

the birds will imprint on the decoy. In fact, the farther those

birds have to follow the decoy, the stronger will be the

imprinting that results. In Lorenz' case, he had been the first

thing the goslings had seen.

It has been suggested that imprinting takes place during a

time interval limited by (1) an increasing fear of strange

objects, and (2) a decreasing inclination to approach anything

that moves or attracts attention. The combined effects of these

two processes yields what is called a critical period. It is a

period of time during which the events that will cause

imprinting must occur if it is to result. Early enthusiasm

surrounding the discovery of the imprinting process lead

investigators to think that once the birds were imprinted to a

decoy (as the goslings were to Lorenz), the process couldn't be

reversed. Not so.

More recent work has shown that imprinting on an incorrect

object is less stable than if an organism imprinted correctly.

Ducks imprinted to humans -- when later exposed to their own

mother for a period of time -- will stay with her rather than

returning to the person on whom they had originally been

imprinted. Surprisingly, this work also has implications for

humans' development.

How About Humans?

The work of the

ethologists has focused

primarily on the development

of specific forms of animal

behavior. Are there critical

periods in humans? The

evidence so far suggests that

we do have critical periods -

- perhaps quite a number of

them -- during which we need

certain kinds of experiences.

We need exposure to other

humans in order to learn to speak and to learn various social

skills during the early years of infancy and most of childhood.

And we need the handling, attention, and care of a mother or

father in the earliest years of infancy. People denied these

opportunities seem to suffer from slow learning of the missing

skills when the opportunity finally presents itself -- if they

are able to learn the needed skills at all. Clearly, delaying

some experiences beyond these ill-defined "critical periods" can

have damaging effects.

A final concept,

important to both humans and

animals, is that of

maturational readiness. This

identifies the first time an

organism is physically ready

and able to respond correctly

in a particular situation.

With humans, for instance,

there has long been an

argument as to the best time

at which to start training a youngster to read. Certainly, many

children started at the age of three or four can do very well if

given constant attention. Yet others not trained at all until

the age of six or so seem to catch up quite quickly. Purely as

a matter of efficiency, is it necessary to start children as

soon as they can hold a book up? Apparently not. It seems that

the point of maturational readiness to learn to read is reached

when a child -- no matter how old he or she actually is -- can

do what the average five to five-and-one-half-year-old can do.

The illustration describes in some detail how principles of

maturation operate in all humans in definite, predictable

sequences. You might also refer to where we show the various

stages taking place as children learn to walk as another example

of maturational readiness.

Human Development

Based on the development of techniques for study of

developmental and maturational changes, another question becomes

of interest. What developments take place within the individual

human from the time he or she is conceived through infancy and

childhood to adolescence? In this Chapter on Early Development

and the Chapter on Development: Adolescence to Death we talk

about many events in normal development, starting with

procreation, continuing through when the first word is spoken,

when an infant can stand and walk, and so forth. The figures we

cite and the graphs and figures show average figures, or norms.

Knowing a norm is like

knowing the average shoe size

of an army: It's

descriptive, but useless in

equipping personnel. Keep in

mind that there are wide

variations among humans in

the rate at which they mature

and develop. The process

starts with human procreation

and -- still within mother's

womb -- includes prenatal life. Our discussion includes changes

in infancy, including body changes, motor skills, and how we

interact with our world as infants. We also look at changes in

language development in infancy as well as in childhood, and we

discuss our evolving self-concept both in infancy and childhood.

We summarize the major changes in childhood skills and body and

look at how a knowledge of psychology can help with parenting.

Genetics, Dominance and Recession

As you already know from biology courses, the process of

procreation in humans begins when the sperm from a male unites

with the egg of a female to start the development of a new

human. The chromosomes within the fertilized human egg (or

zygote) are composed of bead-like strands called genes. Genes

contain the genetic code. This code is the order in which

molecules transmit genetic information, or all the

characteristics that are passed on through the generations. It

has been estimated that there may be 10,000 to 50,000 genes in

each fertilized egg!

The genetic code itself

is embodied within structures

of DNA, or deoxyribonucleic

acid. The DNA is the master

key determining the genetic

portion of the physique and

the potential behavior of

every soon-to-be-born infant.

