1.) Title of the Research

Effect of Merger and Acquisition on Corporate Performance: A Special Case Study of Paktel (Zong)



2.) A brief Statement of the study

This paper offers case insights towards merger and acquisitions of Paktel from within there implies to reality of mobile telecommunications market transformation in Pakistan. The theoretical framework treats to merger and acquisition of mobile telecommunications market as being composed of technology standard. In the case of Pakistan, merger and acquisition should be investigated along with ideal case analysis of Paktel as the case study will provide evidence as there can be of imperative presence towards corporate performance for Paktel, mobile telecommunication development, independent regulator is critical in promoting technological innovation.



3.)    Objectives of the study



There is ample need to recognize merger and acquisition points of Paktel and such underlying aspects and information with regards to the process of merger, acquisition that links to Paktel performance. To determine merger and acquisition from basis of literature pertaining to study focus. The finding out of positive and negative effects of merger and acquisition, the case of Paktel wherein to be able to relate to theories , and its application in research.


4.)    Justification of the study


The need to organize research approaches in support of literature review, studies which provide academic clarity and right flow of ideas and concepts from wherein theories are noted, manifested and at the same time executed to fully acquire complete understanding and awareness of what the research topic caters into the central core. The moving forward towards the discussion analysis of such studies presented by proponents that are experts on merger and acquisition conditions as placed in framework based context from wherein useful initial headings are to be included. Along with the importance of the study that integrates the elusive application of research methods, case study serves as the main technique.


5.)    Hypothesis


Research hypothesis are deemed for the clearance of research design/approached being utilized for this specific study and it will assume variables that could be in place within the conceptual framework construction and the balance integration of its application forming in theory based framework from within proponent recognized information and research studies respectively. The hypothesis could be:

-      There is positive effect of merger and acquisition of Paktel

-      There is negative effect of merger and acquisition of Paktel

-      There is similar performance domain in terms of merger and acquisition of Paktel

-      There is different performance domain in terms of merger and acquisition of Paktel


6.)    Theoretical framework



The theory framework will have an importance for Paktel case linking to merger and acquisitions based on corporate performance as there can be creating of new system and then institutionalizing the new approaches but, there is no conclusive research that focuses on this relationship between leadership and change. Theoretical research has attempted to integrate change as a contextual variable influencing transformational leadership ( 1997), some research focus on determining when the organization will be receptive to merger and its acquisition posits upon carrying out pertinent literature support and methodology.


There needs for an acceptable critical analysis of merger and acquisition of Paktel, in such telecommunications in Pakistan



     MERGER                                                                           ACQUISITION



Positive Effect                    CASE STUDY ANALYSIS             Negative Effect



                                          Basis on Corporate Performance




Similar Performance Domain                                     Different Performance Domain


                                            The case of Paktel -   Zong                                                                         




ACQUISITION                                                      MERGER





7.)    Periodization




TASK Week/Month (July to September 2009)











Select topic










Undertake preliminary literature search










Write-up aims and objectives










Select appropriate methodology and locate sources of information. Confirm access.










Write-up Dissertation Plan










Undertake and write-up draft critical literature review.










Secondary and Primary Data Detailed










Research Findings:

      - Analysed

   - Evaluated

  - Written-up











Research findings evaluated and discussed in relation to the literature review










Methodology written-up

(including limitations and constraints)










Main body of the report written-up and checked for logical structure










Conclusions drawn

Recommendations made










Introduction and Executive Summary written-up






































8.)    Methodology


Research methods can be classified as either quantitative or qualitative. The motivation for qualitative method is opposed to that of quantitative method. Qualitative method is designed to help researchers understand people and the social and cultural contexts which they live.  and  (1994) argue that the goal of understanding of phenomenon from viewpoints of participants and its particular social and institutional context is largely lost when textual date is quantified. The methodology to be used for the study is case study, multiple sources of qualitative and quantitative data, the study endeavours to examine effects of merger and acquisition on Paktel performance in Pakistan context to be particular. The data collection will involve oral narrative inquiry interviews ( 1999) such as for displaying case grounded situated action. There will be series of interviews to be conducted among Paktel heads possibly employing survey questionnaire as good basis for case identification as associated with merger and acquisition aspects. The participants in the study will consists of 10 Paktel heads, as case will determine an interview session for about 40 minutes to make sense of respondent views on merger acquisition and how the corporation  is affected positively or negatively in which responses interact acceptable thinking and reasoning (1992). The need to examine case analysis and case analysis method with given theory framework, research implies to qualitative methods such as open-ended questions and quantitative methods such as to request respondents to rank their views about specific question in the questionnaire, as one common measure in education research ( 1999). Questions are need to be examined for reliability and validity. In order to avoid the case when the respondent will be forced to give an inaccurate response when his real attitude towards the statements ranging from 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree and 5 = strongly agree, to be enclosed at.

 Data will be collected and analysed through using qualitative techniques such as pointing towards document analysis, interviews and questionnaire survey. The primary data is to be collected from the respondents in case situations, secondary data is to comprise of reference concerning research subject. The using of existing information on such levels into the study to be realized upon.



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