Predator RQ-1 / MQ-1 / MQ-9 Reaper - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (OVA), USA

RQ-1 Predator is a long-endurance, medium-altitude unmanned aircraft system for surveillance and reconnaissance missions. Surveillance imagery from synthetic aperture radar, video cameras and a Forward Looking Infrared (FLIRT) can be distributed in real-time both to the front line soldier and to the operational commander, or worldwide in real-time via satellite communication links. MQ-1, armed with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, is the multi-role version which is used for armed reconnaissance and interdiction.

A contract was awarded to General Atomics Aeronautical Systems in January 1994 to execute the Tier II, Medium Altitude Endurance Predator Program. The Predator system first flew in 1994 and entered production in August 1997.

"RQ-1 / MQ-1 / MQ-9 Predator is a long endurance, medium altitude unmanned aircraft system for surveillance and reconnaissance missions."

Predators are currently in production for the US Air Force and are operational with the SUAVE 11th and 15th Reconnaissance Squadrons. Over 125 Predators have been delivered to the SUAVE. Six Predator Eaves are in service with the Italian Air Force. Italian company Meteor was responsible for assembly of five of the six. The Italian system was deployed to Iraq in January 2005.

Predator Ova's have been operational in Bosnia since 1995 in support of NATO, UN and US operations and as part of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom, flying over 100,000 flight hours. The MQ-1 Predator achieved Initial Operating Capability (IOC) in February 2005.

General Atomics is the prime contractor and the main subcontractors include: Versa Ron / Webcam for the electro-optical Sky ball Gimbals; Northrop Grumman for the synthetic aperture radar; L3 Communication for the wideband satellite communications link; and Boeing for the intelligence workstation and mission planning system.

In February 2001, the Hellfire-C laser-guided missile was successfully fired from a Predator air vehicle in flight tests at Nellie air force base, Nevada. In November 2002 in Yemen, a Predator OVA was used to drop a Hellfire missile which destroyed a civilian vehicle carrying suspected terrorists. A Northrop Grumman Bat submunition was successfully dropped and a FINDER mini-OVA launched from a Predator OVA in August 2002.


In May 1998 General Atomics was awarded a Block 1 Upgrade contract to expand the capabilities of the Predator system. System upgrades include development of an improved Relief-On-Station (ROSS) system which allows continuous coverage over areas of interest without any loss of time on station, secure air traffic control voice relay, Ku-band satellite tuning and implementation of an Air Force Mission Support System (ARMS).

The upgrade also covers a more powerful turbocharged engine and wing de-icing systems to enable year-round operations. The upgraded Predator, the MQ-9 Reaper Hunter/Killer, has been operational in the Balkans since April 2001. In March 2005, the SUAVE awarded a further contract for the System Design and Development (SAD) of MQ-9.

The first SUAVE MQ-9 squadron, the 42nd Attack Squadron, was formed in March 2007. It is based at Creech AFB in Nevada. A decision on full-rate production of the MQ-9 is expected in 2009.

The Predator B has an operational ceiling of 50,000ft and maximum internal payload of 800lb and external payload over 3,000lb. Predator B has been flight tested with Hellfire II anti-amour missiles and can carry up to 14 missiles. The MQ-9 will also be able to deploy the GBU-12 and EGBU-12 bombs and 500lb GBU-38 JAM (Joint Direct Attack Munitions). MQ-9 flight trials have also taken place with the General Atomics Lynx SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) payload. Lynx also features ground moving target indicator technology. The Predator is to be flight tested with a L-3 Communications Tactical Common Data link (TIDAL).

The SUAVE has also ordered two versions of Predator B with turbofan jet engines, to be known as Predator C. First flight of the Predator C is expected in 2009.

"The Predator B has an operational ceiling of 50,000ft."

In August 2005, a version of Predator B, called Warrior, was chosen for the four-year System Development and Demonstration (SAD) phase of the US Army’s Extended Range / Multi-Purpose (ER/MP) OVA program. 11 Warrior systems, each with 12 air vehicles, and five ground control stations. Initial operating capability is planned for 2009.