Each of us was created by a

mixing of many genetic

messages -- about hair, skin, and eye color, about physique and

abilities, about everything -- at the moment of procreation.

However, we do not result from a mixing of our parents'

characteristics as when you mix paint. Let's say the genetic

codes of a man and a woman have been combined. What happens if

one message says "blue eyes" and the other says "brown eyes"? A

dominant gene, such as the gene for brown eyes, exerts its full

effect over the effect of a recessive gene, such as the gene for

blue eyes. Thus, any mixed genetic message will be expressed in

the individual child in accordance with the dominant gene. The

effect of a recessive gene will be expressed only if paired with

another recessive gene. Our bodies or abilities may show the

effects of a dominant gene even while we carry recessive traits

and may transmit them to our children.

The theory suggests that we, the carriers, do not influence

the genes we carry. We simply pass them on to our children.

The Bach children whom we discussed earlier may well have become

interested in piano through their parents' interest. But they

could not know how to play a Bach concerto through a genetic

message. They had to learn. And thus the human embryo is

launched on its prenatal life.

Think about it

The question: Well, what's your verdict? Can brown-eyed parents have

blue-eyed children?

The answer: Yes. You can construct a table as follows, where B = brown

(the dominant eye color) and b = blue (the recessive eye color). In short,

if Marcia's parents are both of the Bb type themselves (with brown eyes but

carrying recessive blue genes), the chances are that 25 percent of their

children would have blue eyes (bb). As for the others, 25 percent would have

brown eyes (BB), and 50 percent would have brown but be carrying recessive

blue genes (Bb).


B b


Mother children

b Bb bb

Prenatal Life

Though somewhat

determined by genetics, the

maturation of the human

zygote, later embryo, is

generally most susceptible to

the effects of a poor

environment during the first

three months (called a

trimester) of growth

following procreation. As

organs and life systems

mature, there may be times when some pollutants have a higher

than normal likelihood of causing certain abnormalities.

Diseases, drugs, and various medical treatments, such as x-rays,

may have bad effects. Poor eating habits of a mother-to-be take

their worst toll during this time. Unfortunately, a woman may

not be aware that she is pregnant during this critical first


During the last

trimester the fetus is

already beginning to react to

events outside its mother.

One researcher placed a small

block of wood over the

abdomen of mothers in the

latter part of the eighth

month. When these

researchers hit the board lightly with something that emitted a

loud noise, about 90 percent of the fetuses began squirming

excitedly and kicking. (See Table 3.1 for a definition of this

and other terms we'll be using.)

Table 3.1

Ages and stages for children


0-2 weeks* Zygote Germinal phase

2-8 weeks* Embryo Embryonic phase

2-9 months* Fetus Fetal period

0-2 years Infant Infancy

2-7 years Child Early childhood

7-12 years Child Late childhood

12-20 Teenager Adolescence

*Age from conception.

Even before birth fetuses show vast individual differences.

Ask any woman who has had two or more children -- babies differ

tremendously. Some fetuses may be active 75 percent of the

time, others only 5 percent. Some pregnant women have even

reported they preferred not to go to symphony concerts -- their

babies responded to the music and applause with violent

squirming! So the evidence is more and more clear-cut that

fetuses can and do respond to environmental stimulation even

before birth.

Another thought may have occurred to you. Does the mental

state of the mother during pregnancy affect the baby before and

after it is born? Obviously when any of us get upset, our body

chemistry changes. If we are afraid, our adrenal glands pump

actively, while our digestive processes stop. And if we're sad

or angry? Happy or delirious? The answers here are less easy

to provide. One study has been done of the babies delivered to

mothers who were suddenly faced with an extreme fear or grief

(as in the loss of the father) or anxiety during their last

trimester of pregnancy. Generally the unborn fetuses of such

mothers tended to show marked increases in their activity -- as

much as a tenfold increase sometimes -- at the time of the

shock. After birth these infants were mentally and physically

all right, but they tended to be unusually irritable and very

active. Some even had feeding problems.

And how about drugs? Women who smoke a lot tend to give

birth to smaller and lighter infants. Infants born to mothers

addicted to narcotics or alcohol tend to show the same severe

withdrawal symptoms their mothers would if they stopped taking

the narcotic. On the other hand, there are benefits to this

blood-linked communication from mother to fetus. Mothers'

immunities to diseases such as mumps, measles, whooping cough,

and scarlet fever are passed on to the newborn child.

