Module Name: Financial Reporting and the Regulatory Framework

Assignment Tile: Asset Valuation

Assignment Length: 2,500 words


Learning Outcomes:

This assessment satisfies the following learning outcomes as specified in your module guide.


Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria


Critically evaluate concepts and theories in relation to accounting standards

Critical evaluation of the recommended treatment items in published financial statements


Present a word-processed essay

Use a word processing package


Make use of a variety of sources of information and communicate information in a comprehensible manner

Provide evidence of effective use of sources of information. Communicate in a comprehensible manner.





Please refer to the back of this document for penalties for late submission and grading descriptors. It is the candidate is responsibility for familiarize themselves with the institute’s policies on plagiarism and use of unfair means contained within the student handbook.



FRRF Assignment infm

1.      Tangible assets

2.      intangible assets

Under IAS 16 and 38

3.      What is True and fair value

4.      Assets Cost – Lost of cost or high of cost

Balance PPE xxxxxxx OR Tangible XXXX

5.      User of Financial Statement

-          Share Holder  for buy , sell and hand

-          Potential Investor 

-   Sophist / Naive

-  Banker

-  Government 

- Investment analyze

-  how to calculate the NBV is equal to true and fair value ?

 - market Value ?

 - Cost 

-Replacement cost ?

-what is true and fair value ?



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