The leadership role




Demands and expectations of a business leader

have never been higher. But just how does a

leader develop winning strategies, execute them

brilliantly and develop organizational capabilities

and core competencies? This Ivey professor, who

has written and consulted on leadership widely,

discusses what every great leader needs to do,

and how she or he can do it.

 is professor and Managing Director,

Program Design, in the Ivey Executive

Development Program. He is the author of four

books and more than 100 case studies. He has

been a faculty member at Ivey since 1977.

Leadership is about getting results for your

followers. If you get results, people will support you,

often without caring too much about how you got

them; without results, all the style or charisma in

the world won't retain the support of your followers

for long. This is true for the leader of a Scout troop,

a sports team, a political party, a government

department…and a business.

A business leader must increase shareholder value,

and the public-sector leader must increase public

value. (Shareholder value increases through either

increasing stock price and/or paying dividends on

stock that is owned, results that are usually measured

as total shareholder return over some period of time.

In the public sector there is a different but analogous

measure: public value, the return to taxpayers of public

goods in an effective and efficient way.) There is a

growing belief that the long-term generation of

either shareholder or public value requires the

balancing or integration of the interests of multiple

stakeholders in the enterprise; shareholders,

employees, customers or clients, suppliers, and the

various communities within which the enterprise

operates and with which it interacts.

Notwithstanding this view, failure to satisfy

shareholders is more likely than any of the others to

get business leaders into trouble.

To be an effective leader of either a private- or

public-sector organization requires you to do five


1. Understand and interpret the environment

in which you operate;

2. Develop winning strategies;

3. Execute them brilliantly;

4. Measure the impact of your strategies

systematically, adjusting strategies as

indicated; and,

5. Develop organizational, departmental,

team and personal capabilities.

1. Understand and interpret the environment in

which the enterprise operates.

A leader has to be able to sense what's coming up

ahead, to see opportunities that should be the target

of action and to see threats before they materialize.

And the view has to be well into the future. As a

colleague of mine once noted, "It's no good

mistaking the edge of the rut for the horizon."

Leaders who only see what they have seen before,

whose scope and vision is limited by their past

experience, prove to be inadequate in a rapidly

changing world. Since we expect leaders to have

their eyes on the horizon and their feet on the ground,

this means that leadership is a tall order!

Looking over the horizon does not suggest that

experience is irrelevant. On the contrary, to the

extent that people have been through experiences

and learned from them, they will usually have

developed judgment and, perhaps, some wisdom.

Effective leaders do learn from the mistakes of

history so that they can avoid repeating them.

(). But the future seldom offers

up exactly the same set of conditions that existed

yesterday, and tomorrow's environment must be

interpreted in the light of yesterday's experience --

but seldom with exactly the same mental map or


Business opportunities are often created or

destroyed by both direct influences of economic,

political, societal and technological forces as well

as complex interactions between these forces.

Whole industries were created by the development

of the transistor; socialized medicine limits the

growth of medical services

in many countries; periods

of economic growth and

slowdown, or realignment

of currencies, affect

businesses in many ways; and

political movements to the

right or the left may create

opportunities for the private

sector to grow or,

sometimes, may result in the

state taking over functions

from private enterprise.

Those who foresaw the fall

of the Berlin Wall, the

emergence of China as one

of the world's great

economies, the resistance of

many countries to

genetically modified

foodstuffs, the dramatic

realignment of the U.S. dollar

against the euro and other

currencies in the early part

of this century, made -- or

lost -- fortunes.

This outward-and forward-looking

requirement cannot be delegated to a small set of

specialized scenario-creators or confined to a few

days or weeks of the year. The chief financial officer

must scan the financial environment, the head of

human resources must be alert to changes in labour

markets and legislation that affects the workforce,

the chief information officer must recognize

developments in information technology that could

create or destroy competitive advantage.

 is looking at the developing environment just

required of senior executives; the credit manger must

look at rising consumer debt levels, the purchasing

manager must think of commodity price movements

and the things that influence them, the facilities

manager must decide whether to go long or short on

energy prices...and so on. Leadership at all levels

must be focused on the future as well as the present.

2. Formulate winning strategies

If leadership is about getting results, then the role

of the leader is to develop the right strategies to get

those results -- winning strategies. Businesses make

money by creating value for a customer and then

capturing some of it for themselves from what the

customer pays for that created value.

Strategies are much more than intentions; they

describe what an organization is going to do to

achieve a defined end as well as the ways and means

that will be employed to do that. The what and the

how are usually accompanied by strategic plans

detailing who will do what, with which resources,

by when…and all the other details that allow for

effective and efficient capital and people allocation

and coordination. Since people generally follow

leaders better when they understand why they are

being asked to move in a certain direction, strategies

usually provide cogent reasons for action.