During the birthing process itself, only one kind of injury

is likely to occur. This is brain damage caused by the use of

forceps (instruments used to aid delivery) or a shortage of

oxygen as the baby shifts from the mother to the environment

outside. Such difficulties, however, rarely occur.

An interesting theory has gained ground in the past several

decades about birth being a major psychological trauma. It's an

appealing idea. Leaving a warm environment that was established

and designed to meet the infant's every need would seem to be a

foolish thing to do by adult standards. But remember the

dangers of anthropomorphism -- attributing thoughts and motives,

and complex ones at that, where none may exist. Suffice to say,

there is no evidence currently available that the birthing

process itself is a traumatic event. It has not been shown that

birth serves as the source of serious personality problems that

may develop later in life.

At this point our maturing human is ready to enter infancy,

the final step into childhood.

Changes in Infancy

Infancy -- roughly from birth to age two -- involves

massive body changes, major improvements in motor skills

including handedness and how we sense the world. Language

development leads to significant improvement in self expression

which ultimately leads to evolving changes in an infant's selfconcept.

Changes in an infant's body size that occur between

birth and age two are extensive. Growth is rapid during the

first year of human life. By the end of the first year, an

infant triples his or her birth weight and stretches out from a

starting length of 48-53 cm (19-21 inches) to a height of 63-74

cm. (25-29 inches).

There are a number of problems psychologists face when

studying infant development. For one thing, early physical

factors such as the size, agility, and sensing factors, as well

as early intellectual abilities, are of no use in predicting a

person's childhood and adult levels of such factors. A baby's

length and weight at birth, for example, don't allow us to

predict his or her adult height or weight. Also, there is the

difficulty of knowing how to pose a research "question" so an

infant will pay attention long enough to give us an

interpretable answer! By the time a child is two, however, we

can begin to make a few predictions with ever-greater accuracy.

Consider growth rate, for example, which slows down a bit

during the second year. Even so, by his or her second birthday

a child may well reach a quarter of the ideal (note, we did not

say actual) adult weight. And the average two-year-old will be

almost half as tall as he or she will be as an adult. Major

changes also occur in an infant's motor skills.

Motor Skills in Infancy

One of the most intriguing things about a newborn infant is

that despite the significant body changes which occur, a wide

range of responses have already been "pre-wired." These response

patterns -- some of them quite complex -- show up as reflexes.

A motor skill that is always a worry to parents is the

development of handedness -- shall he or she be right- or lefthanded?

World-wide, only about five percent of humans are lefthanded,

but a clear preference doesn't really develop until the

latter part of the infant's first year. Even well into the

second year an infant will still experiment a great deal -- now

eating with the right hand, now with the left, and sometimes

with both.

Exactly why we develop a preference for one hand over the

other is not clear. It may result from which side of our brain

is dominant, called cerebral dominance, which we discuss in the

Chapter on Physiological Processes. But it's clear that society

as a whole is set up for right-handers. Everything from school

desks to scissors, from hand-shaking to vegetable peelers, is

designed for right-handers. Is this a cause of righthandedness,

or does it result because of right-handedness? It

was the fashion in the past to encourage infants to become

right-handed at all costs. The best procedure now is thought to

be to let handedness develop on its own. It saves worry and

wear and tear on parents, teachers and left-handed children as


Think about it

The question: Remember the four-week-old baby girl who suspended herself

in mid-air by simply hanging on to two extended adult fingers? Can this be


The answer: Yes. It's called the grasping reflex. It's present in only

about 40 percent of all infants, and it disappears completely by the end of

the third month.

Sensing the World in Infancy

When infants arrive in

this world they already have

some rather well-developed

sensory skills for detecting

parts of their environment.

Yet, we know that an infant's

reactions to the world about

him or her are directly

related to whether the infant

is sleepy or alert, quiet or

crying. The best time for

studying infants is when they are alert, but quiet -- which

makes the task a bit difficult with newborns since they sleep

most of the time. It has been learned that infants are less

alert when they are flat on their backs. In that position they

tend to fall asleep. It's interesting that our modern chairs

for holding infants while they're being fed tend to position the

infants on an incline. Perhaps this same finding regarding the

influence of the incline is why infants stop crying when they

are picked up and put over their father's or mother's shoulder.

