Stage One: Reviewing the Literature




            Due to the rapid acceptance and practice of globalization, many companies are now opting to expand their business into foreign markets. From manufacturing to support services, various industries are spreading their wings and looking towards the horizon for better. However, their plans of bringing their businesses abroad are being met by different challenge that, if not resolve, can jeopardized the perceived success of the venture. One of these challenges is the management of culturally diverse work environments. It is important that businesses recognize the effects of having diverse culture in the workplace. Doing so will allow them to manage their international ventures more effectively. This means that business must be able to adapt to diversity if they want to become effective facilitators of inter-cultural business organization ( 1999), which are needed to compete in the global market.  In the case of Birchtree  Human Solutions, their expansion in Melbourne is being jeopardized since       the Birchtree representative sent to Malaysia, is failing in recognizing the importance of understanding the culture of the new and diverse workforce of the company.     ’s inability to recognize the importance of cultural competence could result to miscommunication brought about the differences in culture of the parties involved. In this report, the author will be arguing that cross-cultural competence, especially cross-cultural communication competence, influences the performance of multicultural business teams. As such, the report will be investigating the impacts of      ’s failure to recognize the importance of cross-cultural communication competence. The review of literature will be presenting the perceived effectiveness of implementing cross-cultural communication competence as well as some delineation from cross-cultural communication competence models. This will allow the paper to evaluate and validate the perceived importance of cross-cultural communication competence.



            The concept as well as the effects of cross-cultural communication competence has been the subject of a number of studies since the introduction of the term (, 1962;  1954). The implementation of cultural competence in general aims to vigilant about the effects of cultural differences as well as to expand knowledge in order to adapt and meet culturally unique needs (1989). This implies that cross-cultural communication competence affects the performance of business teams since it is associated with knowledge expansion that can allow people to adapt and meet demands. In the case of Birchtree’s Malaysian operations,         decided that it is more important to immediately get down to business instead of reserving time to study the culture and language of the new environment that he will be operating on. It is evident on the case study that the Malaysian employees were having a hard time keeping up with the new procedures and practices being introduced by      . In the long-run if       continues to dismiss the need for understanding the Malaysian culture especially the business aspect, there is bound to be miscommunication. According to  (1976), there are seven dimensions that affect the effectiveness of a person on overseas assignments. These seven dimensions are interaction posture, empathy, interaction management, display of respect, orientation to knowledge and role behavior.



            However, there are some theories that delineate form the notion that cross-cultural communication will affect performance in the same way being proposed in the previous paragraph. One of the criticisms being hurled at cross-cultural communication competence models is that associating it to purely cognitive and behavioral levels will only limit the competencies. In addition, criticisms warn that focusing competencies on cognitive and behavioral levels will only distance people from internalized racist mind-sets ( 1994). Furthermore, critics believe that empowerment must be implemented along with cross-cultural communication competence. This means that it is note enough to recognize cultural difference. This must be furthered by recognizing that the differences do not constitute to one being superior than the rest or vice versa.




Stage 2: Completed Research Report



Due to the rapid acceptance and practice of globalization, many companies are now opting to expand their business into foreign markets. From manufacturing to support services, various industries are spreading their wings and looking towards the horizon for better. However, their plans of bringing their businesses abroad are being met by different challenge that, if not resolve, can jeopardized the perceived success of the venture. One of these challenges is the management of culturally diverse work environments. It is important that businesses recognize the effects of having diverse culture in the workplace. Doing so will allow them to manage their international ventures more effectively. This means that business must be able to adapt to diversity if they want to become effective facilitators of inter-cultural business organization ( 1999), which are needed to compete in the global market.  In the case of Birchtree  Human Solutions, their expansion in Melbourne is being jeopardized since     , the Birchtree representative sent to Malaysia, is failing in recognizing the importance of understanding the culture of the new and diverse workforce of the company.       ’s inability to recognize the importance of cultural competence could result to miscommunication brought about the differences in culture of the parties involved.  In this report, the author will argue that cross-cultural communication is needed in order to ensure the operations of Birchtree Human Solutions in Malaysia will not be hindered by cultural differences and workforce diversity. It is the trust of the paper that Birchtree representative,     , must be able to recognize that there is a need to reconcile differences or lay the foundation of a common ground to work on. This means that      must exhibit cross-cultural communication competence if Birchtree is to succeed in Malaysia.