Strategies are needed at all levels of organizations,

from the office of the CEO to the individual

salesperson's strategy for their territory. And these

strategies must be integrated and coordinated if they

are to be well executed.

My emphasis is on developing winning strategies.

People who lead their followers in the wrong

directions may be effective leaders over the shortrun.

And the short-run may be quite a long-run!

But if the pathway chosen leads to eventual disaster,

there will be no place for such leaders in the

leadership hall of fame.

3. Execute those strategies -- brilliantly!

Strategies are only valuable if they can be executed

well. And execution of any plan is only valuable if

the strategy is right. Arguing which is more

important is, therefore, pointless. Both are critical

to success.

Unique strategies are rare. Some years ago I

received a copy of the marketing strategies and plans

of a large bank before I had signed a confidentiality

agreement. A day later, I received a phone call from

a very agitated executive asking me to return them

immediately. I did so, but without adding that they

were indistinguishable from the strategies of four

other banks that I had reviewed in the previous three

years. The competitive advantage is unlikely to

come from the uniqueness of the strategies; far more

likely, the company that executes the strategy with

brilliance will win.

There are many elements that go into the execution

of strategies. Key among them are:

• The alignment of the organization's various

department and sub-unit strategies so each

and every unit and person is striving to

achieve goals and objectives that contribute

to the overall mission, vision and objectives;

• Performance management, at the individual,

team, departmental and organizational unit

levels to ensure that the right people are

recruited, trained, developed, motivated and

directed in ways that support the

organization's mission, vision and objectives

consistent with organizational values.

• The leadership of strategic and operational

change, not just in response to "burning

platforms" but in anticipation of events and

states that many people in the organization

cannot comprehend or visualize at the

moment when change must be planned and


Many excellent strategic thinkers and planners fall

short when it comes to execution. They may lack

the attention span needed to concentrate on the

details of large-scale organizational change; they

may not be persistent enough to see those changes

through to completion

when faced with

resistance to change; they

may feel that to do these

things is "micromanaging"

and that their

role is to focus on the "big

picture." That is not my

view. Truly effective

leaders derive strategy in

part from a detailed

understanding of their

business and how it works,

and they drive strategy

through each and every

business decision and the

people who make things

happen in the

organization. They are as tenacious in

implementation as they are brilliant in strategic


4. Monitor the results and make strategic


The perfect strategy, flawlessly executed, is the

exception rather than the rule. Leaders recognize

the probable imperfections of any plan and take care

to monitor the outcomes systematically and

thoroughly, always being prepared to make

adjustments or completely change the strategy.

The best strategies and plans incorporate

measurements, but smart leaders are always alert to

the unanticipated: the competitor who responds

differently than the way you thought he would; the

sales force that cannot recruit enough people of

sufficient quality to execute the sales plan, at least

on the preconceived schedule; the key research

scientist who leaves to join a competitor; an

unanticipated change in legislation that makes it

impractical or illegal to take a certain approach to

the marketplace; a planned merger that ran into

trouble in the integration phase; a market that turned

sour; a product that did not live up to expectation.

Really effective leaders

understand the frailty of

strategic plans. They also

understand that if they act

promptly they can often

make mid-course

corrections to plans that

can put them back on

track, or they may even

find a superior solution.

Furthermore, they are

never blind to the idea that

they may have made a

mistake. In its early days,

Dell experimented with

retail outlets -- briefly!

Then Michael Dell

realized that he was

moving away from the direct sales channel that was

the core competence of his company. He rapidly

changed directions.

One of the best quotations I have ever come across

is: "If you're going to eat crow, eat it while it's young

and tender." It puts a premium on the early

acknowledgement of leadership errors and rapid

steps to correct situations; so what if it's a little


Highly effective leaders also increase their sensitivity

to discordant information when they are deploying

new strategies., the founder of Miracle

Food Mart, had a great saying: "When three people

tell you that you're drunk…lie down! But that only

works if you are listening to the people. Every

great historical leader recognized that courtiers were

not necessarily the best advisers of kings and

queens… there was the need for the presence of

the "voice of the people." So, smart strategic leaders

have monitoring systems that feed back what

customers, first-line employees, suppliers, regulators,

and other stakeholders and their representatives are

thinking about strategic decisions and their

implementation. They don't retreat to their

management bunkers and

wait for the first official

measures of success to

come out. They get out

there, personally, meet with

early adopters, meet with

people who have tried the

product and did not

repurchase, attend testing

panels, see how trade

channels respond to

presentations, and so on.