The smells, sounds, and other things in the world around them

now catch their attention.

Yet, many other things also influence an infant. Too hot,

and the infant will fall asleep; too cold, and it will cry.

Tightly wrapped, infants tend to go to sleep; left naked, they

tend to cry. Too bright, and they shut their eyes; too dim, and

they'll go to sleep. Too loud, and they cry; yet with just a

calm background noise (remember the use of music boxes?), they

fall asleep. So finding out what an infant can do when

attentive is no easy task!

In spite of this, accompanying developing motor skills,

there is significant improvement in an infant's skill in sensing

the world. Psychologists have learned that shortly after birth

an infant is already more likely to look at a human face than at

a random collection of the same number of features, as discussed

in Feature 3.2 We know from this that infants can see shortly

after birth. Yet, other work has shown that the focal point of

an infant's vision is only about nine inches away from his or

her face. Interestingly, that's about the distance many women

hold their infants from their own face when nursing them.

Feature 3.2


When we make statements that an infant can do this or can't

do that, a problem must have occurred to you. How can we find

out what an infant too young to tell us can actually do and see

and hear? When infants start crawling, can they detect when

they've reached the edge of a staircase? In fact, let's take a

specific problem that was important to each of us: Can infants

recognize a human face? Can they see at all?

We do know that infants can detect and respond to

differences in brightness and motion when they are not even one

day old. They prefer, in their first weeks, to look at the

edges of stimuli—as if they are learning first the shapes of

stimuli. But how about a face? Can an infant detect the

difference between a face and an equally complex figure that is

just a number of scrambled parts?

To answer this question, the four forms in the illustration

were shown to a number of four-month-old infants. Several

findings are immediately apparent when we examine what

proportion of the total viewing time was spent looking at each


First, the most normal human face drew the most attention.

Second, the form with the fewest details drew the least

attention. Third, when choosing between two forms of equal

complexity (Faces b and d ), infants gazed longer at Face b.

This suggests that the meaning of the form—the face in this

instance—may be more important in attracting and holding an

infant's attention than the complexity. All this was learned

just by showing some infants some forms and watching what they


How about hearing? Elsewhere in this chapter we discuss

fetuses who become very active if a loud noise is produced

outside their mother's womb. Shortly after birth an infant can

be trained to turn his or her head toward a bell if food is

given when the infant does so. When held upright between

parents who are both speaking to him or her, the infant will

turn more often toward the mother, perhaps because the mother is

already the more familiar person.

If a change in its environment is detected by an alert

infant, several things tend to happen. Its level of activity

increases, and its heart rate and pattern of breathing change.

We can use this to find out what infants can detect. For

example, we now know that infants can smell even within two days

after birth. First we get them used to smells ranging from

acetic acid (a much less concentrated version of which exists in

citrus fruits) to anise (which is like licorice). Then, if one

of those smells is changed and that change is detected, what do

we find? Right. The activity level, heart rate, and breathing

all change. Taste, as we'll see in the Chapter discussing

Sensation and Perception, is not as sensitive as smell, yet

infants can even distinguish between their mother's milk and a

cow's milk! Paralleling these improvements in motor skills and

sensory skills, the infant's language development undergoes

substantial change in the first two years -- from speechlessness

to limited loquaciousness.

Language Development in Infancy

During infancy it seems

that factors of physiological

growth and maturation play a

large role in the language

skills that develop. This is

suggested by several things:

First, the initial steps

through the first couple of

years of language development

are remarkably similar worldwide:

The same sounds appear

first, everywhere. There is

the same sequence of increasing linguistic complexity and the

same order of use and purpose of word classes. Second, infants

have a knack for language. It would be an incredible feat to

learn enough to be communicating as effectively as two-year-olds

do in only two years. By that age a child has usually achieved

a vocabulary of at least 300-400 words, and some psycholinguists

argue the size is closer to 1,800-2,000 words! The first count

of the number of words known and used by children was done more

than half a century ago -- in 1926. At that time six-year-olds

were estimated to know about 2,500 words. The widespread use of

television and radio in modern society makes it likely that this

figure is a serious underestimate for youth today. One

psycholinguist has estimated a child learns ten new words a day

from 18 months to 5 years of age. That would mean a 5-year-old

could easily have a vocabulary of 13,000-15,000 words!