Also in August 2005, the US Department of Homeland Security / Customs and Border Protection (DHS/CAP) ordered two Predator B systems for monitoring of the USA's south-west border. The first was delivered in late 2005, the second in September 2006. Two further systems were ordered in October 2006, for monitoring operations on the border with Canada.

In September 2006, the UK requested the Foreign Military Sale (FMS) of two MQ-9 Reaper systems with Lynx SAR, multi-spectral targeting systems and one ground station. Deliveries are planned for April 2007. The systems are to be deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq before the end of 2007.


A typical Predator system configuration would include four aircraft, one ground control system and one Trojan Spirit II data distribution terminal. The Predator air vehicle is 27ft in length and has a 49ft wingspan. The system operates at an altitude of 25,000ft and at a range of 400nm.

The endurance of the air vehicle is more than 40 hours and the cruise speed is over 70kt. The air vehicle is equipped with UHF and VHF radio relay links, a C-band line-of-sight data link which has a range of 150nm and UHF and Ku-band satellite data links.


The surveillance and reconnaissance payload capacity is 450lb and the vehicle carries electro-optical and infrared cameras and a synthetic aperture radar. The two-color DOLT television is equipped with a variable zoom and 955mm Spotter. The high resolution FLIRT has six fields of view, 19mm to 560mm.

The Raytheon Multi-spectral Targeting System (MATS-A) is fitted on the MQ-1/9 Predator. The MATS-A provides real-time imagery selectable between infrared and day TV as well as a laser designation capability. MQ-1 can employ two laser-guided Hellfire anti-amour missiles with the MTS.

The Northrop Grumman TSAR synthetic aperture radar, which provides all-weather surveillance capability, has a resolution of 1ft. Other payload options, which can be selected to meet mission requirements, include a laser designator and rangefinder, electronic support and countermeasures and a Moving Target Indicator (MTI).


The OVA ground control station is built into a single 30ft trailer, containing pilot and payload operator consoles, three Boeing data exploitation and mission planning consoles and two synthetic aperture radar workstations together with satellite and line-of-sight ground data terminals.

"The Predator air vehicle is 27ft in length and has a 49ft wingspan."

The ground control station can send imagery data via a landline to the operational users or to the Trojan Spirit data distribution system which is equipped with a 5.5m dish for Ku-band ground data terminal and a 2.4m dish for data dissemination.


Predator follows a conventional launch sequence from a semi-prepared surface under direct line-of-sight control. The take-off and landing length is typically 2,000ft. The mission can be controlled through line-of-site data links or through Ku-band satellite links to produce continuous video.

Video signals received in the ground control station are passed to the Trojan Spirit van for worldwide intelligence distribution or directly to operational users via a commercial global broadcast system. Command users are able to task the payload operator in real-time for images or video on demand.

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RQ-1A Predator is a long endurance, medium altitude unmanned aircraft system for surveillance and reconnaissance missions. It has a Ku-band satellite data link to provide over-the-horizon mission capabilities.

Predator B is powered by a turboprop engine and can carry a greatly increased payload.

Predator OVA carrying an Hellfire-C laser-guided missile.

Predator Eaves have been operational in Bosnia since 1995, where they have flown over 600 missions for more than 4,000 hours in support of NATO, UN and US operations.

Predator operated from a tactical control station located aboard the USS Carl Vinson, Nimitz class aircraft carrier. The synthetic aperture radar (SAR) provides Predator with an all-weather, through-the-clouds surveillance capability.

Predator B can conduct multiple missions simultaneously due to its large internal and external payload capacity.

The Predator Medium Altitude Long Endurance OVA. A typical Predator system configuration would include four aircraft, one ground control system and one Trojan Spirit II data distribution terminal.

Designated MQ-9 Hunter-Killer, Predator B's primary mission is interdiction and conducting armed reconnaissance against critical, perishable targets.



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