A story is told of

 arriving in a city one

day to be met by a local

senior general manager. As

they were climbing into the car,  asked, "Where

are we going?" and was told, "To see some of our

best customers who would like to meet you." To

which Welch responded, "Cancel it; I want to go see

the people who aren't buying from us!" Leaders aren't

looking for flattery -- they are looking for information

that will inform and improve their strategic decisions.

Does this personal involvement create some

concerns among subordinates that they are not being

trusted to do what they are supposed to do? Yes,

sometimes. But real leaders don't get too upset about

this. They would much rather risk this than to have

anyone believe that they did not sweat the details,

and most of those who are responsible for the details

are delighted with the leadership attention they are


5. Build organizational capabilities

Highly effective leaders act for both the short- and

the long-terms, simultaneously. So, while they are

surveying their environments, developing winning

strategies and executing them brilliantly, and

monitoring them systematically, they are also

investing time, effort and money in building their

organization's core competencies, management and

leadership talents.

The business manager

often cuts costs to

meet profit crunches.

This is frequently done at

the expense of anything

that promises long-term

returns. Many commodity

- focused companies,

such as those in basic

steel production, respond

to downturns in the price

of steel or increases in

input costs by laying off

people in inverse order of

seniority, enacting hiring

freezes, stopping all

recruitment of new

people, postponing or cancelling training and

leadership development. Little wonder that after

50 years of doing this, they have aging workforces,

reputations as places where you go to stagnate in a

role forever rather than to be developed to the

maximum of your potential.

The business leader also has a keen eye on costs

and, certainly in commodity businesses, is sensitive

to the price fluctuations in the marketplace. But

unlike the manager, he or she balances the need to

cut costs with the mandate to build for the longer

term. Employment costs may be cut not by hiring

freezes but by buying out two "C" employees and

replacing them with an "A", by cutting some lowervalue

training programs but retaining core leadership,

and by developing high-potential focused programs.

I work with such a company, and the pressures on

the leader to cut everything when market prices are

low are intense -- and he resists.

The great British wartime leader and statesman

was famous for many things, but

one incident is relevant here. In the middle of an

air raid at the height of the blitz on London, he called

a meeting of his war planners to discuss the invasion

of Europe -- probably not to take place for another

two or three years. He was worried that the lack of

landing craft would not allow the allies (the U.S. was

not even in the war at that time) to put enough troops

on the beach. So he acted to ensure that the balance

between producing Spitfires now and landing craft

later was maintained.

Note that we are talking here about leading for

the short-term and the long-term. Managers choose

between the two, maximizing one or the other;

leaders optimize over both.

But there is more than leadership strength that

must be developed. Other core competencies, such

as knowledge management skills, intellectual

property, excellence in business-government

relations, community acceptability, environmental

reputation, all represent valuable assets that can be

turned into income or other outcome measures at

some time in the future. Leaders add to this store

of assets rather than deplete them. Leaders that

liquidate core competencies for short-term operating

results may not be doing the leadership job that they

appear to be doing on the surface. Liquidating an

asset may have a temporary positive impact on

income?but it may also have a negative effect on

the balance sheet!

Outstanding leaders over the long haul recognize

that they must continue to invest in core

competencies at the same time that they produce

results in the short-run. Whether it is renewing

physical plant, equipment, machinery or the talent

pool, it represents the future of the organization.

The challenges of leadership

I have described three primary challenges of

leadership -- strategic (involving both environmental

surveillance and the formulation of winning

strategies), executional (implementing those

strategies, monitoring their impact and making

adjustments as indicated), and developmental

(building core competencies and cadres of leaders

at all levels).

There is another, more personal challenge.

Leadership can be challenging, frustrating, exciting,

exhilarating, depressing, stimulating, dangerous,

exhausting -- and many other things. Throughout,

the leader must keep a sense of personal balance,

humility and integrity. Leaders must keep on

growing, learning and developing if they are to

continue to be effective leaders. The leader often

has responsibilities and obligations beyond the

narrow business sphere -- to family, community and

the broader society within which he or she operates.

These must be balanced with the obligations the

leader has toward the enterprise he or she leads and

the people who put their trust in their leadership.

Leadership is not for everyone, and it is not

something that even really good leaders necessarily

want to do for all time. Above all else, leaders need

to know when it is time to stop leading, to hand

over the reigns to someone else. The leader that

outstays his or her willingness or capacity to lead is

one that will eventually do poor service to their

followers, no matter how well they may have served

them in the past.


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