However, not all psychologists share the same opinion about

how language develops. It is an area rich with arguments these

days because views are changing rapidly. At birth you had only

two choices: You could cry or be quiet. Yet by the time you

were four weeks old you were already beginning to "say"

different things. When you were uncomfortable, you got tense.

As a result your vocal cords were more constricted and narrow.

The nature of your crying changed. When you were happy, your

vocal cords were more relaxed and you emitted a more open, backof-

the mouth sound. It may be just an accident of muscle

control, but parents can read these cues. Even as a four-weekold

infant you were beginning to "speak."

At three months you reached the babbling stage. It seems

to be enjoyable since infants all over the world do it. We emit

random sounds, and we do a lot of it between three and six

months of age. In the last half of the first year (6 to 12

months) two things begin to happen. First, infants begin to

show repetitive syllabification, which means they say the same

syllables over and over again. It's in this stage that most

proud parents proclaim that they hear their infant's first

"word." But who's to say when repeating ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma or papa-

papa-pa-pa changes to "ma-ma" or "pa-pa"? Nevertheless it

does occur somewhere around the start of the second year, and

who's to argue with proud parents?

The other process occurring in the last half of the first

year is imitation. Infants are natural mimics. Listen to a

six- to twelve-month-old infant, and you'll hear it mimicking

many different sounds in its world -- some verbal, some not.

But during this period the sounds being emitted are getting more

and more sophisticated. "Foreign" sounds -- meaning those not

used to vocalize the language the infant is about to learn --

begin to disappear. A one year-old will react to verbal

stimuli, and he or she will react very differently to angry and

loving voices.

During the next six months (12 to 18 months) there is a

steady increase in the number and variety and complexity of

sounds being emitted. One-word utterances occur more and more

often. They're mostly nouns. In the last part of infancy (18

to 24 months) single-word utterances become two-word phrases.

At this stage two processes can be heard. One is the

development of telegraphic speech. "Mommy milk!" may mean

anything from "Mother, I would like to drink some milk." to

"Mother, your elbow just knocked a one-gallon container of lowfat,

homogenized and very expensive milk onto the floor." In

short, the important words are there, but none of the


The other process that is heard is over-generalization.

Infants try to apply simple rules in complex situations. They

may learn that -ed means past tense, but then they apply that

rule to too many verbs: "Daddy goed," "Mommy eated," and so

forth. It's a mistake, but it's a good mistake, for it shows

the infant is thinking about language. He or she is beginning

to try to develop and apply the rules that will govern the use

of this new-found skill called talking. The increasing

complexity of language development aids the infant's developing


The Self-concept in Infancy

One of the most fascinating things to watch as it develops

during infancy is the changing, shifting view of self. Self is

a very hard concept to define -- even more so for an infant.

One way is to define self as anything you can touch that will

result in two experiences of touch. (Touch your arm with your

finger, for example. Your arm will feel the pressure of your

finger; your finger will feel the warmth of your arm.) Feature

3.3 describes one major source that helps an infant develop a


Feature 3.3


Crying is a very selfish thing that infants do. Almost

everything else is socially oriented somehow: babbling, staring

at you, smiling at you—even imitating you. But crying is very

self-centered. Yet, as with so many things an infant does, the

results produced by crying also teach the infant something about

his or her world.

The way a parent responds to crying influences the

attachment that forms between parents and their child.

Attachment is the bond of affection that exists between an

infant and other individuals—most often the mother and father.

One psychologist studied the patterns of behavior that existed

between 26 mothers and their children. We're going to look only

at the most extreme cases in that study.

For example, suppose you were a parent in the following

situation; what would you do? Your child is crying—apparently

for food—but you've just fed it an hour ago. Would you yield to

its needs and feed it again? Or would you consider your own

needs and feed it on a schedule? What kind of an attachment

would result when either the infant's needs dominate or the

mother's needs dominate? We will find some rather surprising


First, with a year-old infant, letting the baby's needs

predominate led to a better interaction between mother and

child—yes, a better interaction. Subsequently, when it was put

down by the mother and apparently deserted, the infant whose

needs had been met as they developed instead of according to the

parent's schedule, cried less.

