You were chosen as a respondent to answer this survey – questionnaire on the impact of business-to-business transactions in Sinagpore’s home furnishings. Your answers will provide the data needed in this study. Rest assured that your answers would be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you very much.


                                                                                                         The Researcher         


Part I.  Profile of Respondent

Direction: Please fill up in all the necessary information about yourself. Don’t leave any item unanswered.

a.            Age  _______

b.            Gender

Male ( )           Female ( )

c.            Civil Status

Single ( )        Married ( )      Separated ( )             Widow/Widower ( )

d.            Educational Attainment

Elementary ( )    High School ( )    College ( )    Graduate Studies ( )

e.            Position in the company __________________

f.             How long have you been employed in the company? _________________


Part II.A Business-to-Business and Company Goals Direction:       Encircle the number corresponding to your answer


                        5          -           Strongly Agree

                        4          -           Agree

                        3          -           Uncertain

                        2          -           Disagree

                        1          -           Strongly Disagree



  • The company’s goal to minimize the transaction cost has been achieved with high success through the B2B

  • Short-term projection of profit targets were achieved because of B2B

  • Marketing the products has been easier through e-commerce

  • There were more clients and business was flourishing due to B2B

  • Prices has been lower and more competitive because of the B2B

  • Quality has been higher on the home furnishing products because of the competition

  • There had more orders on home furnishings and the number or products sold has been escalating since the company engaged in e-commerce and B2B

  • The company has been expanding since it has shifted to B2B


    Part II. B Threats and Opportunities of the B2B
  • The company has been exposed to more customers all over the world thus increasing its economy of scale

  • The company has found business partners due to e-commerce that has increased the company’s efficiency

  • Despite the fierce competition, e-commerce is progressing because there are numerous customers

  • Prices of the home furnishing products can be lower and

  • 5          4          3          2          1




    5          4          3          2          1



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    5          4          3          2          1



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    5          4          3          2          1



    5          4          3          2          1






    5          4          3          2          1






    5          4          3          2          1





    5          4          3          2          1




    5          4          3          2          1




    5          4          3          2          1


  • profits will suffer due to too much competition

  • E-commerce irregularities may lose clients and customers

  • Technology threats may disrupt the activities of B2B

  • The volatility of the market place and the uncertainties of e-commerce will eventually disrupt business by the company

  • E-commerce may benefit the company in the years to come

  •   Part III. A Trust and Commitment in B2B
  • The buyer-seller relationship in B2B is the same as that in a face-to-face transaction

  • Buyers has a low level of trust on B2B transactions

  • The company was able to deliver the products 100% of the time

  • The listed prices and the photographs of the products sold by the company is the same as that of what is delivered

  • Only one party has been benefiting from the B2B relationship

  • There has been a reciprocity of information sharing

  • The buyers honor the agreement 100% of the time between the buyer and the seller

  • The company has entered into a B2B relationship where the company was short-changed by our partner

  • The B2B has created a closer relationship between the company and its partners


    5          4          3          2          1


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    5          4          3          2          1


    5          4          3          2          1



    5          4          3          2          1





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    5          4          3          2          1


    5          4          3          2          1




    5          4          3          2          1




    5          4          3          2          1



    10. Maintenance of business relationship between companies is highly possible with B2B




    5          4          3          2          1



    1.            How long have you established contacts with suppliers/buyers on Singapore’s home furnishings?

    2.            Has your contact with them through personal negotiations or through electronic transactions?

    3.            What are the factors that influence your choice of buyer/supplier?

    4.            Are there any companies or organizations where you have established a long-term relationship? If so, what were the factors that maintained the relationship?

    5.            Describe your relationship with the Singaporean Home Furnishings. What are the factors that influenced the success/failure of your relationship?

    6.            Do you consider trust to be a factor in maintaining a long-term relationship between B2B transactions?

    7.            How does your company build trust in the B2B relationship particularly with Singapore Home Furnishings?

    8.            Could you please describe the buyer-seller relationship in the performance of the company particularly in terms of:

    a.    Complexity of relationship

    b.    The long-term nature of the relationship

    c.    How it has adapted through time

    9.            Who do you think has the upper hand in the B2B relationship, the buyer or the seller? Why?

    10.         How do the buyer and seller deal with business when conflict arises?

    11.         What are the factors that contribute to the amount of trust given to you by your respective buyers and sellers? Are there ways to maintain this kind of relationship?

    12.         Do you see your company preserving the relationship with Singapore Home Furnishings? If so, why? If not, why not?

























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