Problem Identification

            Earlier, it has been stated that the increasing effects of globalization are pushing companies to expand their business to foreign markets. Aside form this, technological innovations are paving the way for companies the world over to interact with one another almost effortlessly. International presence of various companies is no longer limited to worldwide products circulation. This means that services are also being exported and imported. As such, businesses with various cultures interact. This is also the case with their employee. It is a fact that most business organizations are now composed of people with different cultural backgrounds. It is also the case that businesses practices vary from country to country. This means that as transactions between people and organizations from different cultural backgrounds increase so does the importance of being familiar with various business practices. This suggests that companies who wish to succeed in bringing their businesses to foreign markets or countries must be familiar with how business is done in their target country. In doing so they will be able to adapt easily with the way things are done and thus they will be able to conduct business more efficiently.


            Birchtree Human Solutions is one of the many businesses that are facing the challenges of internationalization such as the disregard of their representative to Malaysia on the importance of cross-cultural communication competence. Malaysia is known as a melting pot of various Asian cultures. Under the banner of one nation, Malaysia kindles Malay, Chinese and Indian simultaneously. For this reason Malaysia can be considered as highly pluralistic and multicultural ( 2005).  This means that companies who wish to bring their businesses to Malaysia must be ready to acquire cultural knowledge and skills before conducting business in Malaysia (, 2005). Otherwise, companies must be prepared to resolve issues concerning miscommunications. As illustrated in the case of Birchtree, the dismissal of the importance of cross-cultural communication competence can cause confusion.


Critical Analysis

The aim of cross-cultural communication competence is to ensure that people or organizations from different cultural background to find a common ground so that they will be able to communicate effective. Communication has always been one of the most important activity that people has to engage in on a daily basis. People are innately social creatures. They have the need to interact with others around them in order to reinforce the fact that they are not alone and that they share their experiences with others. In addition, communication allows people to resolve issues. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that communication plays a big role in the business world. However, as stated earlier, various factors are hindering the smooth flow of communication among business individuals and organizations due to cultural differences. This implies that businesses must recognize the importance of cross-cultural communication competence as a tool to achieve international success.


According to  (1976), there are seven dimensions that affect the effectiveness of a person on overseas assignments. These seven dimensions are interaction posture, empathy, interaction management, display of respect, orientation to knowledge and role behavior. It is clear that the seven dimensions pertain to the ability of a person to see themselves in context of the environment that they operate. This means that businesses must investigate the appropriateness of their business practices in relation to their current business environment. For example,          prefers to be called by his first name. This is fine in the Malaysian custom. However, he failed to realize that Malays, Chinese and Indians have different name syntaxes (., 1998).


Solution Strategy

            In order to resolve the issues surrounding the opening of the Malaysian office of Birchtree, the attitude of       towards the importance of cross-cultural communication competence must change. He and all of the other employees  must be able to recognize the role- that cross-cultural communication competence will play in ensuring the success of their Malaysian business. According to  (1989), a culturally competent employee must be able to practice self-assessment. This is in order to recognize the influence of culture in their own views and actions as well as that of others. There should also be a celebration and acceptance of difference since it is through acceptance that issues can be truly seen and given remedies. It is also important that      and the other employees are aware of the level of diversity within the workplace. Without this awareness, actions and intentions can be easily misinterpreted. Lastly, cu;tural knowledge must be institutionalized. This means that cultural knowledge must be available or accessible to the employees. This means that cultural knowledge must be available or accessible to the employees. This will allow them to broaden their knowledge about the culture involved in their workplace as well as other aspects of their business.



            In conclusion, cross-cultural communication competence is important in ensuring the success of overseas businesses. It is important for people working for the company to be able to understand the actions and views of one another. This is the case since in order for people to work towards one business goal they must first be able to understand each other first. It will be difficult for employees to implement business strategies if they cannot even agree on small details on a personal level.





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