So how are we to explain this? The major factor here seems

to be the trust developed by the infant. If it was repeatedly

left to cry, it learned that the world was not to be trusted,

that its needs would not be met as they arose. On the other

hand, infants whose cries were followed by having their needs

met, were learning that the world can be trusted. They learned

that mother (or father) was a trustworthy person, that that

person would show up as needs arose. The result was that by

responding to a child's cries during the early months of its

life, these parents created a more trusting infant. The more

trusting infants eventually cried less, were more tolerant of

frustration, and offered a richer variety of communications.

But what are the tasks of the infant here? Table 3.2 lists

the components of self-hood that develop during infancy. Perhaps

the second task there best shows the difficulty in defining

self. For the first several months of its life an infant

doesn't distinguish between itself and the environment of which

it is a part. There is no boundary between itself and the

world. Understanding that boundary is but one of the tasks in

developing the sense of self.

Table 3.2

An infant's tasks in self-concept development


Infancy 1) Identify self as able to cause events.

(0-24 months) 2) Awareness of boundaries and shape of body.

3) Awareness of viscera; events (such as a stomach ache).

4) Recognition of self (as in a mirror).

5) Recognition of self as a constant in a world offering

6v)a r yNiangm iengx peofr iesenclef.s.

7) Possessiveness.


All this while, from birth to two, the infant is testing

and probing its environment. One theorist ( whose work

is discussed in more detail elsewhere in this Chapter and that

dealing with Development: From Puberty to Old Age) has suggested

one major task at this age is to form a view of the world -- of

either basic trust or mistrust. Another is to begin to develop

a sense of self-control. Once these tasks have been mastered,

the infant is ready to enter childhood.

Childhood Changes:

Skills and Body

Upon concluding the

major experiences of infancy,

the maturing human moves into

the events of childhood.

What happens along the way

from childhood to

adolescence? What changes take place, physically and mentally?

(As you read about the evolving skills of childhood, be sure to

keep in mind our caution about the limits of norms: They're

helpful in identifying an average, but not in describing an

individual.) These changes involve continuing increases in the

complexity of motor skills of which a child is capable, and

substantial body changes. Language development continues to

show increasing complexity and size of vocabulary, and the selfconcept

moves away from self-centered to reflect increasing

awareness of others.

What skills can you expect young children to perform? In

terms of motor skills, two-year-olds are able to walk with an

even rhythm, and they can put on their own shoes, but they can't

hop on one foot. Their drawing skill is limited to imitating

vertical and horizontal lines. Three-year-olds can walk a line

on the floor, but their drawings are usually just scribbles. A

four year-old can hop on one foot but often only one, walk on a

balance beam, and draw crude figures of humans and other

objects. By five a child can hop on either foot, tie his or her

shoelaces, and draw identifiable animals, houses, and so forth.

From six to twelve a child is mainly involved in a general

improvement of motor performance. Dancing or tumbling classes

are beneficial in giving the child practice in more and more

refined motor skills. The child will notice a steady increase

in his or her strength, reaction time, and balance.

You have probably noticed that when you learn any new motor

skill, you must at first pay a lot of attention to its

perceptual, or mental, aspects. In learning to play any musical

instrument, you must concentrate on where your fingers are and

how what your fingers are doing is related to what you hear.

Mastering any motor skill involves first integrating all the

incoming information from your eyes, your hands -- in fact, all

your senses. Then you practice until you have succeeded in

moving control of the new skill from the conscious to the

unconscious realm. For example, once a person knows how to

roller skate, he or she no longer thinks about it. But compare

that performance with that of a five-year-old just learning how

to maintain balance, see where to go, lean, turn, and brake all

at the same time! The USING PSYCHOLOGY section illustrates how

the cumulative contributions of changing body size and

increasing motor skills impact that most basic of childhood

activities -- play.

The basic senses work quite well in the two-year-old. What

continues to develop, however, is the more complex uses to which

sensory information is put. For instance, one aspect of this

development is cross-modal transfer. Suppose we showed you the

objects drawn in the Figure. We then put them in a bag and

asked you to pick out, without looking, the red object. If you

came up with the right object, you would be performing a crossmodal

transfer. This means that you'd have taken incoming

visual stimuli and translated them, interpreting the same object

in terms of touch. As children grow older, these complex skills

are constantly improving -- but of course at different rates for

different individuals.

There are two final

facts that you should note

about body changes and motor

abilities in children

approaching puberty. First,

as the quality and general

availability of both food and

medical services keep

improving in North America,

children keep maturing at

earlier and earlier ages. Second, the age of twelve (roughly)

marks the point of greatest difference in the relative

maturation of boys and girls. At this time girls are from 18-24

months ahead of boys in the percentage of their adult form they

have achieved! One area where there is sharing is in the

complexity of language development each human exhibits in late


Using Psychology: Psychology and Parenting

Even people too young or

too old to be biological

parents are sometimes put in

the position where they must

care for young children. Do

you have younger brothers or

sisters? Have you been a

camp counselor or a "baby"

sitter? If so, knowing a

little about what to expect

and how to amuse children at different ages may be of help.

Since we cover in some detail most stages of development --

both physical and mental -- in this chapter, here we only

concern ourselves with play. Various studies have indicated

that "child's play" isn't the simple thing the phrase implies.

In fact, there's a definite progression in play behavior.

Basically, children play games that get more and more

complex as they get older. Knowing about that progression will

help you in entertaining children for whom you must provide

care. Six forms of play have been identified.

Unoccupied behavior is the first kind of child-controlled

behavior we observe. An infant will simply examine his or her

own body or look around the room. For you sitters, this can be

the easiest "minding" job of all. An environment with

interesting (familiar!) things to see, hear, or manipulate can

keep a baby happy. Remember the fascination of the human face

for an infant.

Onlooker play seems to show an awakening awareness that

other children exist. The child talks with other children who

are playing -- may even make suggestions or ask questions -- but

does not get into the action. Watching will usually be quite

satisfactory for such a child.

Solitary play involves a two- to three-year old child

playing with toys all by him- or herself. None of the actions

the child makes are influenced at all by what other nearby

children are doing. Now, combining familiar and interesting

toys with isolated observing will keep a child happy -- still

assuming that all bodily needs for food and so forth are met!

Parallel play involves children playing with the same toys,

but not really interacting with each other. They will be

playing beside, but not with, each other. This form is at its

peak in two- to three-year-olds. By this age a child

appreciates having a friend around, even though he or she may be

doing the same thing separately.

Associative play involves the sharing of materials, and

some shared interacting behaviors. Here children have similar,

but not necessarily identical, goals. This form of play starts

to show up in four-year-olds, and by five the younger forms of

play are not seen very often. Now group projects with plenty of

materials for everyone will be a hit -- all painting separate

pictures, for instance.

Cooperative, organized play is the last to occur. Now

there is a single activity using the same materials and a

common, accepted set of rules. Children play many different

roles here. The key now is to have an interesting, challenging

game with rules.

There is a surprising footnote to these findings. The

study that identified these styles of play in the 1930's was

repeated in the early 70's. Four decades after the original

study, North American youngsters were not engaging in as many

socially oriented forms of play. Certainly the last two forms

of play tended to occur later than they did half a century ago.

Can this be caused by too much television viewing? It's an

interesting question to ponder.

Language Development in Childhood

You will recall that when we left our developing two-yearold,

he/she had achieved a vocabulary of at least 300-400 words

at the beginning of childhood, and some would argue the

vocabulary may have reached 1,800-2,000 words. The trends that

start in infancy continue into early childhood. During the

third and fourth year many more word classes make their first

appearance. A vocabulary that had only nouns and verbs grows

rapidly to include adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and even

pronouns -- the last major class to be mastered. During the

fifth and sixth year children simply gain more sophistication in

their language. Some psychologists would argue that by the age

of five to six a child knows all of the formal elements of

his/her language. The only skills important to the use of that

language which continue to develop well past the age of twelve

are the size of the vocabulary and the complexity of the

sentences formed.

However, one interesting skill does develop between five

and twelve -- the ability to use language to talk about

language. That's a skill that is uniquely human, as we discuss

at some length in Chapters on Learning and Language. This

improving language is accompanied by continuing alterations of

the child's self-concept.

Self-Concept in Childhood

An evolving aspect of children's personality is their selfconcept.

Table 3.3 lists the many and varied events that

influence a child's self-concept as he or she progresses through

Years two through 12. These factors are divided into those

experienced in early and late childhood. There are marked

differences in the concerns for and about the self of young

children as compared to those of older ones.

In terms of the theory of Erikson, there are several tasks

for the child to master between these ages. The child continues

to gain knowledge about self control and begins to separate himor

her-self from mother, without feelings of guilt. Other major

tasks of childhood are to develop the conscience and to begin to

form a sex-role identity.

As these tasks are encountered, the developing language

begins to be used as an aid. You'll hear a marked increase in

"what" and "why" questions as the child ingests more and more

information. There is an awakening awareness of the differences

between boys and girls, and this too is explored.

Table 3.3

A child's tasks in self-concept development*


Early Childhood 1). Identify internal moods.

(2- 7 years) 2). Awareness of self as an object analyzed by others

("Isn't he cute?" "Isn't she smart?")

3). View of self as willful, internally controlled ("let

me do it!")

4). Self as part of family, friendship groups.

5). Self as a sexual person, fitting certain sex-roles.

6). Self as a moral person with goals for an ideal self.

7). Self as (non-) initiator of events.

Late Childhood 1). Physical changes leading to revision of body image.

(8-12 years) 2). Development and evaluation of skills.

3). Appreciation of multiple- roles for self.

*Adapted from Newman and Newman, 1978.

So far the family has been the major learning ground, but

the last major task of childhood is accomplished mainly in

school. It is to develop a sense of industry -- the ability and

desire to do things and do them well. Both parents and teachers

encourage this skill by achieving a careful blend of challenges

to keep the child thinking positively even if experiencing some


So, at this point we have a fully developed child, ready --

to the extent anyone is -- for adolescence. In adolescence that

child's world -- almost mastered -- turns topsy-turvy again as

he/she enters puberty.

Review Questions For Developmental


1. What do developmental psychologists?

2. As used by psychologists, what is meant by "lawfulness




1. What are some of the problems involved in studying


2. What are the experimental methods used to avoid the

Early Development - Chapter 3 106

PSYCHOLOGY: Exploring Behavior



1. How does development differ from maturation?

2. What are the major factors influencing our behavior?

Give examples of each.


1. What behaviors have psychologists identified by



2. Define critical periods and maturational readiness. Do

these concepts apply to animals or humans or both?


1. What sequences are followed in the maturation and

development of humans?

2. What purposes do genes serve?

3. To what environmental influences is a fetus sensitive?


1. In the normal human life span, when is the period of


rapid growth?

2. Name some important motor skills developed in infancy.

3. Trace the sequence of human speech development in


4. According to Erikson's theory, what attitudes toward


world are developed in infancy?


1. What ages does childhood include?

2. What motor skills develop during childhood?

3. How does the use of language develop during childhood?

4. What changes in self-concept occur during childhood?

Early Development Activities

1. According to Piaget's theory, during its first eight

months an infant learns that objects have "permanence." That is,

objects continue to exist even when hidden from one's view. If

you can find an infant who is less than eight months old, try to

determine whether the child has yet mastered this concept.

Place a toy in front of the child where the child can see it.

Then cover the toy completely with a towel. What does the

infant do? Infants under four months of age rarely pay much

attention. Infants from four to eight months will look at the

towel but probably not under it. Some infants might duplicate

the feat of most eight-month-olds and search under the towel.

What did your test subject do?

2. To test the maturity of a child's motor skills, see if

you can find a two-, a three-, a four-, and a five-year-old.

Ask each child to hop up and down on one leg. What happens?

Can a child who can hop on one foot hop on the other? Practice

will do very little good until a certain point of maturational

readiness has been reached.

3. Career Search. Volunteer to spend some time in a daycare

center. Record your observations about children's

behavior, being sure to record their ages, too. Which

principles of maturation and development might explain what you

saw? Discuss your observations with w fellow student or your


4. At a playground or day-care center listen to the talk

of two- to four-year-old children. How does their grammar

differ from yours? Did you hear them use telegraphic speech or

commit any errors of over-generalization?

5. To gain an understanding of children's abilities and

limits in thinking, interview a number of children of different

ages. You might ask a classic question such as "How does the

sun get from where it goes down (in the West) to where it comes

up (in the East)?" In analyzing the answers, compare the

underlying logic of the children of different ages.


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